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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Trick or Treat: A Grelek's Halloween 🎃 (Open)

(Since I didn't see any Trick or Treat Sci-fi's here's one for anyone with Sci-fi characters)


The dim glow of Sudalorm's control panel flickered,
signaling an incoming transmission. His slitted, lizard-like nose twitched as his green eyes scanned the message from the High Elites.
The words were clear: to maintain peace with Earth's trading partners, he must participate in an event called "Halloween."

He tilted his head, confused by the concept.
The attached document was extensive, detailing human and alien customs, traditions for this particular celebration.
As he read on, his tendrils coiled tighter, curling inward with each new piece of information.
Candy, costumes, decorations, none of it made sense to him, but orders were orders.

Hours later.
Sudalorm's ship descended onto the bustling trader dock,
the air shimmering as his vessel touched down.
Around him, ships from other planets hovered in place, exchanging goods and wares.
His ship, however, would soon stand out for a different reason.

Sudalorm, with careful precision, adorned the exterior of his ship with bright, pulsating orange and purple lights that shimmered against the blackness of space.
He hung spectral figures from the other worlds, a variety of ghosts and skeletons unfamiliar to Earth's eyes,
floating eerily alongside the hull. A large "WELCOME" sign, written in multiple languages, gleamed on the side of the ship.

The interior of his ship had been transformed as well.
In the cargo bay, Sudalorm set up a long table covered with various bowls of snacks.
Earth delicacies such as candy corn and chocolate bars were mixed with treats from distant planets, like neatly wrapped candy apples that sparkled with alien dust and toasted marshmallow spiders, an otherworldly favorite. A small sign on the table read, “Take 2” in bold letters,
a tradition he had read about in the document.

Sudalorm glanced at his reflection in a metallic surface. His towering figure was cloaked in a pirate's garb, a long coat draped over blackened armor,
and a plastic sword hanging from his belt. To complete the look, a fake beard had been carefully applied to his face, despite his lack of a mouth. His green eyes blinked slowly in the mirror. Pirates were said to be fierce, and perhaps this costume would make the humans more at ease.

The festive atmosphere was set.
His ship, glowing and filled with strange delights, was ready to welcome Earth's traders and citizens.
Now, all that remained was for them to arrive, and for Sudalorm to partake in this mysterious celebration of Halloween.

He stood tall beside the table, arms crossed, his tendrils twitching in anticipation. He had no idea what to expect,
but the High Elites demanded peace. And peace, on this day, was wrapped in candy and the strange customs of Earth.
Crick (played by SaharaSunset)

This would be Crick’s first Halloween without their owner. They remember the strange paired costumes they would wear together. Sun and Moon. Skeleton and ghost. Cat and witch
 that one was really creative. They had no one to actually put a costume on
 so instead they just changed their usual tabby fur to pitch black. Black cats were a Halloween thing.

The cat had spent the last few hours watching the festivities, slinking between parties and party goers. This new one was no different. Sneak in, have a look around, avoid someone trying to take a selfie with them, maybe steal a piece of candy
. Leave.

So they strutted in through the front, amused at the effort put in to make the ship look fun and inviting. The host seemed to be awkward. Maybe this was their first time hosting a party.

“Hey. You!” The cat stated rather openly. It was Halloween after all, they could stand out today. “Why’s it so quiet in here?”
Grelek Sudalorm (played by SillySpider) Topic Starter

Crick wrote:
This would be Crick’s first Halloween without their owner. They remember the strange paired costumes they would wear together. Sun and Moon. Skeleton and ghost. Cat and witch
 that one was really creative. They had no one to actually put a costume on
 so instead they just changed their usual tabby fur to pitch black. Black cats were a Halloween thing.

The cat had spent the last few hours watching the festivities, slinking between parties and party goers. This new one was no different. Sneak in, have a look around, avoid someone trying to take a selfie with them, maybe steal a piece of candy
. Leave.

So they strutted in through the front, amused at the effort put in to make the ship look fun and inviting. The host seemed to be awkward. Maybe this was their first time hosting a party.

“Hey. You!” The cat stated rather openly. It was Halloween after all, they could stand out today. “Why’s it so quiet in here?”

As Sudalorm stood beside the table, adjusting the decorations and snacks, he noticed a small cat approaching.
The creature seemed to exude an air of confidence as it trotted toward the array of treats.
Sudalorm’s large green eyes widened in surprise when the cat stopped and spoke in a clear, matter-of-fact tone.

Asking the Alien why it was so quiet.

Sudalorm’s tendrils twitched in confusion. He had not anticipated a talking cat.
Quickly, he adjusted his wristband, a complex piece of technology designed to help him communicate with various species.
With a series of deft taps, he input the necessary key numbers, his fingers moving quickly over the interface.

His tendril flexed as he completed the adjustments, now emitted a series of clicking sounds from his nose.
Suddenly, a robotic voice filled the air, translating his alien clicks into something intelligible. “Greetings, small feline. I am here to offer treats as part of my mission.
A peace offering if you will.”

He paused, uncertain of how to convey his lack of understanding of this special day.
“I do not know why there would be any more noise than this,” he added, the voice mechanical yet smooth.

He gestured with an open hand toward the table, showcasing the colorful array of snacks.
“Would you like to partake in the offerings? They are plentiful and—” he hesitated, searching for the right words, “—intended for enjoyment.”
Crick (played by SaharaSunset)

“I’m saying you don’t seem to have any guests in here. But yes.” The cat trotted towards the table and jumped up effortlessly. At least there was an assortment of treats. “I will gladly eat some of these. At least you have variety. I’ve been to a few places where they only bought the cheap mixed stuff. If you’re going to celebrate, at least look like you’re putting in the effort.”

