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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: EVERYTHING IS FINE

Trick or Treat:

Ḙ̵͇͌V̷͉̍͌E̸͚̓R̸͚̂Y̷͇̒T̴̫̓͝H̷̳͐̑I̴̟͂̍Ṇ̸͑G̸̯̈́̏ ̷̹͉͐̚I̴̖̍̈́S̸̡̬͑ ̵̗̠͊F̶͉͎̋Ḯ̵̙̍N̸̘̝̋͛Ë̵̯̺

You aren't sure how you wound up here. Frankly, you don't even know where 'here' is.

Everything is wrong. The sky can't seem to decide if it wants to be dawn or dusk. The pavement under your feet is torn between concrete, cobblestones, or a trail of packed-down dirt. A house, just ahead, looks like it was poorly stitched together using the fractured pieces of 3 to 5 different houses. Splintering wood here, weathered gray bricks there, a red tiled roof above... and god knows what the inside of the house looks like, among the crashing, confusing textures.

You see jack-o-lanterns by the door, suggesting that whoever lived in this headache of a domain was open to visitors.

As you approach the front door, you hear rhythmic snapping noises following you- and you are unable to determine its origin. You can't see what it is or where it's coming from, and you can't tell if you want to. Whatever it is, you get the feeling that you are being watched.

On the porch, you finally see a person- tall, blue hair, nothing strikingly special; perhaps the most ordinary thing here. From the neck down, their body is wrapped with thick layers of linen bandages, like a mummy. They seem a bit preoccupied with boarding up the windows of their own house...?

Despite this, you see a rather large bucket of candy by the front door, so chances are they were expecting trick-or-treaters like yourself.

It looks like they could use a distraction. Why not go say hello?
Emmy The DemiCat (played anonymously)

Emmy stood there for what felt like the longest time as she stared up ahead from the monstrosity of a house, she wore a simple witch outfit, with her tall, cat ears poking through the witch hat. Her brow furrowed in confusion, how did she end up here? Out of all houses, this one for sure made her question her decisions. She looked down at her pumpkin bucket and then looked up, looking back and forth between the bucket and the house. This was a bad idea. Right? It had to be.

Emmy held her witch hat tight atop of her head and gave a confident nod. Ignoring the chills that ran down her spine, that would make her tail behind tense up, she approached the door and the figure who was...boarding up their own windows. Her red eyes flickered towards the candy, and then back at the stranger. She cleared her throat, "uh....Trick or....." she paused with hesitation, "treat?"
Cedar 'Cee' Akimoto (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

With the final nail driven into one of the many uneven boards, Cedar steps away from their handiwork just in time to hear the sound of a person timidly clearing their throat.

"Huh?" Cedar whipped their head around, their body visibly relaxing at the sight of a relatively normal person. "Oh, hi! Good to see a friendly face!"

They didn't seem fazed at all by the cat ears or tail- it wasn't Cee's first time seeing a demicat before. The multiverse was indeed a vast place.

"Sorry about the mess, been having some... technical, difficulties?" They commented, reaching for the bucket of candy by the doorstep. "If it wasn't for that, you'd be getting a trick!"

Cee chuckled, approaching Emmy with the candy. "Treat it is!"

They hold out the bucket for Emmy to take a handful. The candy seemed fine, unlike the house.

...Wait, were those eyeballs scattered through the selection?

"Uh... Don't ask me how the eyes got there," Cedar shook their head, trying to pass everything off as under control. "'Cuz your guess is as good as mine."
Dante (played by Icysoul)

Dante hesitated a bit as he looked at the house. He was wearing a pirate outfit, his bag for candy that of a happy jack-o-lantern. He shrugged and walked up to the house. He noticed the person and perked up. "Hi there! It's a good night for Trick-or-Treating, huh?" Dante asked, his tail wagging. "I'd like a treat please!" He said, holding out the bag. "I don't care what candy I get, all I care about is enjoying meeting new friends!"
Emmy The DemiCat (played anonymously)

Emmy's brow furrowed and her nose scrunched up in disgust. She cringed when she noticed the eyeballs in there, hoping that they were merely candy....Or perhaps toys. But based off the stranger's reaction, she wasn't sure if they were to be trusted. "Uh...." She was interrupted when another person came in, wearing a pirate costume. Her cat ears twitched with curiosity and alarm, and she huffed softly at their enthusiasm. "I don't think you'd want candy from...this person.." she warned in a low tone.

