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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Spooky Nights

Azalla's home stood on the edge of a shadowy grove, its silhouette looming against the backdrop of a moonlit sky. Twisted, gnarled trees surrounded the worn path leading to her doorstep, their branches clawing at the night like skeletal fingers. The old Victorian house, with its peeling paint and creaking boards, seemed to breathe a ghostly sigh as the wind rustled through its numerous panes. Jack-o'-lanterns flickered menacingly on the porch, their carved faces flickering with a mischievous glow that danced over the old wood. Cobwebs adorned the corners of the porch and nearly every surface, giving off an aura of eerie elegance that suggested both a welcoming spirit and an ominous warning to those who might dare approach.

Inside, the ambiance was just as chilling, with dim candlelight casting elongated shadows that flickered ominously across the walls. Azalla had adorned her living room with an eclectic mix of costumes, skeletons, and bats that dangled from the ceiling. The air was thick with the scent of spiced cider, mingling with a hint of something more mysterious, perhaps a waft of old books or whispered secrets that lingered between the pages. Her faithful black cat, Shadow, watched from his perch on the windowsill, his yellow eyes glinting like twin moons as he surveyed the darkness outside.

As night deepened, Azalla settled into her favorite chair by the window, clutching a bowl of candy, the sweet morsels shimmering in the low light. The wait stretched on, filled with the rustle of leaves and distant echoes of laughter from children donning costumes in search of candy treasures. With each creak of the old house and every gust of wind, anticipation simmered in the air. Azalla couldn't help but smile, knowing the true spirit of Halloween would soon come alive at her doorstep, where the darkness of the night held promises of joyful trick-or-treaters and the exciting thrill of the unknown.
Vincent Jones (played by Chaotic)

Vince loved Halloween.

People who knew him had assumed it was, because it was the one night where he didn't have to mask his true nature.
That was of course wrong. He had tried to go out in his werewolf form once, and let's just say… the local news had a field day with the story, and it had taken months for the heat to die down and for the hunters to find a new target.
And Vince still hadn't got any candy. He still was more sore about that part than about people hunting him with silver weaponry.

Vince loved Halloween because it was a silly holiday. He had his own traditions: getting dressed up in a costume, search for a place that looked like it hosted a big party, see how long it took for people to figure out he wasn't the cousin of a cousin and he was asked to leave.
And, the important part, score free food in the progress. It was almost like trick or treating for grown ups.

And thus, he arrived at the Victorian house, hoping for yet another party to infiltrate. He had went for a classic, an eye-patch, an simple shirt, grey urban-cargo-pants, his usual leather jacket and the hope of meeting someone who liked retro-cyberpunk movies.

"Am I early?" he asked, sending out his best i'm-supposed-to-be-here vibes as he approached the doorstep, spending a side-glace at the cat.
Cats often recognized Vince for what he was, but luckily for him, they hardly cared enough to make a scene because of it.
Azalla Brooks (played by zombiequeen) Topic Starter

Azella stood up and smiled at him, her cheerful demeanor lighting up the room. “Oh no, you’re not early,” she laughed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. The cat, sensing the stirring anticipation in the air, leaped gracefully under her rocking chair, seeking refuge from the bustling atmosphere. Azella was in the midst of her favorite Halloween tradition—passing out candy to eager trick-or-treaters, an event that always filled her with joy. “I’m passing out candy to kids for a few hours, then the party starts,” she explained, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm. The scent of chocolate wafted through the air as she picked up another bowl filled to the brim with colorful wrappers. “Want to help?” she offered, her inviting smile suggesting that the evening was going to be filled with laughter and sweet treats. The thought of joining her in spreading joy made the idea of a simple Halloween turn into something truly special.
Vincent Jones (played by Chaotic)

Vince countered Azella's happy eyes wit a smile. As he heard that the party was hours out, he shoved the eye-patch up onto his forehead,.
Usually that was the part where they'd exchange names, but Vince acting as if he was invited usually involved not to initiate that social ceremony. For the moment, 'You' would do.

"Fair warning, when you give me candy, for whatever reason, 10% will vanish, due to my personal tax-policy." he added. His eyes darted after the cat for a moment, then Azalla had his undivided attention once more.

Vince extended his hands towards the candy bowl, ready to take it on. "So… are there a lot kids around?" he was curious
Azalla Brooks (played by zombiequeen) Topic Starter

Azella settled back into the comforting embrace of her rocking chair, letting out a soft sigh of relief as her cat leaped onto her lap, finding the perfect sunny spot. With a playful grin, she glanced down at her furry companion. “I’m so sorry. I’m Azella,” she exclaimed, slapping her forehead in mild frustration. It was unlike her to forget the basics of hosting, yet in the flurry of excitement and anticipation, she had overlooked the introductions. Surely, everyone she invited should know her name, but perhaps it was true that the more, the merrier; maybe some guests had come through other invitations. Her heart raced with the prospect of meeting new faces and exchanging stories.

