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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » A Game of Uncles & Avatars [Private RP]

Prince Zuko (played anonymously)

🔥 Zuko in this AU is younger than canon. 🔸🔶
🔶🔸More information on profile

And so, they left Trixie's Bar to search for Zuko's Uncle Iroh and of course, the Avatar.

Currently, a few minutes after leaving the bar, they were in the woods. Zuko walked in-between Akira and Fumizuki.

"So, uhm.. I didn't catch your name." Zuko looked at Fumizuki. "My name is Zuko." Zuko told her with a soft, though kind of awkward, shy smile.
"I'm Fumizuki." Fumizuki smiled at Zuko, ready to help him on this mission.
He would hold his hand out. Within seconds, his massive blade flew through the air and the handle went directly into Drael's hand.
"And my papa, Drael, will help us as well." Fumizuki added.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

As they trudged through the dense underbrush, Akira glanced sideways at Zuko, noting the way his eyes flickered with curiosity beneath that carefully crafted facade. With a gentle smile, she stepped forward, her voice warm and inviting, like sunlight breaking through the canopy.

“I'm Akira,” she introduced herself, her tone laced with a hint of excitement. “It’s an honor to meet you, Zuko-san.” She could sense his shyness and found it endearing; he seemed less like a prince and more like a young man searching for his place in the world, much like herself.

Turning to Fumizuki and Drael, she added, “And this is Fumizuki, right? It is an honor to have you traveling with us. An honor to meet you too, Drael-san.” Akira's admiration for both their spirits shone in her eyes as she embraced the moment of connection.

With a quick glance toward the path ahead, she continued, “I think together, we can find Iroh and the Avatar. There’s so much we can learn from them.” Her words flowed with genuine enthusiasm, her boundless empathy for their journey knitting them together like a tapestry.

The forest, alive with rustling leaves and distant calls, felt charged with purpose as they walked on, united by a shared mission and the budding friendship that flickered among them.
"So…where are we gonna start looking?" Fumizuki asked curiously. She had absolutely no idea herself, but she was hoping that someone else would. "Is there a specific place that the Avatar would be?"
Prince Zuko (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Zuko smiled, "Fumizuki, Akira, and.. Drael? Nice to meet you all.."

The young prince looked at Fumizuki, "Uhm, I don't know.. the Avatar went missing, 90 somethin' years or so.." Zuko murmured. "As for my Uncle, he has to be around Earth Kingdom territory! We were heading there before we got separated by some people attackin' us."
"Okie, we can start there." Fumizuki proclaims excitedly…only for her to promptly realize that she has no idea where the Earth Kingdom is. "Umm, how do we get there?"
Prince Zuko (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Zuko opened his mouth as if he knew the answer, before also realizing he had no idea where the Earth Kingdom was either. Iroh had knew, but he wasn't here.
"I have no idea.. maybe we can ask someone for directions?" Zuko suggested.
Fumizuki thinks for a moment, then gets an idea. "Papa Drael, you're the tallest one of us. Can you see any mountains or anything we could use as a vantage point to scope out our location?"

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