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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Welcome to the Fae Halloween

Tex (played by SaharaSunset)

You weren’t sure when the forest opened to a desert oasis. Whether you were in a normal park, and dark wooded forest or on a hike… it somehow lead to this place. Spooky banners hanging from palms, bushes decorated with hopefully fake webs. Wandering critters had scary face paint over them and the sky was a dark spooky red. A white and gold altar seemed to be what held candy and treats for those who did not wish to stay. But for those who did, and small area had been decorated with music and colourful lights for company to dance and chat.

The host for this night was a warmly coloured elf like woman with draconic wings and cheery disposition. Tonight she had taken the liberty to dress like one of those vampire monsters she had heard of that seemed to be scary to people. It seemed like fun. As people entered, her lantern glowed warmly.

“Hello hello!” She smiled to those who found their way to her oasis, gesturing to the candy set aside. This would be a great way to meet new friends.
For once, Bailey didn't have to find a domain to go trick-or-treating. The domain found her instead.

One minute, she was gliding atop a magic broom through the trees of the forests she called home. The next? The trees gave way to some kind of oasis. The sky shifted to a deep red instantaneously, and the thick mess of grass and roots on the floor were substituted by sand. Had they been teleported to a desert?

Bailey carefully dismounted, the broom still hanging in midair, with a fluffy black cat still seated atop its handle. Readjusting her witch's hat, as part of her costume, she gazed at the colourful lights ahead. There was candy in an altar- this place had to be a good spot.

"What do you think, Asher?" She smiled cheerfully.

"This place reeks strongly of magic," The cat replied, neutral as ever. "Do be cautious, Miss Bailey."

"Right, right..."

The broom followed the little witch as she caught sight of a lovely elven woman- one who seemed friendly and eager to have visitors enter. Bailey hiked up the skirt of her dress just to run up to her faster.

"Hello! Hi!" Bailey took off the hat and held it out with both hands with a smile as she approached. "Trick or Treat!"
Tex (played by SaharaSunset) Topic Starter

“Ah. The first visitor of the night.” She flashed her fake fangs and flicked her hand as chocolates and sweets deposited into the little witches hat. “Does your feline wish for a cat friendly treat as well?”

“Feel free to stick around if you wish. I’m sure there will be others arriving shortly to join the fun!” She twirled as her lantern glowed brightly. “Ooo I do love meeting new people.”

The little witch was very cute and friendly. She would make for an amazing friend if she wished to stick around. But they knew this holiday was more for collecting sweet treats than for socialising and making friends. She was happy to wait.
Bailey's eyes lit up behind her glasses as the candies disappeared into her hat completely. "Thank you! Thank you!"

As she put her hat back on, she looked towards Asher on instinct, then back to Tex with a wonder-filled smile. "You have cat treats? Really?"

The broom drifted just a tad bit closer, the cat seated atop its handle not reacting much aside from a flick on the tail. He seemed intrigued, but the look in his eyes suggested that he was also a bit wary. No harm in being cautious.

Bailey looked at Asher with a calm smile, giving him a scratch behind his ears. "Ohh, don't look at her like that! The night's still young, we can stick around for a bit! Wouldn't it be rude to deny a treat?"

"...If it's not tainted with magic, I suppose I wouldn't mind. Miss Bailey has a strong point."

"That's what I thought! Good boy!" Bailey turned back to Tex. "What do you have for cat treats, ma'am?"
Tex (played by SaharaSunset) Topic Starter

“I have treats and candy for just about everything and everyone. You never know who might show up on nights like these.” She winked and shoved her hand into her lanterns fire before pulling out a small variety of what looked like kibble but shaped as skulls, pumpkins of lightly varying hues.

When the cat was closer she leaned forward slightly and whispered. “You are a wise cat. Though I promise these are not tampered with anything to harm you or your friend, I cannot say they will not have traces of magic. I am magic myself after all.”

She giggled and offered the procured treats to Bailey, pointing out the specific ones. “Well. I have chicken, salmon and mutton. I could probably conjure up a specific combination that your feline prefers. As a way to say I am a friend and mean you all no harm if that would suit better.”
The young half drow walks through her familiar woods, be finds herself on a strange path and an opening before her. She pauses and looks back confused, her heart freezes for a moment looking back and taking everything in. There isn't supposed to be any deserts nearby much less an oasis. Ellie takes a small breath and takes in the scenery.

She could see that this is a magical place, and thankfully not too bright. Though she can be in the sun it still hurts when it's too bright. She finds the spiderwebs quaint, reminding her of the days she lived in the underdark. Not of the false goddess of her people, but of just little crawling friends that would keep her mushrooms safe.

Seeing that this is a costum party the short drow looks at her travelers clothes and considers casting a spell to change her clothes. Maybe a redcap hat? If she's here, she may as well enjoy herself. She just needs to remember the rules of certain magical creatures. The drow woman was still not sure if this is a fae gathering but she has a strong feeling. While trying to think of what rules to follow she takes out her hair tie to allow her long hair down in it's mowhawk cut.
Tex (played by SaharaSunset) Topic Starter

“Ooo. Another friend!” The fae piped up, leaning around her first guests to wave excitedly at the new one. “Welcome welcome. Feel free to take some candy or stick around!”

