Within the Jagged Peaks; a series of high, jagged volcanoes, lied Skull Cave. Skull Cave lied at the peak of the most active volcano in the region, constantly spewing red hot lava like a freshly cut wound bleeding blood, falling down the volcano like a river off the side of a mountain.
Inside, on a black throne sat Pyratus. How he got here from Landor? Nobody knows.
He had set a barrier around the cave meant to turn anyone with an untainted soul into nothing more than a pile of ash before sending out invitations out across the multiverse. The letters were in black envelopes and stamped with blood red wax. He had used a strange loophole in the multiverse, enabling him to send out infinite copies to every tainted being in the multiverse.
"The guests should be arriving soon, Master Pyratus." Edgar said. Edgar, a wolf, was the lord of a blood cult, and one of Pyratus' most valued and powerful allies. They had known each other since Edgar was but a pup, where Pyratus took it among himself to father and manipulate the child into his perfect ally.
"Good." Pyratus said. "Bring out the wine. The trek here is long, and the guests will likely be thirsty."
"By your orders, Father Pyratus."
Inside, on a black throne sat Pyratus. How he got here from Landor? Nobody knows.
He had set a barrier around the cave meant to turn anyone with an untainted soul into nothing more than a pile of ash before sending out invitations out across the multiverse. The letters were in black envelopes and stamped with blood red wax. He had used a strange loophole in the multiverse, enabling him to send out infinite copies to every tainted being in the multiverse.
"The guests should be arriving soon, Master Pyratus." Edgar said. Edgar, a wolf, was the lord of a blood cult, and one of Pyratus' most valued and powerful allies. They had known each other since Edgar was but a pup, where Pyratus took it among himself to father and manipulate the child into his perfect ally.
"Good." Pyratus said. "Bring out the wine. The trek here is long, and the guests will likely be thirsty."
"By your orders, Father Pyratus."
Erilyn was getting ready for the night ahead in a room she had rented when there was a knock at the door. She turned, feeling suspicious since she had not expected any visitors. "Who is it?" she asked, having just donned functional but well-made clothing and her armor. Pulling a strap tight on her gauntlet and throwing her cloak about herself, she listened for anything untoward. Her long ears didn't pick up on anything, but she still approached the door from the side. Her hair was in a braided bun tucked against the back of her head.
"Just a message, madam," one of the staff here at the tavern called, she recognized the voice. Opening the door, she looked down at the human and held out a long-fingered, black-skinned hand. He handed it over, his motions hesitant, her kept his eyes down. "My thanks," the dark elf told him, flipping him a copper coin and shutting the door. The envelope was unusual, though she did like the color of the wax. Sitting at the desk and using one of her blades to deftly break the seal, she took a look inside. But not before a simple spell to detect any curse that might be upon it.
Once her paranoia had been allayed, she opened and read over the invitation. It was intriguing, she had just finished a bounty and was ready for such an opportunity. But how to get there? The drow made arrangements with a wizard that owed her a favor, and he used a spell to send her not only through the multiverse but to the destination that the letter had come from. Before walking through the portal that the wizard summoned, Erilyn was given a lifeline back to her own place and time. It was a spelled object in the shape of a key. She had but to put it into any door, and she'd come back here.
A few moments later, Erilyn appeared outside the cave. Passing through the barrier with no issue at all, she was alert for any threat. This might be a trap, she needed to be cautious. But even as she kept a hand near the hilt of her shortsword, her instincts told her this was legitimate. "Hello," she greeted him once she saw Pyratus, "were you the one that sent the letter?" Her low voice still carried a trace of her drow accent, a severe tongue that had branched from surface elves long ago. Erilyn's tone was one of courteous inquiry, her silver eyes looked over those present and around the chamber.
"Just a message, madam," one of the staff here at the tavern called, she recognized the voice. Opening the door, she looked down at the human and held out a long-fingered, black-skinned hand. He handed it over, his motions hesitant, her kept his eyes down. "My thanks," the dark elf told him, flipping him a copper coin and shutting the door. The envelope was unusual, though she did like the color of the wax. Sitting at the desk and using one of her blades to deftly break the seal, she took a look inside. But not before a simple spell to detect any curse that might be upon it.