But she was already there, and they had already offered the candy, so with hesitation, Emmy reached into the bucket of sweet treats, only to immediately pull back when she touched one of the eyeballs. "They're not real, are they?" she asked in a squeak before reaching in again and taking one singular lolipop.
Cedar 'Cee' Akimoto (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

It wasn't long before another friendly face made himself known. Wow, another cat-person...?

Cedar's only response to Dante's chipper comment on how it was a 'good night to trick-or-treat' was just an incredibly forced smile. A smile that suggested that they were tired of the chaos that was now their home.

"Ohh yeah. Great. Just lovely," They mused sarcastically, offering the bucket to Dante so he could take his pick. "Everything is fffffine. I sure do love everything that's been going on today!"

If it wasn't obvious, Cee was not loving everything that's been going on today. They looked a bit tired.

They looked back to Emmy. "Beats me. The creatures in the walls sure seem to like 'em anyway. So they're at least good for something. I'd pick something around it if I were you... Sorry, man."

Cee leaned in towards Dante. "Listen, if you're here to make friends, should let you know that the, uh, "locals," are cranky today... You miiight wanna be careful?"

They head jerked up at the sound of a tree branch(?) snapping from the bushes. "...Scratch that. You might just wanna ignore them and walk away."
Emmy The DemiCat (played anonymously)

Emmy's brow furrowed further into a glare. She eyed the lolipop in her hand, and then quickly unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth. The sweetness overtook her tastebuds, and gave her the confidence to question the stranger who looked like was about to snap at any moment. "Where exactly is this? What street is this?" she questioned with a huff, placing her hands on her hips. The sounds of the branch snapping startled the cat girl, making her jump up and hiss at the sound, with her tail and cat ears standing up in alarm.
Cedar 'Cee' Akimoto (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

Cedar's eye narrowed, their attention currently on the bushes- or more accurately, whatever was hiding within them.

Since nothing had decided to lunge out at them, Cee put the bucket of candy down and turned back to Emmy, one hand on their hip and the other scratching the back of their own head.

"I meeeeaaan... This is supposed to be my home?" They shrugged, still trying to keep a collected composure. "I really don't know what's going on. I was trying to get the house all set up for tonight, then everything just..."

Cee looked at the clashing textures that made up the foundation of their house and sighed heavily, unsure of how to describe what was happening to the landscape.

"I'm trying to get everything back under control, and it's been going... okaaay? Kinda?" Cee sheepishly looked around. "I just hope whatever's happening is just a 'Today-Only' thing."

Of course all the eldritch, world-breaking shenanigans had to happen on Halloween.
Yuki (played by CrypticStardust)

Even by Yuki's standards, this was all a little... weird. And Yuki was used to weird, so that was saying a lot. Even so, they were the go-with-the-flow type, so they didn't seem all that concerned...
They just kept calmly walking up the path to the odd-looking house.
They're dressed in a lot of blue; they wear a hat with a Pokéball on it, and carry a plush Glaceon, so they're probably trying to look like a Pokémon trainer. They even carry a large plastic Pokéball with a hole in the top. A bit of candy rattles around in the odd bucket already.
When they catch sight of the person on the porch, their normally blank expression morphs into a big smile. They wave excitedly with their free hand; this person is Yuki's partner, and they are clearly excited to see them. They sort of end up completely ignoring anyone else, failing to even notice if other trick-or-treaters are around. It probably seems a little rude, the way they rush ahead, but they genuinely don't mean to be impolite. Yuki is just very happy and kind of has a one-track mind.
((Stranger route moment...)
Cedar 'Cee' Akimoto (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

"Oh, thank god!"

