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Forums » General Roleplay » TRICK OR TREAT! DR STEVIA TOWER OF DOOM!

Dr. Stevia Leona (played anonymously)


DR Stevia Tower of Doom. The latest and one of the most prominent if not the most Tallest Building in the entire City of "Doomsdale" as the Crazy Evil Local Super Villain liked to refer to it. Standing even taller than her famous and totally not copyrighted "Doom Dino Dome" Where the mad scientist kept her "lab made Dinosaurs" Even though they were just giant paint sponges that grew to ludicrous sizes with enough water (Even though no one had confirmed if they were actually alive or not..
or if there had been a previous town before and the scientist had used her "Doom Dino Dome" as a massive cover up to claim the city as her own)

Her Tower of doom was located at the heart of the city, it was 70 floors in height, although her indoors water park equipped with laser sharks actually merged two floors into one so...Ohh well! That Aside, the imposing height of her building and rather enigmatic architecture, it was rather lacking in spooky ornaments!...Actually it was't adorned at all! The closest decoration was that of a robot (actually a Doombot) dancing skeleton in a mariachi outfit next to the door playing the trumpet....Seems someone had forgotten to make her halloween decorations! Or maybe not cause robots were hard to make and even harder to teach to play the trumpet...Yet, the worst of all...She had Forgotten to buy candy! OHHH NO! How was the Not so good Doctor gonna endure the night?

At the entrance of the...DR STEVIA TOWER OF DOOM!!! Stood a rather simple purple door (Right next to the still dancing music performer skeleton of dubious robot origin) and next to it an enormous red button that was likely the ringing bell...Of Doom of course! Giant Red Button Adorned with the words "DO NOT PRESS!" painted over it with white letters...Because the paint was still fresh, In anycase there was yet another alternative which was the old fashioned traditional knock on the door...But who? Who would dare step in and knock on the door of the infamous DR STEVIA...BRINGER OF DESTRUCTION, BANE OF EVERYTHING THAT MADE THINGS HAPPY AND NOTICEABLE TAX EVADER?

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