Once her paranoia had been allayed, she opened and read over the invitation. It was intriguing, she had just finished a bounty and was ready for such an opportunity. But how to get there? The drow made arrangements with a wizard that owed her a favor, and he used a spell to send her not only through the multiverse but to the destination that the letter had come from. Before walking through the portal that the wizard summoned, Erilyn was given a lifeline back to her own place and time. It was a spelled object in the shape of a key. She had but to put it into any door, and she'd come back here.
A few moments later, Erilyn appeared outside the cave. Passing through the barrier with no issue at all, she was alert for any threat. This might be a trap, she needed to be cautious. But even as she kept a hand near the hilt of her shortsword, her instincts told her this was legitimate. "Hello," she greeted him once she saw Pyratus, "were you the one that sent the letter?" Her low voice still carried a trace of her drow accent, a severe tongue that had branched from surface elves long ago. Erilyn's tone was one of courteous inquiry, her silver eyes looked over those present and around the chamber.
"That I was." Pyratus said, looking towards the drow. He stood from his throne before he made his way down to her. "You must be Erilyn, no? I am Father Pyratus."
Pyratus offered his hand-paw to be shaken, looking at her with a toothy grin, a glint in his dull, corpse like eyes.
"I trust that you will not drop that honorific, elf. I worked hard to get it." He said. "The throats I had to slit were thick, and the people I had to manipulate were oh so stubborn."
His grin grew as he spoke, seeming to be quite proud of himself.
"How did you know her name, sir?" Edgar asked, holding a bottle.
"Don't question me, boy." Pyratus spat back, turning to the wolf aggresively and with an angered gaze. Edgar flinched and seemed to slink back, filling glasses and goblets in the background and trying to not anger Pyratus further. After he was sure Edgar had been frightened off well enough, he turned back to the drow and regrew his smile.
"Now, back to what I was saying before I was... Rudely interrupted." He said, glaring at Edgar once more. "We are pleased to have you here, madam. Please, have a seat! I insist."
Pyratus offered his hand-paw to be shaken, looking at her with a toothy grin, a glint in his dull, corpse like eyes.
"I trust that you will not drop that honorific, elf. I worked hard to get it." He said. "The throats I had to slit were thick, and the people I had to manipulate were oh so stubborn."
His grin grew as he spoke, seeming to be quite proud of himself.
"How did you know her name, sir?" Edgar asked, holding a bottle.
"Don't question me, boy." Pyratus spat back, turning to the wolf aggresively and with an angered gaze. Edgar flinched and seemed to slink back, filling glasses and goblets in the background and trying to not anger Pyratus further. After he was sure Edgar had been frightened off well enough, he turned back to the drow and regrew his smile.
"Now, back to what I was saying before I was... Rudely interrupted." He said, glaring at Edgar once more. "We are pleased to have you here, madam. Please, have a seat! I insist."
Nix was alone in his castle, sitting in front of his wall covered in people's faces. He made himself a cup of tea and drank it while staring at his work. Suddenly, he heard a knock at the door. Who would dare interrupt tea time? Eventually, he got up and walked toward the door. When he opened it, he saw a small boy shaking. The boy quickly mumbled, 'F-for you...' and handed him the envelope before dashing away, afraid of losing his face.
As Nix walked inside with the envelope, he took a good look at it. He sat down at a table and used his sliver katana to tear it open. "Interesting..." Nix was intrigued, so he prepared to leave. How did he leave his universe, you may ask? He used an old magic book he took as a trophy after defeating a powerful wizard. He used it to open a portal to the other world and stepped inside.
