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Forums » Forum Games » What would your oc make YouTube vids about?

Lemme start!

Joot: Videos about more childish things, like reviewing old and/or new toys, looking at kids movies, nostalgic deep dives, etc.
Axel: Random videos he recorded on Cole's phone without his permission
Cole: Too busy for YouTube
Drake: Medical tutorials, religious topics, and anti Red Sun videos
Pyratus: A lot of propaganda and religion videos
Polaroid: Videos in 240p that look like they're straight from the 2000s
Bl00df4ng: Nightcore remixes edited in windows movie maker
Saka: Hypnosis videos
Altiuiri: Honestly? Probably ASMR roleplay
The following characters have specific channels on a fictional version of youtube.

Ren: Dark Souls and other Vinesauce-style gameplays that are a few hours long. Makes Warhammer 40k Miniature painting and Gunpla videos too.(Channel name: Nokkrei)
Azumi: Food Reviews, particulary in the realm of sweets and pastries. Would also review divine talismans for their efficacy and occasionally cosplay videos (Channel Name: It's Zumi)
Finn: Competitive Esports videos and commission livestreams for digital art and traditional art using charcoal. (Channel Name: Skarlie)

*The entire trio have their own dedicated Band called The Suburbanites and have a separate channel for it.
Tensai would probably be the only one of my OCs who would have a YouTube channel, since it fits with her lore of being a meme enthusiast and streamer. Most of her videos would be her reacting to meme compilations, and her channel name would be "MemeSaiyan9001".
Ignoring the fact they are mostly victorian..

He would post videos of how to do cool baseball tricks and post youtube shorts of him taking care of his pony.

He would have like, only two videos. The first one is him terribly recording his friend Lambert trying to do a somersault on the bed and failing, the second video is him telling people that they should stop scrolling youtube and study.

Wouldn't have one, because he wants to keep a low profile.

He has a bunch of youtube shorts of him talking shit about the students at Rabbit's Academy, and one video is an essay-length video of him talking shit about Smokey specifically. The other videos are shaky recordings of him fighting other students (the recordings done by other students with Sebastian's phone)

Too shy to have one, but loves to watch Disney edits, fun facts about Bees and ASMR.
Vince would make a channel that starts out as a bass-tutorial, but will quickly start going into rambling about happenings, would discuss current events, political stuff, music in general and probably would turn into some sort of personal journal sooner or later.

Reynard would be a travel youtuber.
He would start his vids by staying somewhere in the wastes at sunrise.
"Hello everyone. I just fixed the loose protective plate, I just couldn't stand the sound anymore, so I just bolted it on. Today, we're travelling through the valley of the metal men. That shortcut should totally make up the flooded canyon. You might think it is dangerous, but I doubt it. No one serviced those robots for over a decade, and any machine I ever seen would've just fallen apart. Maybe I can later even present you some cool loot!"
Pleasant music plays, as Rey makes some records of the landscape, and then of himself preparing and eating an egg for breakfast.
Cut to the evening. A sweaty, but happy Rey is speaking into the camera as he is driving.
"So, it turns out I was wrong. The metal man are still working." He pans the camera to the side, so it shows some robots chasing him. "I still don't know why they want to kill humanity so bad. (shouting) Hey, metal men, why do you want to kill us? (talking normaly) See? No answer. Otherwise, the locals around here are really nice. Today I saw a cricket as big as a…"
While he is talking, a laser hits the side of his bike, exploding a protective plate that had been crudely bolted on.
The vid ends.
Adrian - Military YouTuber.

Andrew - Comedy and innocent/harmless pranks.

Donatos- N/A

Dr. Swordson - Reacts to doctor shows (House, Grey's Anatomy etc) and teach people about medical things

Drael - if he had to, he'd do videos of him flying.

Jin Kazama - Showing his fights

Mathius - Gardening

Oniyan - Motivational

Roadbuster - Surly tech reviewer/tech rants
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel - Professionally, he'd make videos for the FUNTOM Company's Official channel, showing off new merch and such.
But FUNTOM aside, he would have tons of gaming videos and maybe some dessert review videos.

Sebastian - Cat videos titled things like "a cat i found outside the master's manor 🙀😻" and "i snuck 5 cats into my closet in the manor of my master who's allergic 👀😹"

Finny - Videos of random animals, flowers and him gardening that looks like it was recorded by a kid who stole their parents' phone/camera.
I've given this some thought before, actually!

Bailey: She'd do cooking and baking videos! Some videos would probably include the process of gathering the ingredients needed for the dishes. Some might include guest appearances by her mother and her cat. General, wholesome stuff.

Cedar: Travel vlogs! Being a multiverse hopper allows for some great opportunities to find places to record. Granted, I'm sure a lot of people in Cee's comment section would chuck it up as all being CGI, but whether or not their viewers think it's real, it's good ("well-made") content nonetheless.

Eleanor: Educational videos about alien wildlife. There's not much else to it, just lots of interesting things to learn about.

Patches: Toy reviews?? I dunno- Patches can't even read, I highly doubt they could run a YouTube channel on their own.

Haku: Likely too busy for YouTube.

Enoki: If he had a cameraman, he'd love to make videos about the fights he gets into.

The Nameless One: Wouldn't do YouTube- they're not a big fan of technology, so they likely wouldn't even feel like picking up a camera.

Mixie: [This account has been terminated for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines.]

Chao Lu: His specialty, conspiracy theories. He'll cover about aliens and government secrets. Chao isn't crazy enough to believe in the flat earth, the matrix, or lizard people. Of course, there will be appearances of his tabby, Lucky.

Claude Vuong: Instructional videos on how to properly clean a variety of guns that are years old. The videos will have that 80s camera quality to them and lots of unintentional ASMR.

Townley: Too busy for YouTube with their work. If they did though, it would be showing off their sneakers and shoe reviews.

Mama Zenin: A mix of instructional videos of how to fix a car and GRWMs. Most will feature her family in it.

Robin Hollyhock:
Knight (Military) Youtuber. A very few videos however, and they're all shaky recordings.

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