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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Venue Red Vines

Rude (played anonymously)

Stuck right at the fringes between suburbs and the downtown square, the little Flying Pig coffee bar’s big wooden doors are propped open with a set of mismatched height pumpkins, carved with their logo and the generic Jack O’Lantern grin each. Lights are the industrial sepia yellow, of course, but they fit the mood of the autumn evening well, and cast a poor if not amusing spotlight that becomes a rim light glow over the shoulders of one of their regulars.

Rude, and it’s not a warning as much as it’s a Thai mother’s sense of humor making people second guess him, is propped on a bar stool in the entry way between aforementioned pumpkins, wearing a lopsided puppy ear headband and face paint that might’ve looked decent in the single bulb lighting of one of the joint’s bathrooms, but now just adds to the comedic appearance of the musician. Black Dalmatian marks are done with fabric paint on a white jogger set, and it seems he’s one of the 101. Wonder where his siblings might be…

Bowl of candy in his lap is overflowing with all sorts, and of course little plastic piggy banks rattle gift cards for the coffee shop among the heavy plastic cauldron’s treats, but it seems Rude is trying to fish out, or maybe trade, for any licorice he can get.

Might be good time to channel his costume and work those puppy eyes, huh? 🥺
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel approached, arguing with a tall man dressed in black (who was wearing cat ears and a cat tail, with his face painted), before stopping his arguing to talk to Rude. He went to open his mouth, before pausing, looking Rude up and down, and then looked himself up and down.

Ciel was wearing a 101 Dalmations outfit too, as Lucky, it seemed. He wore clip-on puppy ears, a dog tail tied around his waist, gloves that looked like paws, and a white and black spotted outfit.

"Looks like you and I had similar ideas." Ciel said, a smirk on his face. "Ahem, my apologies.. Trick or treat." He held a bag out to Rude, the bag had a purple strange star-like symbol on it.
Mia Chen (played anonymously)

gl-1489474-1728820124.jpgMia walked by the Flying Pig a number of times before now, but she had never stopped in. She was a tea drinker, and the aroma of coffee didn't do much for her other than make her anxious and jumpy.

Tonight though, she was invited to a Disney-themed house party, and as much as she fought herself on going, she did manage to dress up in a ball gown and was walking, her glass slippers in her hand, to the place.

Of course the route on google maps on her phone brought her right by the Flying Pig. With her bare feet a little achy, Mia thought maybe a stop for even a water would be prudent. Unsure about how this Halloween stuff worked, she came up to the cute puppy sitting by the doors and the jack-o-lanterns and waited behind a black cat guy and a dog-costumed girl. Mia then got the idea of maybe going out on Halloween as Cruella DeVille, but it was too late this year. Maybe next time.

When the puppy with the treats in his lap looked her way, she said in a meek voice, "Trick or Treat!"

It did cause Mia to flush with warmth. Being so forward as to say something to someone she didn't know did cause her to be embarrassed. She hated being socially awkward.
It’s that exciting time of year once again—the Halloween festivities have arrived! Jasmine is absolutely thrilled about it, as this magical holiday offers her the delightful opportunity to indulge in sweets guilt-free. It’s a time when she can fully embrace the spirit of the season, enjoying the playful haunted decorations and carefree atmosphere. With everything going on, Jasmine relishes the fact that she can take a break from her everyday responsibilities as the florist.

She wore the Tinkerbell costume this year, embracing the whimsical spirit of the beloved fairy. While some might think it looks a bit silly for someone her age to don such a playful outfit, she didn’t mind at all. After all, she truly enjoyed cosplaying as Tinkerbell, especially with her petite frame that perfectly suited the fairy’s enchanting persona. To her, age was just a number, and the joy of dressing up for Halloween was something to be cherished, no matter how many candles were on the birthday cake.

With a bounce in her step, she made her way to the Flying Pig coffee bar, excited for the festivities of the day. Upon entering, she was greeted by an atmosphere that was vibrantly alive with Halloween decorations. Orange and black streamers adorned the walls, while the faint glow of jack-o'-lanterns flickered invitingly on the counter. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of Rude, who wore an adorable headband topped with floppy puppy ears, adding an extra dose of whimsy to the already festive environment.