Shortly after stepping out of the portal, Nix found himself outside a cave. He walked in, passing the barrier with no problem. He kept his hand on the hilt of his katana, knowing this wouldn't be the first time someone used a fake invitation to try to kill him. He then stood in front of Pyratus
"Hello. I assume you sent the letter?" he asked, looking around the cave. "Could've picked a nicer place."
As Nix walked inside with the envelope, he took a good look at it. He sat down at a table and used his sliver katana to tear it open. "Interesting..." Nix was intrigued, so he prepared to leave. How did he leave his universe, you may ask? He used an old magic book he took as a trophy after defeating a powerful wizard. He used it to open a portal to the other world and stepped inside.
Shortly after stepping out of the portal, Nix found himself outside a cave. He walked in, passing the barrier with no problem. He kept his hand on the hilt of his katana, knowing this wouldn't be the first time someone used a fake invitation to try to kill him. He then stood in front of Pyratus
"Hello. I assume you sent the letter?" he asked, looking around the cave. "Could've picked a nicer place."
Erilyn was very used to the dynamic that played out between a tyrant that would lash out over the smallest mistake, and someone who hastened to obey so as to avoid punishment. She had grown up with it as a drow, and approved of keeping one's subordinates in line. "I will not begrudge you what is rightfully yours, your title seems to have been hard won after all. Perhaps I will be able to obtain one of my own one day. It took a fair bit of scheming and time, but she had a long life span after all.
"Yes, my name is Erilyn Kendrix, fighter and cleric. I am interested to see what kind of proposal you have for us." She stepped to the side and made herself comfortable in a chair, leaning back, crossing her legs and accepting a goblet of wine from Edgar. Having been born a noble, she was used to accepting this kind of treatment. The dark elf had been cast out from her society, but perseverance had finally paid off and she'd carved out a comfortable life for herself. Quite literally.
The drow observed as Nix approached as well, this one appeared both mysterious and macabre. And lacking in decorum. These kinds of events often attracted at least one or two of those types, she mused to herself. Or perhaps he was sarcastic. Sipping from her wine tentatively, she decided to indulge in it slowly. Her silver eyes took in the details of the place and the scene, spidery fingers tapping along the stem of her wine glass.
"Yes, my name is Erilyn Kendrix, fighter and cleric. I am interested to see what kind of proposal you have for us." She stepped to the side and made herself comfortable in a chair, leaning back, crossing her legs and accepting a goblet of wine from Edgar. Having been born a noble, she was used to accepting this kind of treatment. The dark elf had been cast out from her society, but perseverance had finally paid off and she'd carved out a comfortable life for herself. Quite literally.
The drow observed as Nix approached as well, this one appeared both mysterious and macabre. And lacking in decorum. These kinds of events often attracted at least one or two of those types, she mused to herself. Or perhaps he was sarcastic. Sipping from her wine tentatively, she decided to indulge in it slowly. Her silver eyes took in the details of the place and the scene, spidery fingers tapping along the stem of her wine glass.
Nix Padal wrote:
Nix was alone in his castle, sitting in front of his wall covered in people's faces. He made himself a cup of tea and drank it while staring at his work. Suddenly, he heard a knock at the door. Who would dare interrupt tea time? Eventually, he got up and walked toward the door. When he opened it, he saw a small boy shaking. The boy quickly mumbled, 'F-for you...' and handed him the envelope before dashing away, afraid of losing his face.
As Nix walked inside with the envelope, he took a good look at it. He sat down at a table and used his sliver katana to tear it open. "Interesting..." Nix was intrigued, so he prepared to leave. How did he leave his universe, you may ask? He used an old magic book he took as a trophy after defeating a powerful wizard. He used it to open a portal to the other world and stepped inside.
Shortly after stepping out of the portal, Nix found himself outside a cave. He walked in, passing the barrier with no problem. He kept his hand on the hilt of his katana, knowing this wouldn't be the first time someone used a fake invitation to try to kill him. He then stood in front of Pyratus
"Hello. I assume you sent the letter?" he asked, looking around the cave. "Could've picked a nicer place."
