Recently when I try to upload photos, or even just change my profile picture, it shows up as a broken link icon? Is this happening to anyone else? For example, right now my profile picture is not visible to me.
Any help would be appreciated!
Any help would be appreciated!
Yes! It's happening with me too. I had to upload my Icon for twice/thrice so that the image will show up. It was also broken for the first upload, I wonder why too. The gallery widget also have a broken pictures when I tried to upload so I had to upload thrice for the minimum until it can shown. I thought that this was because of my internet provider...

Best to report it as a bug, so Kim can help.
How can I report bugs?
jennaisante wrote:
Yes! It's happening with me too. I had to upload my Icon for twice/thrice so that the image will show up. It was also broken for the first upload, I wonder why too. The gallery widget also have a broken pictures when I tried to upload so I had to upload thrice for the minimum until it can shown. I thought that this was because of my internet provider... 

Also as a temporary fix I sometimes upload the photo like three or four times and adjust the cropping and sometimes it works?
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