Cedar quickly excused themself from their two guests and immediately ran to their partner's side. Excitedly, Cee wrapped their arms around Yuki, picking them up off the ground and giving them a spinning hug. Placing their feet back on the ground, Cee planted a relieved kiss on their head, before moving their hands to Yuki's shoulders.

"...Heh. So you here to get rid of your construction workers?" Cee sarcastically chuckled, tilting their head towards the bushes. "Good. You don't want me to call the worker's union on you."

Playful banter aside, it was clear Cedar was happy to see their partner, safe and sound. They guided them towards their porch, where Emmy and Dante were.

"...But no, seriously. This kinda sucks."

(lmao that was the inspo for this- indeed a Stranger moment ^.^)
Azalla took a deep breath, her heart racing as she approached the door, her dog trotting beside her, oblivious to the swirling anxiety threatening to overwhelm her. Clad in a vibrant Princess Peach costume, she felt both excited and apprehensive, the weight of her fantastical outfit almost a tangible burden. As she lifted her hand and knocked on the door, doubts gnawed at her: What if no one answered? What if they didn't recognize her? Each knock echoed like a drumbeat in her ears, amplifying the tension of the moment.

On the porch, the tall individual had an unremarkable presence, with striking blue hair that caught her attention only momentarily. Wrapped from neck to toe in thick layers of linen bandages, they resembled a mummy, lending a surreal tone to an already strange night. Azalla's curiosity piqued as she noticed the person’s seemingly preoccupied demeanor; they were intently focused on boarding up the windows of their own house, an odd task for a festivity-filled evening.

She couldn't help but wonder: Was this encounter part of a bizarre Halloween scenario, or was it something else entirely? Everything felt disjointed, as if reality itself were a warped mirror reflecting both whimsy and unease. As she stood there, the weight of the unknown settled in. Was it real, or just a figment of her anxiety, weaving itself into the fabric of the evening? The lines between fantasy and reality began to blur, leaving Azalla grappling with her thoughts as her dog tugged gently at her costume, breaking the spell.
Cedar 'Cee' Akimoto (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

Just as Cedar was offering candy to Yuki, they watched as a woman, dressed in a lovely Peach costume and accompanied by a dog, walked right past them to knock on the door.

"Uh, hey, sorry! I'm right here!" Cee waved to Azalla, grimacing. "I've got candy right here for y- I wouldn't do that-!"

Too late. Someone answered the door. More accurately, something.

The door to Cedar's broken home slowly creaked open, slowly revealing the shadowy silhouette of a tall, bulky creature. Its body was so dark that light could not reveal any of its features, aside from a single eye on its 'head' and a toothy set of jaws on its 'chest.'

It was too big to be a costume. It wasn't even human.

"NOPE! NONE OF THAT!" Cee quickly sprung into action, grabbing a broom they had left on the porch, to smack the beast with the bristly end. "Shoo! Get out of here!"

The monster seemed more confused than anything else. Rather than responding with aggression, it retreated back to a dark corner of the complicated interior of the house.

Cee dropped the broom and slammed the door shut with a sigh. "Man, Miles is gonna have a field day when I tell her about all this..."

Retrieving their candy bucket, Cedar offered it to Azalla, for her to take her pick of the sweets (and eyeballs). "Sorry about that! Anyway, um... Happy Halloween?"

Cedar chuckled nervously, trying to ignore what had just happened.
Yuki (played by CrypticStardust)

Yuki very eagerly returned Cee's hug, though they made a point of pretending to be grumpy when they were picked up and spun around. Of course, they actually enjoyed it, but that was embarrassing to admit when there were other people around... oh right, other people. They offered a little wave to the other guests before returning their attention to Cee with an exaggerated shrug, feigning nonchalance at the comment about calling the union...
Of course, they didn't actually have anything to do with the situation, even though they had jokingly told Cee, in a text message, that they were responsible for hiring the... ahem... construction workers. Now, though, they just watched with mild concern as they truly comprehended the utter chaos. But also... candy! They set down their plushie and bucket and then eagerly searched the bowl for anything minty (their number one priority) or sour (which they also liked quite a bit.) ...No, nope, they were definitely not going to comment on the little scene with the shadow creature at the door... nobody seemed to be in actual danger, so they weren't concerned.
Rather belatedly, they seemed to remember something, and glanced up at Cee with a sardonic little grin. They raised their hands to sign something...
<Trick or treat!>
Emmy The DemiCat (played anonymously)