As Nix walked inside with the envelope, he took a good look at it. He sat down at a table and used his sliver katana to tear it open. "Interesting..." Nix was intrigued, so he prepared to leave. How did he leave his universe, you may ask? He used an old magic book he took as a trophy after defeating a powerful wizard. He used it to open a portal to the other world and stepped inside.
Shortly after stepping out of the portal, Nix found himself outside a cave. He walked in, passing the barrier with no problem. He kept his hand on the hilt of his katana, knowing this wouldn't be the first time someone used a fake invitation to try to kill him. He then stood in front of Pyratus
"Hello. I assume you sent the letter?" he asked, looking around the cave. "Could've picked a nicer place."
As Nix entered, Pyratus turned his attention from Erilyn to the newcomer and quickly rushed to his side.
"Ah! You must be Nix Padal!" He said warmly, offering his hand in the same way he offered it to Erilyn. "Good evening to you, you can call me Father Pyratus. Have a seat sir!" He added, pulling out a chair for him.
"I apologize for the less than desirable location, but I had to pick somewhere as remote as possible. Wouldn't want any risk to be followed, no? The ash created from their bodies is such a hassle to clean up, and Edgar here already has enough work set out for him."
Edgar seemed to look up from his glass filling as Pyratus spoke. He didn't agree to any cleaning. He's the lord of blood, not some maid. But he knew better than to speak against the cat, and so held his tongue- lest he lose it.
Erilyn Kendrix wrote:
Erilyn was very used to the dynamic that played out between a tyrant that would lash out over the smallest mistake, and someone who hastened to obey so as to avoid punishment. She had grown up with it as a drow, and approved of keeping one's subordinates in line. "I will not begrudge you what is rightfully yours, your title seems to have been hard won after all. Perhaps I will be able to obtain one of my own one day. It took a fair bit of scheming and time, but she had a long life span after all.
"Yes, my name is Erilyn Kendrix, fighter and cleric. I am interested to see what kind of proposal you have for us." She stepped to the side and made herself comfortable in a chair, leaning back, crossing her legs and accepting a goblet of wine from Edgar. Having been born a noble, she was used to accepting this kind of treatment. The dark elf had been cast out from her society, but perseverance had finally paid off and she'd carved out a comfortable life for herself. Quite literally.
The drow observed as Nix approached as well, this one appeared both mysterious and macabre. And lacking in decorum. These kinds of events often attracted at least one or two of those types, she mused to herself. Or perhaps he was sarcastic. Sipping from her wine tentatively, she decided to indulge in it slowly. Her silver eyes took in the details of the place and the scene, spidery fingers tapping along the stem of her wine glass.
"Yes, my name is Erilyn Kendrix, fighter and cleric. I am interested to see what kind of proposal you have for us." She stepped to the side and made herself comfortable in a chair, leaning back, crossing her legs and accepting a goblet of wine from Edgar. Having been born a noble, she was used to accepting this kind of treatment. The dark elf had been cast out from her society, but perseverance had finally paid off and she'd carved out a comfortable life for herself. Quite literally.
The drow observed as Nix approached as well, this one appeared both mysterious and macabre. And lacking in decorum. These kinds of events often attracted at least one or two of those types, she mused to herself. Or perhaps he was sarcastic. Sipping from her wine tentatively, she decided to indulge in it slowly. Her silver eyes took in the details of the place and the scene, spidery fingers tapping along the stem of her wine glass.
"Ah, I see you already guessed I called you all out here for a reason." Pyratus said with a small chuckle. "Silly me! I thought I could surprise you! But to be fair, no one would call a group of schemers and murderers, who all likely have a dozen or so populations who want them dead, out to a remote volcano in a random universe for no reason other than wine and conversation."
The sphynx took his seat at his throne, Edgar rushing to hand him his own glass. "I, in fact, do have something I wish to discuss- although I wish to make sure all the people who could make time in their busy schedules of villainy to arrive first. Simpler to just say the proposal once instead of for everyone who arrives, no?"
