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Forums » RP Discussion » Original Setting Loredump!!

Blanche (played anonymously)

⋄⋄ An original setting of mine. ⋄⋄

TW: Dark themes, undetailed deaths of two characters, supernatural beings

In year 1818, England, a creature visited earth for the first time, a being of high power and energy.
It is unclear what he is, but whatever he is, he is not human, and not of good energy.

This creature's name is Him and by the small few humans that seen him (but met their demise) was described as a monster.

He watched the humans discreetly for a few years and sensed the terrible emotions that humans contained, things like envy and greed, and decided to take those emotions and use them to creature his own, unique creatures. He created seven creatures, brothers all born from these emotions, and raised them from children to adulthood.

Him sent the seven brothers into earth, to do what they please. One of them becoming a wool gatherer, another one becoming a pickpocket, etc..

1870, he watched as a human executed a young thief boy, and decided to help the deceased boy and give him a second chance at life. Using anger and vengeance, he revived the child into a unique creature and told him to trick humans with deals and contracts for he to get his revenge.

In 1883, in December, he came across the murder of a innocent boy, and revived him using blood and ice.

Currently, 1888, Him is raising Blanche behind the scenes, not psychically there. Blanche is his prodigy, and he has mostly abandoned the seven brothers and hardly pays attention to the vengeful child.
Blanche (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I'm very proud of myself for writing all of the lore out, finally, and wanted everyone to see it <3
Feel free to ask questions or point out things you like about the lore.

I prefer no criticism because I am very anxious and I have strong urges to draft mode stuff or delete things when someone says something negative, on purpose or not. ^^; /lh /nm

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