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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: New Haven Fire Station

Spencer Graves (played anonymously)

The rolling garage doors to the station were open wide, and flyers had been posted all month advertising the family-friendly event. Kids could even sit in the fire trucks if they asked about it, and there was a bake sale table set up off to the side with a sign promising that all proceeds would go to bettering the department. Everyone inside was bustling around busily to finish up preparations.

"Anybody got a light? I-Uh..." Spencer Graves started to ask the firefighters before he trailed off when he noticed the disapproving looks aimed at him from all directions. "A'ight, fine," groaned softly, repocketing his pack of cigs and adjusting the stethoscope around his neck awkwardly. Everyone else at this particular Firehouse Trunk or Treat event was in costume, ranging from Beemo to vampires, and even an inflated dinosaur who was riding the figurative struggle bus pretty hardcore. Spencer himself was dressed as a doctor in black scrubs, which was incredibly lazy one might say, due to his occupation and the fact that scrubs were an everyday staple in his life regardless. In his defense however, he was just a volunteer for this station when he had nothing better to do and had been roped into helping because his brother, the actual firefighter, was too busy elsewhere. He definitely could have imagined far better things to do than handing out candy to screaming kiddos, but maybe it wouldn't be all that bad if he just embraced it.

That said, the doc sat a large bowl of candy on one of the tables with a loud thump, causing poor Beemo to flinch in surprise and panic-throw the streamer he had been hanging across the station, nearly hitting one of the vampires in the head with it. Spencer pulled up a chair with an unapologetic chuckle of amusement, plopping into it to await the trick-or-treaters.
Aria Zauviir (played by Kim)

A little girl in a flower costume scampers ahead of her nurse maid, fabric petals bobbing wildly around her head as she runs. Her skin is black as ink, her hair ghostly white. And the fabric flower petals wreathing her face? Cheerful, bold yellow, as primary a color as you might find in a box of crayolas. The rest of her clothing is green, with felt leaves pinned here and there.

She is among the first to enter the garage when the doors are thrown wide, and finds herself in front of Spencer, gesticulating with wild excitement toward the fire truck. "Is it true?" she squeals.
Spencer Graves (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Spence raised his attention to the approaching duo, pocketing his phone as the inky flower child reached him. She was oozing excitement in figurative waves, and it was rather contagious, easily turning his grumpy frown into a warm smile. "Heya kiddo. Hm- is what..." he started to ask in confusion before that abyssal gaze of his flicked to follow her gesture towards the truck, "Oh! Is it true that you can sit in the truck? Yes, yes it is. I'm guessing that's something you'd be interested in, then?" Going by the squeal and excitement, it didn't take rocket science to deduce as much.

"Come on, let's head over for a closer look, yeah?" he offered, standing from his place at the table and motioning for both child and nurse to follow along. He would open the passenger door to the fire truck, helping the child up into the seat if needed, before moving to hop into the driver's seat to talk to her again, "Pretty cool, right? See that big switch over there? That's the lights and sirens. Wanna hear it go wee-woo? Go ahead and give it a shot." Did kids still love buttons they weren't usually allowed to press? Or had that changed over the years? Either way, if she flipped said switch, Beemo would give a sudden banshee shriek of surprise, whipping around to shoot Spencer a hateful glare for lack of warning.
Rayna adored Halloween.

The outfits, the music, the fun little foods. It was a time that literally screamed fun, sass and spooky activities. Haunted houses, costume shopping, parties, and all other manner of things that involved this wonderful holiday. This particular year, Rayna chose her costume carefully. A white corset top, a black tie, black fishnet stockings, white gloves and a black steampunk hat, complete with little gears and chains, along with a blunt-tipped whip on her side all attributed to the perfect Ringmaster.

Strong legs, wrapped in boots of knee-high length, moved her throughout the town, sharp eyes taking in display after display, until she rounded the corner to the local firehouse. She grinned her pretty smile as dark eyes moved across the lot. She chuckled as she saw the children, and let her eyes land on the only other adult she could currently see, but waited a moment for him to finish what he was doing. Walking over to a doctor in black scrubs, she cautiously asked; “Working here at the house or just working the party?”
Meph Norwish (played by Eros_Calls)

He had been busy in the kitchen for the last hour preparing burgers and hot dogs for the trick or treaters that were expected to come by the firehouse. He, the most unlikely cook in the entire building, found a sense of relaxation in the quiet of the kitchen and the loose science that is cooking. He had been taught to cook by one of those people that didn’t follow recipes. It was a dash of this, a pinch, of that until it smelled just right and tasted even better. He had never been formally trained in the kitchen, but he understood the mechanics of the art and that was enough for him. Rather, no one had ever complained about the food he put on the table during their shifts and, when he worked, they never asked him not to cook. Not to mention, every plate was usually licked clean.