Nix sat down on the chair. He took a second to observe Erilyn before turning back to Pyratus. He didn't accept wine from Edgar, instead pulling out a teapot filled with hot tea and a teacup, then poured himself some. He understood not wanting people to follow; he has had people or henchmen follow him in his plans before. "Don't worry. I won't mind that much."
"Nix looked back at Erilyn for a few seconds. He always thought Drows were an interesting race. He felt compelled for a second to take her face but held back. He did not want to be impolite. He was a guest here, after all. He may be a face-stealing monster, but no one wants to be a bad guest.
"Nix looked back at Erilyn for a few seconds. He always thought Drows were an interesting race. He felt compelled for a second to take her face but held back. He did not want to be impolite. He was a guest here, after all. He may be a face-stealing monster, but no one wants to be a bad guest.
"... How utterly disappointing." Pyratus uttered at the lack of arrivals. "Am I that unskilled of a writer? I thought I did pretty well..."
Pyratus stood from his throne and walked between his two guests. "Well, I had hoped to give a rousing offer to a large group of skilled villains and outlaws, but it seems that they had their invitations were lost in the mail."
Pyratus cleared his throat. "Well, I am sure you two have people that wish harm on your life, no? But, since you are still able to breathe and walk, you must be rather skilled at resisting their attempts, am I correct? But I am sure that this must be a little draining. A lack of many allies, few protections. Why, I am sure you wish for your pesky rivals and enemies who wish they can become some sort of hero by besting you to be... Eliminated, yes?"
Pyratus paused for but a moment before continuing. "I am proposing we make a union of our efforts in order to eliminate each other's biggest nuisances, if it wasn't obvious. This would have been more effective if there would have been more than three people here-"
"F-four, master Pyratus." Edgar said, cutting him off.
"Quiet, boy!" Pyratus barked. "... Now, where was I? Ah!
"Now, it might be less effective than say... Tens of people all here to equally work on defeating each other's rivals, but I can tell that we all are quite powerful, and it's not like those do-gooders would expect someone from a different universe entirely to come and do them harm, no?"
Pyratus began reaching into the pockets of his robes before pulling out photos of a black furred feline boy, looking appearing to be little more than a child.
"This is Jooters Blaccat. A 14 year old boy from the kingdom of... Magicka." He said, shuddering as he spoke the name of the kingdom. "His father was the man who stopped my plans of world dominion under the perfection of the White Saint, and as they say; 'like father, like son'.
"It is... Humiliating asking for assistance in the elimination of a mere child, but I am getting desperate. And so, if either of you agree to help in his... Removal, I will vow in the name of the Saint himself to assist you in your problems. I am the most powerful pyromancer in my world, who has brought kingdoms to their knees and begging for mercy and have developed a reputation for my ruthlessness, I am sure I can help you with your pests if you assist with mine."
Pyratus stood from his throne and walked between his two guests. "Well, I had hoped to give a rousing offer to a large group of skilled villains and outlaws, but it seems that they had their invitations were lost in the mail."
Pyratus cleared his throat. "Well, I am sure you two have people that wish harm on your life, no? But, since you are still able to breathe and walk, you must be rather skilled at resisting their attempts, am I correct? But I am sure that this must be a little draining. A lack of many allies, few protections. Why, I am sure you wish for your pesky rivals and enemies who wish they can become some sort of hero by besting you to be... Eliminated, yes?"
Pyratus paused for but a moment before continuing. "I am proposing we make a union of our efforts in order to eliminate each other's biggest nuisances, if it wasn't obvious. This would have been more effective if there would have been more than three people here-"
"F-four, master Pyratus." Edgar said, cutting him off.
"Quiet, boy!" Pyratus barked. "... Now, where was I? Ah!
"Now, it might be less effective than say... Tens of people all here to equally work on defeating each other's rivals, but I can tell that we all are quite powerful, and it's not like those do-gooders would expect someone from a different universe entirely to come and do them harm, no?"