As she surveyed the scene, she spotted Mia across the room, looking stunning in her ball gown costume, radiating elegance and grace. Not far from her, Ciel strutted proudly in a dapper dalmatian costume, his outfit marked with black spots that added a fun touch to the celebration. The camaraderie of fellow cosplayers filled the air with excitement and laughter, making the moment even more magical.

“Hi~! Your costume looks fancy, miss!” Jasmine exclaimed, throwing a radiant smile towards Mia, her eyes sparkling with genuine admiration. The joy of the moment was infectious, and she felt grateful to be part of such a vibrant celebration, where creativity and fun transcended age and expectations.
Rude (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Rude's nearly elbow deep in the bowl taking up decent space in his lap when he's approached by another one of the many puppies, laughing with a boyish grin that pulls only one side of his lips up, dark eyes warm even if his shoulders rolled forward in discomfort. At what, who's to say. "This wasn't my idea, but I'm sure they'll be glad to hear it wasn't a bad one." The smirk doesn't phase him at all, and he'll get a good handful of various candy before leaning forward to release it in Ciel's bag, the symbol getting a double take but otherwise nothing really pings the musician as the boy being out of place. Good thing about holidays like this - no one's going to question the weird.

The meek princess's request for a handful has Rude straightening up some, glancing over Cinderella and letting gaze linger, brows pinching, at the glass slippers in hand. But first - handful of candy offered to Mia. "Ride turn into a pumpkin early?" He muses, gentle in his teasing, shifting in bar stool to offer it to her. "Don't tell me you've got much further to go, here. Sit a second." His momma, for all her humor about his name, had made sure Rude had decent manners. Might not always go over smoothly, but he's got the spirit?

Jasmine's bubbliness fit a pixie role quite well, even if Rude's looking a little like he's about to laugh at the sight of a Tinkerbell that wasn't demanding every scrap of attention was on her. At least her good mood lit the place up better; infectious, too, if his amused headshake says anything about it. Glancing towards the sidewalk, keeping eyes peeled for any other trick or treaters while ears are 'perked' for conversation angled his way.
Spencer Graves (played anonymously)

His heavy footfalls were the first indication that another soul had entered the coffee bar, despite his feet sporting all-black converse. Tall, lean, and lithe, the man was wearing a white button-up shirt with long sleeves rolled up to his elbows, displaying heavily tattooed arms. A sleek, also solid black vest was paired with black ripped jeans for a classic, yet rugged vibe to the overall modern Ghostface costume Spence was sporting tonight. Black leather gloves covered his hands, one of said hands gripping a pail shaped like a pumpkin as a soft chuckle bubbled from his lips once he'd soaked in the full puppy costume, "Which one are you? Patch, perhaps? Or maybe Freckles?" It wasn't hard to assume Rude was going for one of the 101 Dalmatian pups, and Spencer was curious if he'd thought into it that much. In fact... was it planned that Rude and Ciel matched, or just a coincidence? Hard to say, since he'd missed most of the conversation thus far.

He nodded his head gently in greeting to the others who had gotten there first, obviously fine with waiting his turn for candy. "Nice dress," he complimented Mia, "And yours too, Tink. I may not look it, but I do believe in fairies." Whenever Ghostie's turn came, he stepped up to Rude and offered out his pumpkin with a gentle, "Trick or treat?"
“Trick or treat~~?!” Jasmine exclaimed with a beaming smile directed at Rude, who had just signaled that he was watching her. Her heart raced with excitement and a hint of nervousness. She thought about her cute pixie tinkerbell costume, adorned with shimmering wing accents and playful colors. What if he chooses ‘trick’? she pondered, her mind racing. After all, how effective could a pixie be at pulling off a trick? With a sigh of relief, she decided that it was probably best to hope for a treat this time around.

“Woah!!!” Jasmine exclaimed, jolted by the sudden appearance of Spencer. He glided into the room with an air of confidence and an unexpected flair. “Are you playing vampire, sir?” she asked, her curiosity piqued. But as she looked closer, Jasmine couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. She had always imagined vampires to be the epitome of pale-skinned elegance, their complexion a reflection of their undead nature. They were supposed to have an otherworldly charm, often characterized by their strikingly white skin that hinted at their lack of blood. Yet Spencer, in stark contrast, was covered in an array of tattoos that seemed to tell a modern story, weaving in elements of rebellion and artistry.