The more Emmy stuck around, the more confused she felt. It was all too much, and none of it made sense. However, the sound of the creaking door had startled her once again, and her eyes darted towards the tall, bulky figure, with the one eye that felt like it could stare into her soul. The cat girl, horrified at the sight, hissed at the thing, and quickly darted away; almost dropping her candy bucket. She scurried off the house and soon off the property, more than satisfied to leave with just her lolipop.
Vincent (played by DazzlingDragon)

A tall, slender beast glides gracefully along the franken-path, feeling quite welcome at what it assumes to be an abrupt inter-dimensional crossroads,, nevermind. It can't be a new neighborhood in the Town. The Town has never been populated by- it hisses quietly at whatever prowls within the bushes -such filth.

It pauses meters before the house. An eyeless head surveys the property with rapt fascination. A small group has already gathered around the front door, their mass congealing around an unremarkable and tired-looking young person wrapped in linen. Vincent's toothy maw widens to a ravenous grin. A thick strand of drool sloughs off its chin and strikes the pavement with a quiet plop. It can smell the gore inside the candy bucket.

A door creaks open. There's a terrified hiss, and one of the visitors flees the group. Vincent reminds itself that these toys aren't for him to borrow, and restrains the instinct to chase. Little cat, if only you'd hug that monster and thank it for saving your tail.

Vincent chuckles to itself and approaches the house, enticed by the delicious-smelling bucket of treats.
Currach Rua (played by Animewithin)

What a funny little hobby the humans always seemed to get up to around this time of the year. It was so much fun watching the young mortals flee with both terror and glee as they run from house to house to get candy from the neighborhood. Even though she preferred the confines of her swamp she couldn't help but be drawn to the interesting. The magical. And when she appeared in a rather, fascinating dimension, she had to chuckle and decided to investigate further.

Today, Currach had opted for a sort of matching costume to her friend, Gerald. The frog. Currach had earthy red skin with lighter patches of skin about her person. Her hair was a dark swampy green that covered most of her face with long elf ears poking from the curly mass. She had a huge red mushroom hat on her head to match the white lolita-esque gown that served as her stem. On her right shoulder was a small green frog with a similarly large red mushroom hat.

Walking forward her smile faltered momentarily as she saw a large creature slithering up to the door of the most fascinating house she'd ever seen. Then a girl with cat ears ran passed and out of the home. Still, not one to balk at traditions, Currach walked up to the home, knocked and called out to those inside. "Trick-or-treat?" A question. A trick question to some.
Cedar 'Cee' Akimoto (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

"Tch. It's a bit late to say 'Trick or Treat,' you know that Yu- JESUS CHRIST!"

Cedar nearly jumped out of their skin, caught off-guard by the eyeless domed head connected to a bony, lithe creature slowly making its way to the group. Another one?!
Cee liked to think that they had been doing a decent job at keeping the various eldritch monstrosities in check. But this one, on the other hand? They couldn't recognize it- it was a new one. This only meant that Cee didn't know what its intentions were, or what it was capable of.

Great. Juuust great.

Unfortunately, Cedar had left their broom at the porch, which would require turning their back on this thing to go get it; Cee's had enough experience with monsters to know that turning away from a bloodthirsty predator was a terrible idea.

Time for Plan B: Attempt to reason with it.
Most of these creatures weren't ones for conversation (save for one that Cee knew personally, but even she was being weirdly reclusive tonight), but who knows? Maybe this one was different. Hopefully.

"Uhhh- Heeeyyy, buddy..." Cee waved timidly at Vincent with a free hand, praying that it was in a good mood right now. "How ya doin'? Good? Please tell me you're doing good."