Pyratus began reaching into the pockets of his robes before pulling out photos of a black furred feline boy, looking appearing to be little more than a child.
"This is Jooters Blaccat. A 14 year old boy from the kingdom of... Magicka." He said, shuddering as he spoke the name of the kingdom. "His father was the man who stopped my plans of world dominion under the perfection of the White Saint, and as they say; 'like father, like son'.
"It is... Humiliating asking for assistance in the elimination of a mere child, but I am getting desperate. And so, if either of you agree to help in his... Removal, I will vow in the name of the Saint himself to assist you in your problems. I am the most powerful pyromancer in my world, who has brought kingdoms to their knees and begging for mercy and have developed a reputation for my ruthlessness, I am sure I can help you with your pests if you assist with mine."
It had been quiet of late in the cave hewn from the side of an isolated mountain. The tanuki hermit sat cross-legged all alone and deep in thought on an otherwise deserted island when suddenly something disturbs her. A smell at first, brimstone with a tinge of rot. Something evil was afoot! But it had been many years since last she tussled with the former owner of the cave she now called home. Her former master, a man who had once shown her the near limitless potential of a talent such as hers. A man who in his twilight years had gone to take care of something far away from the island and had come back...changed... It was almost as though...no...he had indeed been slain and his body possessed by something else. A creature most devious in its ability to nearly perfectly match its host's mannerisms even down to how frequently they blinked. It had only been by her inexperience that she had been able to expose the cruel nature that dwelt in the creature's heart and subsequently destroyed it. But what was this scent...had its kin learned of her existence and sought out her hermitage for revenge?
Readying several talismans, setting them between her fingers as one would with shuriken, she peeks her head around a corner only to spy a letter hovering in an oddly dim light just above her writing desk. Why had it appeared here? Who could have sent it? And for that matter how had they been made aware of the corrupting force that had turned the once kind, doting old man into a blood-thirsty monster? However, as each of these questions percolate inside her head the tanuki's curiosity gets the better of her. A shaky hand reaches out and snatches the letter from the air, tearing it open and reading aloud the invitation. Whoever this 'Father Pyratus' is he sounds like a real horse's ass. But if he had sent the letter to whatever in the seven hells had cored out her master then he could probably do more than push a piece of paper across the multiverse. Donning the vestments her master had made for her before departing and then loading up her bag with prayer beads, seals, salt and sacred oil the hermit girds herself for what horrors await her.
World-hopping isn't a terribly difficult task for one attuned with the natural world. It's as easy as seeing a point where leylines intersect and sort of playing trust fall with the universes. The key to finding the exact universe you're looking for, of course, was in keeping a vision of it set firmly in the mind's eye. She slips through what feels like water without weight or temperature, a difficult experience to describe to be sure, and soon enough she again smells that same unmistakable aroma of rotten eggs and burnt matches. It's clear to her that to stay here out in the open and observe what little of this bleak scenery she could see is a bad idea. The hermit had yet to see the ominous castle jutting from the already unpleasant surroundings and gawks up at the spires and parapets probably built by the hands of undead slaves. After mustering the courage to enter the castle she senses something ahead, namely a barrier of reasonable strength. Testing it with a pebble she finds it able to pass through with ease. A second test with a leaf sees it turn to a puff of white ash the second it touches the invisible barrier. Just to be sure the tanuki extends her arm just enough that the tip of one of her fingernails gets dusted. "Hm...how am I gonna do this?" she puzzles internally. "I could just open a hole big enough to slip through...but that'd probably alert whoever made it...well it's either that or take the shape of something made of metal mid plunge from high above...first option it is then!" Her prayer beads snap to life in her hands (a long strand of polished burl wood from an ancient tree) and with a little encouragement form a circular hole in the barrier just big enough for her plumpness to fit through...after a running jump...then into what was supposed to be a graceful roll.
