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Forums » Introductions » N00b

I'm Detwire and I like short introductions.

New to the forum, but I've been RPing online since AOL days. I enjoy most settings, but Fantasy was my first love.
I'm old, and have a full time job to support my two cats.

Really look forward to meeting folks and having some fun!
Welcome to RPR, we hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for! If you're looking for RP's, I suggest looking for them in the "Looking For Roleplay" forum or making a post yourself!
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
Oooo kitties!
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or are unsure about something, feel free to ask someone(me included) or use the Help forum!

Welcome to RPR ! you will find many Rp's both 1-1 and groups advertised in the Forums, make sure to ask people if you find characters you are interested in as many players are often seeking RP with those characters or others.
Welcome to RPR :)
Hello Detwire! Welcome to RP Repository! :)
Hello, welcome to RPR. Fantasy is some of my favourite genres too, am in fact part of such a group here on RPR atm. I've been rping since irc days.
Wazzup Detwire

I am fairly new to RPR as well... only a couple of months now... and I too, as a creative writer/roleplayer, have been around (constantly) a longgg time, (like since AOL Hell Daze at the Rhydin Inn, Medieval Tavern, or the plethora of other chatrooms... and yes, I have seen, and endured, a lot of changes...

Age? Tis but a number... the truth is how you feel, and what makes you feel young !!!

Real life has taught me that in the adult world, fate is chaotic and ambiguous.
Strategies for success are subjective.
But in the world of Creative Fiction, at least there is role-playing,
where we are in control, and our characters...
wander through places of danger, their destinies,
superficially, within our grasp.

I would have to say my favorite genre is ahistorical

And in writing stories, I love to do romance and love-stories

so take a look at my profile to learn more !!

Have a great Day

rolled 2d10 and got a natural 8.
2 6
Welcome, pal
Hello! Welcome I am also from AOL 95-2005ish I use to run the drinking dragon and forest mythic back in the day I been here on rpr since 2013 welcome!

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