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Forums » Forum Games » Explain how you would beat oc


"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to....... Oc fights!" A trumpet plays in the background.

Here you explain how you would beat the person over you!

(Please be nice this is for fun)
Vincent Jones (played by Chaotic)

Brunchfast for dinner? I'd simply devour it!

("But Vince, that is your solution for every problem" - "No, claw is my solution for every problem, eating things is my backup-solution!")
Donosiciel (played anonymously)

Donosiciel grinned, it was unsettling yet adorable all at the same time.
"Some of my medical supplies are made of silver, I can use that! You're a werewolf, aren't you?"
Zakla Withertooth (played by Garn)

"The skilled hunter does not depend on only their teeth to vanquish their prey," Zakla stated, her eyes squinted at the tiny figure that stood before her. "Even if you were to take my own, I would have numerous weapons at my disposal still. Be it by spear or claw, your life would be mine to end." There was a nip in the air that hadn't been there before. Death itself was awaiting around the corner, its fingers around Zakla's shoulders in an encouraging manner.
⠀⠀"Yet, it does make one wonder.." Was it disdain, or confusion in her voice? Zakla circled the little tooth fairy, her face wrinkled into an expression unexplainable. "Why would I want to test my blade against a child? Young ones like you are not fit for the hunting fields. I suggest you steer clear of the violence that is not yet yours to embrace." Stealing teeth sounded like a madman's creed, but who was she to judge? Perhaps once the child would grow up, he would prove to be a worthy foe. But that day had not come yet.
⠀⠀"But if I must.. I would call upon the cauldron of my older seer sisters. The biting acid of the moondeath flower would disintrigrate your collection of fangs and molars. Assuming that is what provides you with your strength, you would be beaten, and empty-handed." For a creature that was by all means morbid herself, the idea unsettled Zakla a bit. At least she and her mortal enemies, the Therion, stuck to clashes of blood and flesh.

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