Dusting herself off Tsukasa recalls her beads and walks quietly up to the castle gate. A high window won't be an easy entrance but it will probably wind up easier in the end, less skeletal guards waiting to riddle her with crossbow bolts and all that. The rough texture of the castle wall proves easy enough to scale and the window isn't even locked! What luck! Sensing a presence ahead the hermit refocuses and sidles along a thin walkway, trying as she might to remain hidden among the dimly lit wall and cobwebs. Who are those people and why are they so few? No henchmen guarding the gate? No victims strung up in chains moaning for the sweet release of death? Oh...Oh NO!!! Either this was the most destitute evil mastermind she'd come across in the interring years since her master's passing or his skill far outweighs his appearance. Gods above what she wouldn't give for a spell that could send her back to her own universe...it'd been a lousy idea to even read the letter in the first place...let alone come here to demand why she'd received it! While turning to make a hasty exit a piece of old wood gives way underfoot and nearly sends the tanuki tumbling down to the floor, only saved by her quick thinking in grabbing hold of a rope...which also gives way and sends crashing down into a table, leaving her stunned. So much for getting out of here while she had the chance!
Readying several talismans, setting them between her fingers as one would with shuriken, she peeks her head around a corner only to spy a letter hovering in an oddly dim light just above her writing desk. Why had it appeared here? Who could have sent it? And for that matter how had they been made aware of the corrupting force that had turned the once kind, doting old man into a blood-thirsty monster? However, as each of these questions percolate inside her head the tanuki's curiosity gets the better of her. A shaky hand reaches out and snatches the letter from the air, tearing it open and reading aloud the invitation. Whoever this 'Father Pyratus' is he sounds like a real horse's ass. But if he had sent the letter to whatever in the seven hells had cored out her master then he could probably do more than push a piece of paper across the multiverse. Donning the vestments her master had made for her before departing and then loading up her bag with prayer beads, seals, salt and sacred oil the hermit girds herself for what horrors await her.
World-hopping isn't a terribly difficult task for one attuned with the natural world. It's as easy as seeing a point where leylines intersect and sort of playing trust fall with the universes. The key to finding the exact universe you're looking for, of course, was in keeping a vision of it set firmly in the mind's eye. She slips through what feels like water without weight or temperature, a difficult experience to describe to be sure, and soon enough she again smells that same unmistakable aroma of rotten eggs and burnt matches. It's clear to her that to stay here out in the open and observe what little of this bleak scenery she could see is a bad idea. The hermit had yet to see the ominous castle jutting from the already unpleasant surroundings and gawks up at the spires and parapets probably built by the hands of undead slaves. After mustering the courage to enter the castle she senses something ahead, namely a barrier of reasonable strength. Testing it with a pebble she finds it able to pass through with ease. A second test with a leaf sees it turn to a puff of white ash the second it touches the invisible barrier. Just to be sure the tanuki extends her arm just enough that the tip of one of her fingernails gets dusted. "Hm...how am I gonna do this?" she puzzles internally. "I could just open a hole big enough to slip through...but that'd probably alert whoever made it...well it's either that or take the shape of something made of metal mid plunge from high above...first option it is then!" Her prayer beads snap to life in her hands (a long strand of polished burl wood from an ancient tree) and with a little encouragement form a circular hole in the barrier just big enough for her plumpness to fit through...after a running jump...then into what was supposed to be a graceful roll.
Dusting herself off Tsukasa recalls her beads and walks quietly up to the castle gate. A high window won't be an easy entrance but it will probably wind up easier in the end, less skeletal guards waiting to riddle her with crossbow bolts and all that. The rough texture of the castle wall proves easy enough to scale and the window isn't even locked! What luck! Sensing a presence ahead the hermit refocuses and sidles along a thin walkway, trying as she might to remain hidden among the dimly lit wall and cobwebs. Who are those people and why are they so few? No henchmen guarding the gate? No victims strung up in chains moaning for the sweet release of death? Oh...Oh NO!!! Either this was the most destitute evil mastermind she'd come across in the interring years since her master's passing or his skill far outweighs his appearance. Gods above what she wouldn't give for a spell that could send her back to her own universe...it'd been a lousy idea to even read the letter in the first place...let alone come here to demand why she'd received it! While turning to make a hasty exit a piece of old wood gives way underfoot and nearly sends the tanuki tumbling down to the floor, only saved by her quick thinking in grabbing hold of a rope...which also gives way and sends crashing down into a table, leaving her stunned. So much for getting out of here while she had the chance!