As she chuckled at the witty comment about a 'candy tax,' reassuring her guest that there was no shortage of sugary treats this Halloween, she heard footsteps approaching. Her grin widened as she glanced up, only to be greeted by two delightful characters straight out of a fairytale—Dorothy and the Tin Man, adorned in their festive costumes. “Trick or Treat!” they chorused in unison, their faces lighting up with the joy of the evening. Azella's laughter bubbled forth as she shifted her cat to the side, eager to embrace the candid spirit of the night and share in the joy of treats and playful revelry.
Vincent Jones (played by Chaotic)

"Vince. Just Vince. If you call me Vincent, I'm going to assume you're an undercover cop." The very same answered with a clumsy hint of a bow.
His eyes wandered to the cat, searching a sunny spot. "And who are you?" he asked Shadow, as if he expected him to answer directly.

For all of Vince's power, speaking in the tongue of animals wasn't something he was, or ever could be capable of. Didn't stop him from trying, though.

Vince leaned against the next wall. He would've properly cultivated his tough guy image, but it was impossible to be cool while noming on sweets and being infected by his sunny host with a goofy smile.
Ah, well, Vince would survive.

He even unstuck from the wall, and went on his knees to be roughly at eye level with the children, handing out some of his ill-gotten candy. "Where did you left the lion?" he was curious, rising to a standing position once again.
Azalla Brooks (played by zombiequeen) Topic Starter

"Nice to meet you, Vince," she said, bowing back awkwardly as she tried to shake off her nerves. Her hands were slightly clammy as she turned to the children nearby, their eyes wide with anticipation. One by one, she distributed the candy she’d brought, each treat met with delighted squeals and giggles. It was moments like these that made her smile, the innocence of childhood a refreshing escape from the complexities of adult life.

Across the room, the tin man chuckled heartily at a quip made, his metal frame glinting in the soft light. With a playful grin, he pointed to a stroller where a baby, bundled in a fluffy lion costume, napped peacefully, a small tuft of faux mane peeking out. The scene was heartwarming, a perfect reflection of the whimsical environment they were in—a place where fantasy and reality blurred into a colorful tapestry of laughter and joy.

As she observed, Azella couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest watching Vince interact with the children. There was something undeniably charming about the way he carried himself, a blend of confidence and playful spirit that made him both approachable and intriguing. She found herself stifling a giggle as she buried her face into her cat's fur, her imagination running wild at the thought of him acting tough. The juxtaposition of his rugged demeanor alongside the innocent thrill of the occasion only added to his allure.

In that moment, surrounded by laughter and warmth, Azella felt a spark of connection. Maybe it was the shared smile over the candy or their mutual delight in the antics of the tin man, but she sensed an unspoken bond forming. As she glanced back at Vince, who was now jesting with another child about the baby lion in the stroller, she realized that sometimes the most genuine moments come from the simplest interactions—a shared laugh, a kind gesture, and an unexpected connection that warms the heart.
Vincent Jones (played by Chaotic)

Vince laughed. "I bet it is the real deal, both crying like a coward and screaming like a roaring lion when awake." he said with a smile.
It wasn't that bad, giving away candy when you at least brightened up someone's day.

Children were easy. They roughly had Vince's level of maturity, after all. The big guy fully rose and returned to Azella's side. He still hasn't caught the cat's name.
Maybe, he thought, he was able to talk to cats after all. Maybe it wasn't even a werewolf, but a human power, but cats, being cats, just decided to never react anyways.
It would make a lot of sense.
"I hope you have reserves." Vince told Azalla. "When the word that you've got the good stuff hits the street, we'll be drowning in clients."
Azalla Brooks (played by zombiequeen) Topic Starter

Azella smiled with an infectious joy that seemed to light up the dusky evening. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow on her porch as she gestured for him to follow her to a secluded corner shrouded in shadows. There, nestled against the wooden beams, was a small chest overflowing with an assortment of colorful candies—glistening wrappers reflecting the faint glow of the porch light. "I think I have plenty," she said, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. Halloween was her favorite time of year, a magical occasion filled with laughter, mischief, and an endless supply of sweets.

With just one more hour to go before the festivities began, Azella felt a thrill of excitement course through her. Soon, her home would be buzzing with friends in elaborate costumes, the air filled with laughter and the scent of caramel apples. For now, though, she savored this quiet moment, bending down to the chest and holding out her arms, inviting the playful spirit of the night to come alive. “Come, Shadow,” she called gently, a name befitting the black cat that wound around her legs. As he approached, she knew that together they would embark on a night filled with enchantment and joy, one that would linger in her memory long after the last trick-or-treater had come and gone.
Vincent Jones (played by Chaotic)

Vince had no problem with being infected by joy. There was a spring to his steps as he followed her into the dark shadow.
"Plenty? Not since you showed me where you store it, you don't." Vince joked, returning her smirk. Then again, he only took a fistful of chocolate - for now.
He would get more later, when she would've forgotten all about his devious plan, when there were other people to distract her!

"Can I pet you?" Vince asked Shadow, before filling his mouth with a chocolate bar. It almost looked like some sort of cigarette, helping his own costume along.

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