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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Jooters Blaccat

Joot (played by Jooters)

On Halloween night in the western land of Magicka, beside a lake in the midst of a small forest, not too far from the academy but still quite isolated and remote, lies a small wooden shack. This shack is poor in destruction, yet oozes a sense of warmth and family, like a homemade meal made by a loving mother. In the house lies only two people, yet tonight there is only one.
In the house is the young Jooters Blaccat, a black furred kitten with big, bright blue eyes. He is currently wearing his costume: a witch's hat and robe. He has been waiting all year for this night, it is his favorite holiday. It's like he was born to love it, being a black cat and all. His home land even has very long autumn seasons and equally long nights, allowing for the spooky atmosphere of Halloween to soak into the young boy and make him wish it could just come sooner.
His grandmother, who is his guardian, is currently out for the night. She went on a trip to the Great Woods to gather rare ingredients for tonight's dinner. This left the boy with the house to himself, tasking him with giving out the candy to trick or treaters and, his hardest task, trying not to eat it all.
"One more won't hurt, right?" He asked, looking into his pumpkin shaped bucket while being surrounded by candy wrappers, his mouth and paws being stained by chocolate. Waiting for the first person to arrive while having so much candy sitting right in front of him was perhaps the most strenuous thing his little body has ever been through. So, he reached in and opened just one more, which he promised to himself would be his last (although, deep down, even he knew that would be a lie.)
Clownie (played by Jaws)

Clownie had a plastic orange pumpkin pail that had bits of driftwood in it. They collected it previously from the lake. Clownie was dressed as a vampire clown with a red cape and a clown hat decorated with bat wings. They walked up to the wooden shack and knocked on the door. Soon as it opened, Clownie would pin a spider charm on Joot's hat. "Trick or treat!" They said clear as day in a Southern accent.
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Clownie wrote:
Clownie had a plastic orange pumpkin pail that had bits of driftwood in it. They collected it previously from the lake. Clownie was dressed as a vampire clown with a red cape and a clown hat decorated with bat wings. They walked up to the wooden shack and knocked on the door. Soon as it opened, Clownie would pin a spider charm on Joot's hat. "Trick or treat!" They said clear as day in a Southern accent.

Jooters opened the door and almost gasped at the sight: it's a kitty!
"Woah! A talking cat!" He exclaimed, a giant grin sneaking onto his face. He had to fight himself from grabbing Clownie and crushing them to death with the force of a thousand hugs. He stood there beaming for a moment and stuttering gibberish from his overwhelmed state... Until he remembered he had to give some candy!
Jooters shook his head to snap him back into reality and stuffed his right paw into his bucket before giving Clownie a generous handful of candy.
"Here you go!" He exclaimed.
Crepito (played anonymously)

Crepito approached, wearing an angel costume. He held a pumpkin-shaped pail that was yellow instead of orange.

His bodyguards approached as well, on either side of Crepito, they were dressed like Neo and Morpheus from The Matrix. However, they wore an armor helmet, one painted blue, the other painted red.

Crepito's fake wings bounced gently and he smiled widely, "Trick or Treat!"
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Crepito wrote:
Crepito approached, wearing an angel costume. He held a pumpkin-shaped pail that was yellow instead of orange.

His bodyguards approached as well, on either side of Crepito, they were dressed like Neo and Morpheus from The Matrix. However, they wore an armor helmet, one painted blue, the other painted red.

Crepito's fake wings bounced gently and he smiled widely, "Trick or Treat!"

Jooters looked up towards Crepito.
"Hi there!" Joot said. "I think I've seen you at Trixie's? You made that wolf guy really angry! Your costume looks really pretty today!"
Jooters reached into his bucket and placed it into Crepito's bucket with a smile.
Marvin (played anonymously)

A small figure approached the doorstep as well, standing... well, floating, a few feet behind the small line of the other trick or treaters. He was wearing a cheap ghost costume, which was really just a white bedsheet with two black dots colored in as the eyes. His tall, cat ears poked through the sheet, it was a ghost-cat costume!

Marvin tilted his head timidly, holding his own, small pumpkin-shaped bucket. "uhm..." he stuttered nervously, waiting for his turn. "Trick....or uh..treat..." his voice came in muffled.
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Jooters looked over to the ghost and stared in amazement.
"W-WOAH-" He exclaimed. "It's like you're floating! Like actually floating!"
He stared for a good amount longer... Until he remembered the candy.
"I keep forgetting!" He says as he reaches into his bucket and handed over another handful of candy.
Crepito (played anonymously)

Joot wrote:
Jooters looked up towards Crepito.
"Hi there!" Joot said. "I think I've seen you at Trixie's? You made that wolf guy really angry! Your costume looks really pretty today!"
Jooters reached into his bucket and placed it into Crepito's bucket with a smile.

Crepito laughed, "Oh! Yes, I did! He mistook me for someone else."