He transferred the medium-well burgers and the slightly charred hot dogs from the flattop grill to a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. He balanced the cookie sheet piled high with meat on his left palm as he walked over to the paper grocery bag he had prepared earlier. He grabbed the bag in his right arm, holding it against his body, and headed out of the firehouse and into the garage area. He made his way over to a set of long tables he had set up earlier that day. He placed the cookie sheet down on the table and then set the paper bag down next to it. He unpacked the hamburger and hotdog buns and set them next to the cookie sheet of meat. He next pulled out a stack of paper plates and set them next to the meat to indicate the start of the line. He then laid out a plate of assorted cheeses and a plate of chopped veggies. The plates were covered in plastic wrap to protect them from flies and the elements. He then set out a few bottles each of pickles, ketchup, mustard, and mayo. Then some cutlery – forks and knives. He was looking at the table, trying to decide if he had forgotten anything.
Aria Zauviir (played by Kim)

As Spencer came to the realization of what she was asking about, she grinned, bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement. "Yes, yes!" she pipes, and skips over to the truck with him.

The little girl is quite diminutive, and apparently used to people helping her, as she accepts Spencer's help immediately to get into the cab of the fire engine. Her nurse hovers about ten feet away, watching cautiously but not interfering.

Kids DO still love to push buttons, especially fancy new buttons they've never seen before. Aria flips the switch and shrieks with laughter as the lights start going.
Spencer Graves (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Spencer laughed with Aria, and even more so at the glare he was flashed from the startled guy in costume. Beemo seemed to have had it with these shenanigans and marched towards the tables Meph set up to check out what smelled so good. "I should have asked you to cater for my Aunt Sally's wedding, this food smells ama-zing," the lanky fireman was saying to Meph with an approving nod, completely forgetting about Spencer and the scare incidents.

"Ta da?" Spencer grinned, "You're a natural, kiddo." The vampire-costumed male headed over and opened the door, offering to take over showing Aria the ins and outs of the truck in better detail since he actually drove it. Spence nodded warmly to the child, "A'ight, I'm gonna go check on the treat bowl, you make sure to come see me for treats too before you go, okay? Jeff here is gonna tell you what all the cool buttons do!"

Spence made his way back to the seat he'd been at prior, blinking when he was approached before he quite made it there. "Oh uh, heya," he greeted warmly, those abyssal eyes soaking in her costume curiously, "Both, actually. Well... kinda. I volunteer here on weekends as I'm able, but it's not my full-time job. Are you an actual Ringmaster or do you just look the part really well?" A compliment, obvious by the playful smile that tugged at his features, "Also, are you here from the flyer or just passing through? If the latter, I'll be the first to inform you that we have a bake sale goin' on over there with Jess, the lady in the pirate dress, and it looks like burgers and hotdogs over there on the other side. And then, of course, the big bowl of treats for the trick-or-treaters." He nodded to the bowl he had been placed in charge of.
Meph Norwish (played by Eros_Calls)

Hearing the sounds of footsteps on concrete he expected that someone was approaching the table for food. However, he was not expecting to see a rendition of a 90's Gameboy. He eyed the costume for a moment and then reached for one of the paper plates. He handed the empty plate to the Beemo clad gentleman and prepared to speak. It wasn't something Meph did often. He swallowed awkwardly and then said softly, "I have never attended a wedding."

Meph was a very large man. Standing at six feet, five inches, and was muscled like a professional athlete. He was sometimes called Thor's bigger brother in jest by the other guys in his crew. However, when he spoke, it didn't match his hulking size. It seemed to almost carry the shyness of a child.

When the siren blared, Meph tensed and whipped around eyeing the scene. His heart was beating rapidly at the startle but, as he assessed and confirmed it was only a child playing, he relaxed. His eyes swept the garage to see what kind of crowd they were attracting.
Rayna could tell she had surprised the man just a little bit. She hadn’t realized that he might’ve been in the middle of moving elsewhere, but he had engaged with her anyways. Rayna smirked at him, his answer telling her that he was technically working both. Well, sometimes worked both. She smiled at this. “Hey, volunteer work counts.” She told him before he asked another question.

At it, she smirked down at her outfit, and then back at him. “For the evening, just playing one. But I am really good with a whip if the need arises.” She laughed in an obvious joking manner. “And no, I was just walking around looking at everything. I saw this as I came around the corner.”

As she listened to him tell her that there was a bake-sale, her head turned in the direction, only to catch sight of someone she actually knew. Brightness was in her as she waved a gloved hand to the massive blonde standing there. “Oh you’re in for a great meal with him around.” She knew Meph would hear the compliment, but didn’t comment further as she turned back to Spencer, as he pointed out the candy-bowl. She chuckled lightly as she pondered playfully; “Are you in charge of the candy? Here to box those trying to get it?”
Joot (played by Jooters)

Jooters had been exploring the town all day by now. The kid always seemed to possess no lack of energy on Halloween, being his favorite holiday of all! (except his birthday, of course.)
His next stop was a nearby fire station. He had seen the posters up around town, and he always thought fire fighters were so cool! Red was one of his favorite colors, after all.
The cat was clad in a witch's costume. It was fairly well detailed and high quality, his family being quite wealthy and his mother loving to spoil the boy. Bows littered the outfit and it's material is silky and soft.
He ran up to the fire station, pumpkin shaped bucket in hand. It was already quite full of candy, but definitely not full enough for him.
"Trick or treat!" He exclaimed.

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