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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trick or Treat: The Sacrifice

Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

It was October. The month wherein children and adults alike wear costumes of mythological creatures or figures and go around their neighborhoods performing the usual Trick-or-Treat. Nowaday's that was considered discrimination as it provides a mockery of actual mythological creatures and other harmful stereotypes attributed to them. It's either you are spooked or you are given those sweet sugary morsels of decadence that every child (and some adults) craves.

What was different is that you (and maybe two other Characters) have either stumbled across or already live in Hill City, specifically in the Greentown Suburbs. Despite being a mostly peaceful place, it is home to a ravenous fluffy beast with five tails that required daily sacrifices of any form of sweets.

It was none other than Azumi Hemmberg, the resident Public Nuisance of the city.

Despite being an accomplished sorcerer and scientist who almost won a Nobel Prize for innovations in Magical Technology, she was deep down a little bit of a gremlin. So, every month of October, the residents of the city barricade their doors and put Chili and Garlic Powder (Because the internet said that Foxes hate the stuff) around their homes while the kitsune's adoptive son restrained her at their own house in his own arms as she giggled childishly and adorably.

You (and, of course, two other people if you are with someone else) are one of the abruptly assigned to offering duty. What must you offer, you might ask? The residents told you to "just give the little pupper sweets!".

And so began you're misadventure. You are already at the Hemmberg residence's doorstep. Will you knock and find out what ridiculousness awaits or run to keep your patience intact?

1. Knock
2. Wait for Ren as he grabs Azumi
3. Listen to him complain before giving either sweets, tofu or a mix of both
4. Run or pet da cutesy smol fox wearing a witch's hat for Halloween)
Avery (played by Cheshika)

What a peculiar tradition!

Usually, Avery wouldn’t stay long enough in a single place thanks to his work- but that was fine! It was always a new adventure whenever he ended up in a new place, meeting new people and learning new things before he had to set out again- always promising to return once he got the chance of vacation to actually enjoy fully the festivity each distinct town and city he visited had to offer.

Today, however, was one of the lucky days he got to experience one such curious festivities!

It sounded like a deviation from one he had heard before of a certain day, once night came, you were supposed to dress as a fantastical creature and visit homes to knock on their doors, expecting the resident to open the door to be faced with two outcomes: give the sweet treat demanded from the unexpected visitor, or face the consequences of failing to provide any.

Truly exciting!

However, in the place he was currently living at, they had a certain ‘switch’ to it- for it was he who was to give the candy, but at least it was to a single house. The indications hadn’t been rather clear on the matter, however, and he found himself making space in his suitcase for an unspecified amount of candy (because they hadn’t also mentioned what type of candy he was supposed to give!) by the time he found himself at this certain residence's doorstep, knocking on the door and waiting patiently outside.
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen) Topic Starter

The moment he knocked on the door, Avery would hear someone's incessant ramblings. If he strained his ears enough, he could also hear a more feminine voice giggling violently, as if on the brink of insanity. He saw a hooded young man after said man pulled the door open with more force than he should have used. He seemed no older than 20 and his face was a mix of annoyance and horror. It was clear this wasn't any normal town, something was seriously wrong here. He looked to have a red substance on his hands... and a knife.

But that's where the unnerving feeling of the situation ended.

"AhjeezsosorryIforgottocleanup!" Ren said very rapidly and ran towards the kitchen. After a few moments, he returned to explain everything.

"A visitor, huh? You really believed those morons, didn't you?" He rolled his eyes "Before you ask, no, that wasn't blood and I am not some deranged maniac trying to hurt people! I was in the middle of making a strawberry cheesecake when my mom, proceeded to ravage the kitchen because she smelled sugar. Had to put away a bunch of knives and whatnot just so neither of us gets hurt"

The very same giggling heard earlier became louder.

"Oh you've gotta be-" Ren paused "Screw it, I'll get mom"

He disappeared into the hallway and unlocked the door to a room. From within the darkness of the room were a pair of green eyes emanating a bright glow. They stared expectantly at Avery and then looked up at Ren, who glared at the eyes. Finally, it was the monster that had to be given sacrifices every October. Now came the decision to run and live another day or face its wrath. It was...

...a small five-tailed kitsune of 3 feet in height, who waddled out of that void of a room adorably. Her attire consisted of a purple and green Kimono and a purple witch hat. She raised her arms at Ren, as if asking to be picked up like a baby. The young man did so albeit reluctantly. It was odd. That was, presumably, Ren's mother, yet she was very childish in terms of behavior. So, as Ren carried the fox spirit, he walked back to Avery before explaining things. Again.

"Yes, this is my mom. Yes, she is an absolute airhead. Yes, she acts like a literal puppy who's constantly has the zoomies even though she's 500 years old!"

"And he's adopted!" The kitsune smiled.

Ren did not like the fact that she always mentioned that to strangers. The kitsune giggled before saying "I am Azumi, a part-time musician and a full-time sorcerer and sociologist!"

Azumi sniffed the air. The scent of sugary goods, wafted through the air. She knew what was going on here.

"Oh, you are to offer me sugar!?" She asked excitedly, her five tails wagging and hitting Ren in the face "Can I have some? Pweaaaaassseee?"

"Don't worry" Ren said "She's not one to just ask for something without repaying the favor. Give her sweets and I kid you not she will give a divine talisman of fortune and prosperity made from her own tail's fur. It's not really heard of in Japan, but some Kitsune do that for some reason. I dunno, don't ask me, you're in a country in southeast asia, I don't even know Japan's culture..."

"But I taught you all sorts of things about Japan's culture, even the nation's native tongue!" Azumi pouted

"Yeah, yeah, let's stop wasting this guy's time" Ren groaned "Well, you gonna give her candy or what?"

The two looked at Avery expectantly.
Avery (played by Cheshika)

Despite the strange and perhaps unnerving first meeting, Avery obediently stayed put and waited for the young man to return to the entrance- after all, slowing down the recording of what he had just heard cleared the misunderstanding of any possible act of violence committed within the confines of his home, which the owner of said home would later further explain on once he returned to the doorstep.

The android didn't quite understand 'believing those morons' for him, they were simply asking a favor! ...though, they did warn him about possible dangers and whatnot for coming into contact with a fantastical creature that held great power and knowledge, as well as preparing sweets but they hadn't given him information as to what kind of sweets he was supposed to bring either.

Honestly, it felt like a bit of a gamble here: did she like any and all type of sweets? Was she allergic to something? What if she were like other canids and couldn’t stomach chocolate?

"Ah, that's fine! I heard you clearly when you said you had forgotten to clean up, so I wasn't scared at all!" He said with a hum as he opened his suitcase and pulled out six boxes: two were dark, grape purple, another was dark blue, and the last ones were orange, all with a clear front that allowed anyone to see the sugary candy inside in the shapes of ghosts, cats and pumpkins. He had another box that he had bought for tasting and could tell they contained a large quantity of sugar the moment they touched his synthetic tongue and a fine sand-like texture of sugar invaded his mouth, and thankfully his teeth weren’t real enamel!

"Here, these are some sugary-sweet marshmallows! Due to instructions being unclear on the quantity and quality of sugar required for the offering, based on what the hypothesis made with the data given, as well as some previous taste-testing to ensure a high quantity of sugar, I acquired these peculiar marshmallows but was unsure if it the quantity would suffice.” Avery would say, holding as far away from him the boxes to offer to the two, as he didn’t want to risk any accidents given how…hyperactive she looked to be at the prospect of receiving sweets, to not mention he wasn’t sure his arms were sufficiently enhanced enough to stand the claws of a powerful and magical-enhanced fox starving for candy.

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