If anyone was thinking the cat was, to put it lightly, rude, they wouldn’t be wrong. They reached into a bowl to pull out a wrapped chocolate. With careful precision, their claws and teeth pulled the wrapper off and they took a large bite of it.

“Never had chocolate before. My owner said it was bad for cats and dogs. With all these fancy upgrades, I can finally try some
 and it’s actually quite good. Nine out of ten for the chocolate.” Their tail curled around the bowl as they looked up at the host, chewing on more of the chocolate.
Grelek Sudalorm (played by SillySpider) Topic Starter

Crick wrote:
“I’m saying you don’t seem to have any guests in here. But yes.” The cat trotted towards the table and jumped up effortlessly. At least there was an assortment of treats. “I will gladly eat some of these. At least you have variety. I’ve been to a few places where they only bought the cheap mixed stuff. If you’re going to celebrate, at least look like you’re putting in the effort.”

If anyone was thinking the cat was, to put it lightly, rude, they wouldn’t be wrong. They reached into a bowl to pull out a wrapped chocolate. With careful precision, their claws and teeth pulled the wrapper off and they took a large bite of it.

“Never had chocolate before. My owner said it was bad for cats and dogs. With all these fancy upgrades, I can finally try some
 and it’s actually quite good. Nine out of ten for the chocolate.” Their tail curled around the bowl as they looked up at the host, chewing on more of the chocolate.

Sudalorm’s tendrils twitched as he pondered the cat’s earlier words.
"Lack of people," the feline had implied, and now that Sudalorm took a moment to consider it, he too noticed the absence of other beings.
The dock, normally bustling with traders and travelers, was quiet. Perhaps the Halloween custom wasn’t as well-known here. Still, it didn’t bother him.
The cat’s presence, small and unexpected, was enough to make this mission feel somewhat successful.

He watched as the cat continued to enjoy the chocolate treats.
At least the offerings had served their purpose.
Sudalorm felt a brief flicker of satisfaction in that,
though his nature urged him to remain quiet, a reserved observer of this strange world.

But something compelled him to speak again.
If this would be his only guest for the night, then perhaps he should offer more.
His tendrils shifted, coiling slightly as he tapped his wristband, adjusting the communicator to ensure the translation would be clear.

With a series of clicks, his wristband emitted his robotic voice once more.
“Small feline, you may take a candy or two for your... owner, if you so desire.”
He tilted his head, green eyes glowing softly as he glanced around.
“I see no one else accompanying you, and you appear to be alone. Does this mean your owner is elsewhere?”

Sudalorm’s tendrils flexed. He gestured once more to the treats, inviting the feline to take what it wished.

The night may have been quieter than expected, but the connection with this small,
curious creature seemed to make the evening worthwhile in its own peculiar way.
Crick (played by SaharaSunset)

Crick chuckled and rolled over to lay on their side, glancing up at the strange being. “My owner? Haven’t had one for a few months now. This is my first Halloween without one. He was a good human. Pity his job cost him his life.”

If a cat could shrug, that is what Crick would have done. They were a cat. A loss didn’t hurt them as bad as the more sentient creatures. Death was merely a result of danger or aging.

“But I’m out here living my best life without one. I can go where I want, when I want. And no one can stop me! If I wanted to, I could stowaway in your hold and go where it is you’re going once you leave. I could wander for weeks, sneak into places I shouldn’t. The list is endless.”
Grelek Sudalorm (played by SillySpider) Topic Starter

Crick wrote:
Crick chuckled and rolled over to lay on their side, glancing up at the strange being. “My owner? Haven’t had one for a few months now. This is my first Halloween without one. He was a good human. Pity his job cost him his life.”

If a cat could shrug, that is what Crick would have done. They were a cat. A loss didn’t hurt them as bad as the more sentient creatures. Death was merely a result of danger or aging.

“But I’m out here living my best life without one. I can go where I want, when I want. And no one can stop me! If I wanted to, I could stowaway in your hold and go where it is you’re going once you leave. I could wander for weeks, sneak into places I shouldn’t. The list is endless.”

Sudalorm watched the cat with a quiet curiosity as it stretched lazily,
clearly proud of its independence. He had considered offering his condolences for its apparent lack of an owner,
but the feline seemed content, even happier, to roam free.
There was no need for pity. Instead, Sudalorm listened carefully as the cat boasted about its freedom,
how it could travel anywhere without anyone stopping it.

“Perhaps that is true for you, small feline,” Sudalorm began, his wristband translating his alien clicks into the robotic voice.
“But such freedom may carry risks. There are dangers in the worlds I visit, dangers you may not survive.
Many of the plants and creatures I transport, they carry illnesses, toxic spores, and other alien elements that could harm you.”

His tendrils flexed and curled inward as he thought of his home planet,
its harsh environment vivid in his mind. The sun of his world burned relentlessly, scorching the surface of the land, turning everything in its rays to ash and putty. And the atmosphere, thick with spores and fungal life lacking air levels, it would choke a creature like this cat in moments if it required levels of air anywhere above 30% range.

He glanced down at the small creature.
“I will not stop you from sneaking aboard my ship,” he admitted.
“Though I would greatly prefer it if you did not.
You may be free, but eventually, your luck will run out.”

Sudalorm’s tone carried a faint note of warning.
While he respected the cat’s independence,
he doubted the creature could navigate the vast perils of intergalactic travel unscathed completely.

After a moment, he added, “Tell me, do you live on this trading dock?
Have you spent your life here among the ships and travelers?”
Sudalorm would think this is a perfect place for such a creature.
Given all the different types of traders and people that come through.
All the types of food ports, the lively nature, and many places to run and hide if needed.
Sudalorm can only assume that some creatures even freely give their attention to the feline,
especially humans given their nature with such creatures.

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