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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: EVERYTHING IS FINE

Yuki (played by CrypticStardust)

After a brief nod towards their partner, Yuki took quick, purposeful steps across the porch. They wasted no time in grabbing the broom and bringing it back to Cee. They lightly brushed one hand against Cee's shoulder, a gesture that was meant to be a comfort and a reassurance. Half of Yuki's attention was on them, and the rest was split between the various guests. Under any other circumstances, they'd probably want to rush over and pet the cute dog, but they knew now was not the time for that. So instead, they just observed, and waited for further instructions.
Hammond walks by with a large sack filled with something in one hand/front paw, but stops and reaches in
Currach Rua (played by Animewithin)

This whole day was going quite... surprisingly.She certainly hadn't thought she would be getting candy. Still, she turned since the door had been slammed in her face and smiled into the bowl with various... items. Gerald happily stuck out his tongue at one of the eyeballs, Currach simply took a Reeses. "Thank you very much for your generosity." Being generous to fae could be problematic at times but she didn't mind. All in all. A good holiday. Gerald happily settling back in on her shoulder as she carefully turned once more to leave. Spoils in hand.

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