Cedar was a bit too preoccupied with Vincent to address their newest visitor- Not that it mattered, because Currach ended up walking right past them to knock on the door anyway.

Much to their soon-to-be chagrin, the same creature that answered Azalla's knocking answered the door again. It stared blankly at the swamp fairy, followed by her froggy companion. Its lone eye then drifted down to the broom by her feet.

Not in the mood to get smacked by the broom again, it simply snarled at Currach before rudely slamming the door shut in her face. Clearly, that wasn't the right person to talk to in order to get some candy.

"Yoo-hoo! Over here!" Cee raised their free hand and briefly peeked over their shoulder to get her attention. "Be with you in a sec! I've got your treats!"

Treats! What a good idea! Maybe a peace offering would ease any potential aggression?

Cee lifts their candy bucket towards Vincent. "You hungry? I got loads of stuff. Skittles, eyeballs, Reese's Pieces-"
Yuki (played by CrypticStardust)

This was getting... very... weird... Yuki was used to weird so they were trying not to react, but when they were rummaging through the candy and accidentally touched an eyeball or two, they visibly looked a little queasy. Not to mention the creepy eldritch beings lurking around... They decided they didn't really want candy anymore... But they weren't going to just walk away; Cee really seemed to need help right about now, and Yuki didn't want to just abandon their partner.
They gently poked Cee's shoulder to get their attention, so that Cee would know Yuki was about to sign something. They got right to the point and did it quickly, knowing it wasn't safe to take up much of Cee's attention with an eldritch creature nearby. It might actually be peaceful, sure, but it might also be very dangerous.
<How can I help?>
Azella stood frozen for a moment, her mind racing as she tried to process what had just transpired. The brief encounter felt like a whirlwind, and for a second, she questioned whether it had actually happened. She managed to stammer an apology, "Um, I'm sorry," her voice a mixture of embarrassment and uncertainty. A small smile crept onto her face, an instinctive gesture to ease the awkwardness. Meanwhile, her energetic dog tugged insistently at the leash, eager to explore the world beyond her grasp, oblivious to the bizarre interaction.

"It's all good," she reassured him as she took a deep breath, trying to pull herself together. The moment felt surreal, like a scene from a movie where everything was heightened and electric. Azella bent down to calm her dog, feeling the leash slip between her fingers briefly, only to regain control just in time. She glanced back at him, their earlier exchange lingering uncomfortably in the air. With a subtle shift in energy, she reached for the colorful pieces of candy resting in the bowl he had offered, a sweet distraction that felt necessary. Each candy, vibrant and inviting, seemed to promise a momentary escape from the chaos of her thoughts.
Cedar 'Cee' Akimoto (played by GingerHades) Topic Starter

Cedar could already feel a migraine coming on. Their partner was looking queasy, people were grabbing the attention of their unwanted house guests, and some people were looking to leave (or have already left out of fear).
Or you were one of the many strange cryptids adding fuel to the fire.

Above all else, the look on their face expressed a large amount of shame and guilt. Like this whole mess was somehow their fault, when it just came out of the blue. Sure, their multiversal ability probably played a factor in all of the monsters showing up, but still!

Cedar glanced to Yuki as they poked their shoulder and signed, asking how they could help. As much as they didn't enjoy admitting that they needed help... that sounded pretty nice right about now.

<There is a broom I left on the porch.> Cee signed with their free hand. <Go get it please.>

The broom was for the possible scenario that Vincent was looking to lash out, but Cee didn't want to explicitly tell their partner to grab their makeshift weapon- that was just asking for a fight.

So far, nobody's lost their face yet, so that was good. Eye still trained on Vincent, Cee reached into their bucket and grimaced as they dug around for a slime-covered eyeball, feeling one brush against their fingers. Plucking it out from the candy pile, they gently tossed the tiny organ at the cryptid's feet, as an offering.

"Eugh..." Cee wiped away the excess slime on their linen costume. "Here you go, try it. The other critters around here seem to like 'em..."

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