Jasmine's mind began to wander as she stared at him, trying to reconcile the ink-stained skin with the imagery of mythical bloodsuckers she had always held in her imagination. Was this a new type of vampire? One that embraced the realities of the present while maintaining an allure of the past? The juxtaposition fascinated her, and she couldn’t help but admire Spencer’s bold choice as she stood there, caught between enchantment and surprise.
Jiwon (played anonymously)

Halloween was a fairly rare thing for Jiwon to celebrate but he'd figured he was in town for something else anyway and everyone here seemed to have such a pleasant spirit about it... why not participate? Of course, that'd meant having to slap together some sort of outfit and it.. worked? Maybe? Bunny ears set on his head, paws on hands and feet rounding off a bunny suit and even a little bunny tail. The suit itself was pretty fluffy but he'd opted to wear ears instead of the giant head it'd come with because claustrophobia was a Thing, everyone. Bag was clutched in front of him as he approached the gathering, a flush already on his cheeks because not wearing the costume head meant people could see his face and he was just this big ol' bunny and wow, okay he could do this.

Man had a whole job where he was supposed to be Tough, he could handle trick-or-treating. He'd wait his turn of course, bop his head at everyone in greeting which made those ears sway, and he'd eyeball each to see who the magic candy giver was. Spotting Rude and realizing he was close enough, he'd hold his bag out and clear his throat, "Ah.. trick or treat." Another dart of his gaze around, little smile on his lips, "Everyone here looks so nice. Dalmatians..." He was nodding towards Rude and Ciel, "And then.. Tinkerbell? And.. Cinderella..?" Spencer given a glance over, "Don't know yours.. but it is very Halloween." He assumed, someone hadn't been allowed to watch horror for a very long time.
Jasmine noticed that there was another person mingling among the group, and her eyes were instantly drawn to him. He was wearing an adorable bunny suit that, despite his somewhat grumpy expression, made him look irresistibly cute. The contrast between the fluffy costume and his face was amusing, and she couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at the sight.

"Hi, sir! Are you being Bugs Bunny?" Jasmine called out playfully, her voice laced with warmth and humor. The bunny-suited figure turned to her, and she could see a hint of surprise in his eyes. He had addressed her and the others in the group correctly, which made her appreciate his effort even more. It was clear he was trying to fit in, and she admired that.

Not wanting anyone in the group to feel left out or overlooked, Jasmine made a conscious effort to throw smiles at everyone around her, radiating positivity. Her smiles were like little sparks; contagious in their warmth.
Spencer Graves (played anonymously)

He blinked at the lack of recognition to his costume, brows furrowing in quiet confusion beneath his hooded mask. A vampire? “Not quite,” he answered with a laugh. “Oh? What’s up Doc?” he grinned playfully, mirroring the Bugs Bunny guess. “I uh, I guess he’s harder to recognize without all the jagged robes the character is usually known for, but it’s Ghostface from the movie Scream,” he told them. Though she didn’t recognize the character, Jasmine was definitely correct that something was.. off. Spencer’s explanation of his costume was given in a friendly manner, despite the wicked character he was playing being known for being quite stabby, at least, known for it by horror movie fans.
Mia Chen (played anonymously)

Mia smiled as a pretty girl dressed as Tinkerbell gave her such a kind compliment. "Thank you! You know I really like to try being Tinkerbell, but I don't think I can pull it off as good as you."

She lingered looking at her and smiled when she heard the doggy at the door say something about her ride. "I wish I had a ride. I like walking but these glass slippers are not very good at the task." Mia collected the handful of candy he offered and she took the offered seat. "I was only going a block more to a costume party, but I let my feet rest here."

Seeing the masked tattoo'd man come in, Mia blushed at the compliment on her dress and she looked at herself hoping she wasn't having a wardrobe malfunction. "Um, thank you sir." she managed to get out as she felt heat in her face. She was glad Tinkerbell engaged with him because Mia giggled at the bunny as his ears swayed.

"Yes, 'what's up Doc!' " Mia blurted out after Tinkerbell mentioned Bugs Bunny and Tattoos said it. She then listened to him explain his character from a horror movie.

Kicking her feet as she ate a Snickers, she was glad to have this rest. But she didn't want to take up too much space with more people likely coming in, so she stood. "Thank you doggy for the rest and the sugar rush. I should go."

She then gave a nod to the fluffy bunny and Ghostface, and smiled at Tinkerbell. "May you all enjoy this scary night!"

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