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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trick or Treat: The Doctor's Abode

Well, this is rare. Not Halloween. That's quite standard, in fact. No, the fact that the plague doctor has opted to participate in the festivities this year is out of the ordinary. He's often busy and far too preoccupied with his duties, but this year has presented the unique opportunity of an abundance of free time.

The day was largely spent procuring supplies, from decorations to confections and pastries. Some of the items used for the purpose of decor were made by his own hand with what creative energy he could muster, and the rest were purchased from local crafters. The sweets and treats were all purchased from local businesses; the doctor lacks any talent for the art of cooking and the risk of disaster is too great on a night when he isn't looking to do harm. There's always tomorrow.

Now, with the sun going down and the sky painted in the colors of dusk, his efforts have all come together. His home which doubles as an occasional office is decorated inside and out. The windows and walkways leading up are alight with candles. The hedges are inlaid with strands of silk to mimic spider webs. There are pumpkins on the lawn along with wooden coffins and grave markers. Above the entryway to his home itself hangs a lantern and a sign bidding welcome, and stepping through will find one in a cozy enough room that seems to serve as a living room. A fire burns in the hearth and even more decorations are strewn around. There are more candles, faux webs and paper ghosts, as well as shelves with what look like medicine bottles, jars and even a few skulls; some of the latter may or may not be real.

Jaques himself is perched by the fire. The doctor makes for a rather intimidating figure, dressed all in black, and with that beaked mask that has spawned many tales of doom and gloom; and not all are tales, are they? The flickering flames cast his shadow across the floor and walls and it adds a bit of extra mystery and, perhaps even fear, to the atmosphere.

Now, he need only wait. Will any truly venture into the den of a plague doctor?
Voítheia (played anonymously)

Voítheia ventured into the den, though he was absolutely terrified, he attempted to for once face his fears. His fears? Well, just about everything since.. well, that's a story for another day.

Voítheia was dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, he wore a red cloak, held a basket, and his nose was bleeding.

The blood was fake, right?
(Actually, wait a minute, no, that was real blood..)

Upon approaching the living room, he noticed Jaques near the fire. Voítheia hesitated to step closer, especially seeing the beaked mask, but he did so anyway, despite his subtle hand shaking. "Trick..trick or treat.." The boy's voice was barely above a whisper and sounded scared.
Jaques De la Fournier (played by Halstarion) Topic Starter

His attention is drawn from the depths of his thoughts at the sound of his voice. The fire dances along the sharper points of his beak mask as he turns his head to assess the young man. His eyes drift down to the blood, almost imperceptible aside from the way his head tips down ever so slightly.

He is, in a word, surprised, and pleased. Someone actually took the invitation.

Jaques rises from his perch. "Happy Halloween." His voice sounds deep and almost raspy from where it emanates from beneath the mask. It's rather eerie, which is fitting for the occasion and atmosphere. Upon a nearby table there there rests a bowl filled with colorful candies and a large tray of festively decorated pastries. "Help yourself." He pauses, and then his head cocks. "And if you need assistance..." He gestures Voítheia's bloody nose. "I have the means."
Voítheia (played anonymously)

Voítheia stepped back one step as Jaques stood up, but did not flee.

Voítheia looked to the table, nodding and approaching it. He took a small handful of candy and gently placed it in his basket, and gently took one pastry that was decorated like a ghost. Voítheia looked to Jacques, "Wh— oh, my nose?" He stuttered, "It's.. it's fine.. It just happens." Voítheia said shyly, before taking a soft bite out of the pastry, it was sweet.

"A handkerchief would be nice though, if, if you have one.." Voítheia added.
Jaques De la Fournier (played by Halstarion) Topic Starter

"It just happens? This is something you have been living with for a time? Hm." It isn't his business. He's aware of that. He can't help the urge to question, however. It's what he does. He is still a doctor, even if his morals have long since shifted; he sometimes helps others.

"Wait here, and feel free to enjoy more treats."

The man crosses the room and vanishes through a nearby door. It doesn't close fully, leaving just a brief glimpse into the room beyond: a place for treatment, by the looks of it, and all of the associated supplies, plus god only knows what else in a variety of bottles and vials. There isn't much time to think on it before he emerges again, and the room is closed off from view.

Jaques once again approaches the young man and holds out the handkerchief for him. "You can keep it. You know, just in case this happens again tonight."
Voítheia (played anonymously)

Voítheia took another bite of the pastry, "Well, for about half a year.. yes.." Voítheia noted.

As Jaques asked, he waited there, still eating on the pastry he had grabbed about a minute ago. Voítheia couldn't help but be nosy, looking into the gap in the door that didn't close fully, seeing the glimpse of the room. It was very interesting, but just as Voítheia formed a thought about it, he lost it as Jaques came back out of it.

Voítheia finished the pastry, then gently took the handkerchief, putting it to his nose, staining the white fabric with red. "Thank.. thank you, sir. I appreciate it." Voítheia said, nodding as thank you. "Oh, um! I should probably get going, it's not safe to stay out too late.. A lot of.. bad people live in the city I come from.." The boy stuttered.

Voítheia grabbed another pastry, glancing at Jaques briefly as if asking it was okay to take another, to have a snack as he traveled back to the city.
Jaques De la Fournier (played by Halstarion) Topic Starter

The doctor straightens once the handkerchief has been handed off. He did hear what the boy said earlier, though it may have come off otherwise. "This is something that should be checked, given the length of time that it has been happening. For your safety, of course. You do seem quite young for such symptoms." In his heart, he knows that isn't true. Ailments, no matter where and how they come to be, rarely discriminate. The plague, and all outbreaks that followed after, have taught that lesson time and again.

He cocks his head, a slight smile hidden behind the mask. "No, I understand. The streets at night are filled with many unsavory individuals. You are wise not to stay out too long. He takes a step back, but not before gesturing toward the table of treats, a signal to the boy that he's well within his rights to take more, as much as he wants, if he desires. It'd be a shame to see all of these sweets go to waste.

"I wish you a safe journey home."

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