"Thank you, I thought it looked pretty and I'm so glad others think so too!" Crepito twirled after the candy was put in the pumpkin pail, his false wings bouncing with the motion. "I let my bodyguards dress up too, they're dressed as..uh.. I can't remember what they said it was from, but there's something involving blue and red stuff and ones and zeros." Crepito explained.

"Thank you again, fluffy witch kitty! Now to get more candy, yay!" Crepito turned his heel and ran off, the bodyguards scrambling to follow him.
Marvin (played anonymously)

Joot wrote:
Jooters looked over to the ghost and stared in amazement.
"W-WOAH-" He exclaimed. "It's like you're floating! Like actually floating!"
He stared for a good amount longer... Until he remembered the candy.
"I keep forgetting!" He says as he reaches into his bucket and handed over another handful of candy.

Marvin was slightly startled by his reaction, but quickly composed himself. "Uh...Yeah! I-It's uhm...err..." He wasn't really sure if he should tell people he was an actual ghost, he didn't want to scare anyone. "It's a cool trick I've learned."

He looked down as he handed a handful of candy. "Woah! Thanks!" he thanked him in a cheerful voice, "I wasn't expecting this much!"
Clownie (played by Jaws)

Joot wrote:
Clownie wrote:
Clownie had a plastic orange pumpkin pail that had bits of driftwood in it. They collected it previously from the lake. Clownie was dressed as a vampire clown with a red cape and a clown hat decorated with bat wings. They walked up to the wooden shack and knocked on the door. Soon as it opened, Clownie would pin a spider charm on Joot's hat. "Trick or treat!" They said clear as day in a Southern accent.

Jooters opened the door and almost gasped at the sight: it's a kitty!
"Woah! A talking cat!" He exclaimed, a giant grin sneaking onto his face. He had to fight himself from grabbing Clownie and crushing them to death with the force of a thousand hugs. He stood there beaming for a moment and stuttering gibberish from his overwhelmed state... Until he remembered he had to give some candy!
Jooters shook his head to snap him back into reality and stuffed his right paw into his bucket before giving Clownie a generous handful of candy.
"Here you go!" He exclaimed.

Clownie smiled at Joot's excitement of them merely talking. The witch costume the former wore was lovely in their opinion. Clownie would just zone out as Joot stuttered gibberish. "Thank you. Feel free to keep the spider charm." He took off his hat and bowed then looked at all of the candy and their wrappers.
Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

Two younger children giggled to each other seeing the costumes others had dressed in. The blonde girl looked like a princess, and her small black haired brother looked had black cat ears and just a spot of black paint on his nose. Their mother, who followed behind them, smiled at their excitement. This was their first Halloween after all.

The blonde was quick to approach, eagerly holding up a white plastic bucket shaped like a skull. Her brother was close behind with his pumpkin bucket. The shout of ‘Trick or Treat!’ wasn’t perfectly timed and the boy looked a little more shy than his sister.
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Kellie wrote:
Two younger children giggled to each other seeing the costumes others had dressed in. The blonde girl looked like a princess, and her small black haired brother looked had black cat ears and just a spot of black paint on his nose. Their mother, who followed behind them, smiled at their excitement. This was their first Halloween after all.

The blonde was quick to approach, eagerly holding up a white plastic bucket shaped like a skull. Her brother was close behind with his pumpkin bucket. The shout of ‘Trick or Treat!’ wasn’t perfectly timed and the boy looked a little more shy than his sister.

"AWWW!" Jooters exclaimed. "Look! You're a black cat, just like me! And you're a princess!"
The cat suddenly grew a mischievous smirk. "And since I'm a witch..."
Jooters thrust his arms up in the air, trying to scare her.
"Imma have to lock you up in my tower! Mwahahahahaha!" He said. It's clear he's trying to be scary, but it's a little hard when you're a cat. Jooters then reached into his bucket and handed over two handfuls of candy.
"Here you go!"
Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

Joot wrote:

"AWWW!" Jooters exclaimed. "Look! You're a black cat, just like me! And you're a princess!"
The cat suddenly grew a mischievous smirk. "And since I'm a witch..."
Jooters thrust his arms up in the air, trying to scare her.
"Imma have to lock you up in my tower! Mwahahahahaha!" He said. It's clear he's trying to be scary, but it's a little hard when you're a cat. Jooters then reached into his bucket and handed over two handfuls of candy.
"Here you go!"

The children smiled up at the cat, the girl clearly more comfortable interacting with the stranger though. However, the attempted scare on the little princess instead scared the boy who clutched tightly onto his sister with a yelp. The girl started a small hiss back but dropped it when there was no actual threat.

She giggled at her brother, nudging him off her. “James. It was a joke. He’s not actually gonna hurt me.”

The boy nodded shyly and slowly detached himself from his sister. The treats were quick to catch his attention though as he gave Joot a small smile.

“Thank you,” They both said before running up to their mother again. The woman gave a quick wave to the cat before following after her children as they ran off to find more candy and treats.

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