This was perfect. People were starting to show! This lady didn’t look entirely dressed for a Halloween party or trick or treating though. Maybe she didn’t know? That would be okay. As long as she was friendly and enjoyed the festivities then it would be a perfect night!
Indigo Magenta (played by Zelphyr)

No Halloween was complete without at least one skeleton lurking somewhere about, was it? Ghosts were also a necessity! A pair of figured who seemed precisely such turned up at the edge of the desert, peering round at the strange, sudden change in biome. The skeleton, the taller of the two by far even were he not wearing a slick pair of fabulous heels, was clad fine, dark cloth of a sinister cut that seemed to imply he was some sort of wicked mage - surely a necromancer, being a walking skeleton with a perfect pompadour. The other appeared as little more than a whisp of purple that hung closely to the skeleton, seeming almost nervous with its small, wavering movements.

With a light chuckle, he brushed a boney hand affectionately over his misty-bodied companion. "The place doesn't seem sure what it wants to be, but you're the boss, Fufu."

The whisp settled upon the skeleton's shoulder and he started for where people appeared to be gathering. It wasn't a terribly fast pace; his heels kept trying to sink into the sand as awkwardly as they could, and he insisted on maintaining a clean, confident gait regardless.
Tex (played by SaharaSunset) Topic Starter

More friends! So quickly? This was already turning out to be a wonderful eventing and it had barely even begun! And it seemed the skeleton had a little wispy friend. The fae moved towards the newcomer, chuckling at the fabulous fit, only to notice the struggle the heel-clad friend would be having some difficulty with the sand.

“Hello there, new friend! They don’t look like footwear that would work well in sand. Here,” she stated with a welcoming smile. “Let me give you a hand.”

Her arm sweeped out gently as the sand around the oasis seemed to flatten out and firm up. “I believe now you can strut those heels much easily. Welcome to my Oasis. Feel free to chat with the guests and have some candy! You are free to leave whenever you like as well.”

She turned, giggling to herself at all the guests she had acquired so quickly. This little get together would go perfectly if her guests also enjoyed themselves tonight!
Indigo Magenta (played by Zelphyr)

As the sand firmed up, Indigo did indeed have an easier time strutting - and strut he did, with a pause for a flourished bow to the host. "Ah! Much easier, you have my thanks!"

He moved a little nearer and peered at the candy and the rest of the setup, then looked again at the clingy whisp.

"Candy?" There was silence, and the skeleton chuckled. "No, no, it would stick to my teeth horribly."

The purple thing's color dulled and it seemed to bend over his shoulder as if flopping across it.

"You can still have some."

At that, the whisp appeared to perk back up.
Esmeralda Wilkins (played by Gab)

Esmeralda had always enjoyed Halloween and was especially excited to take her son out for his first trick or treating adventure. Sure, he was likely too young to remember or have candy, but that didn't stop Esmeralda from just taking him around. Of course, both were wearing costumes. Esmeralda was dressed as a scarecrow while Aiden, who was happily babbling and chewing on his fingers while being pushed along in a stroller, was dressed as a pumpkin.

Eventually, the two came across what seemed like a desert oasis decorated for Halloween. "Odd, I don't remember a place like this near the neighborhood..." Esmeralda muttered to herself, before noticing the altar. "Well, either way, how about we check this place out, Aiden?" she cooed towards the baby. Aiden simply giggled, continuing to chew on his fingers. With that, the two approached.
Tex (played by SaharaSunset) Topic Starter

“Of course,” she said to the skeleton, giving her own small curtsy back. “Your little friend is welcome to have whatever they like. And if you, yourself, have a food request, feel free to let me know. I try to cater for my guests as best I can. Stay for a while, enjoy the evening.”

She turned to the woman with the young child in a stroller. What a cute little thing. Tex would keep an eye on the little one. She was sure other fae weren’t near… but a young child would be a perfect target if left unattended.

“Hello there little one,” she cooed to the child. “Your child is very cute, miss. Feel free to help yourself to any refreshments laid out. And take some treats for the little one too.”
Esmeralda Wilkins (played by Gab)

Esmeralda smiled softly in response to what Tex had said. "Thank you. He's still a little young to be eating regular food just yet, but I wouldn't mind some sweets. I just couldn't resist taking him out for his first Halloween." she spoke with a soft laugh. Aiden stared up at Tex for a few moments before giggling a bit, waving his now slobbery fist at her.
Yaazecsus (played by Leighoflight)

Taking the children out for their second halloween, Yaaz prayed it would go better than last year. They travelled across realms this time, portals to wherever or spaces where the veil was thin. This time they just seemingly walked into this oasis. The children were familiar with sand and three of them proceeded to roll around in it and get the zoomies. Lawal was as usual firmly gripping Yaaz's shirt with his face buried into his parent's arm. The girls were dressed up like a pair of forest witches, tattered green and brown fabrics decorated with furs and antlers and the largest, Yavis, had been convinced to dress up like a bumblebee. The tiny one wore a ladybug onesie.

The beast was relieved to see that so far they didn't come across many monsters like last year, the odd skeleton here and there wasn't anything too frightening. However this place strongly reeked of fae magic, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, he just had to be aware to mind his manners and follow the rules. He'd gesture for the three running around to come back over to him so that they didn't get in anyones way while waiting.

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