Pyratus looked down at the surprise visitor, stopping in the middle of his speaking.
"... And you are?" He asked.
He paced around the table where she fell down.
"What were you doing, sneaking up around there? We have a front door, you know." He asked, eyeing her suspiciously. "You don't look like the type to be able to get passed the barrier... I can see it in your eyes. I might be wrong, but you don't have the look of a villain, someone who has done bad things and knows it. Show me your invitation. Now"
"Excuse mine intrusion, master Pyratus, but should you not ask her to pay you back for that table first before you attempt to intimidate her?" Asks Edgar.
Pyratus shoots Edgar a glare. "My immediate concern is snuffing out anyone who might do us harm, Edgar."
The cat slowly moves a hand over to his side, beginning to prep a fire incantation. Slowly, in his hand, a golden flamberge begins to materialize from the flames. "Speak now, girl. I have little patience for ruffians like you."
"... And you are?" He asked.
He paced around the table where she fell down.
"What were you doing, sneaking up around there? We have a front door, you know." He asked, eyeing her suspiciously. "You don't look like the type to be able to get passed the barrier... I can see it in your eyes. I might be wrong, but you don't have the look of a villain, someone who has done bad things and knows it. Show me your invitation. Now"
"Excuse mine intrusion, master Pyratus, but should you not ask her to pay you back for that table first before you attempt to intimidate her?" Asks Edgar.
Pyratus shoots Edgar a glare. "My immediate concern is snuffing out anyone who might do us harm, Edgar."
The cat slowly moves a hand over to his side, beginning to prep a fire incantation. Slowly, in his hand, a golden flamberge begins to materialize from the flames. "Speak now, girl. I have little patience for ruffians like you."
Still reeling from the fall, her left shoulder dislocated ever so slightly and the wind very much knocked out of her, it takes Tsukasa a few seconds to regain control of her thoughts. After a handful of agonizingly slow, hissing breaths in and out she replies "Here's your...damned invitation...what I wanna know...is...why it was sent to my master...he's been dead...more than ten years now..." thrusting the piece of paper into Edgar's hand. Sitting up in the remains of the table she psychs herself up before wrenching the dislocated joint back into place then grits her teeth. The blinding pain subsides under the application of a subtle green glowing light from her palm. What little actual tissue damage there is heals quickly under its effects but it does not, however, change the fact that the tanuki will likely be pulling splinters out of her butt for the better part of a week.
Looking back to take inventory of the damage she's caused the tanuki asks "Well...all things considered I didn't muck things up too much. That walkway was in serious need of repair anyway but the table...hm...how much do I owe ya?" In her post fall delirium she had yet to notice the heat radiating off the cat's magically summoned sword. It was as she had initially feared. This was a cat with enough strength to do at least a portion of his own dirty work. "I uh...didn't wanna track dirt in on your nice rug...yeeeah!" her lips curling into a wide, wholly innocent smile.
Looking back to take inventory of the damage she's caused the tanuki asks "Well...all things considered I didn't muck things up too much. That walkway was in serious need of repair anyway but the table...hm...how much do I owe ya?" In her post fall delirium she had yet to notice the heat radiating off the cat's magically summoned sword. It was as she had initially feared. This was a cat with enough strength to do at least a portion of his own dirty work. "I uh...didn't wanna track dirt in on your nice rug...yeeeah!" her lips curling into a wide, wholly innocent smile.
A figure in a white Taoist robe steps in, his presence calm yet attention-grabbing. The wide-brimmed bamboo hat casts a shadow over his face, hiding his eyes, but the warmth in his demeanor softens the intensity. White Fox stands still for a moment, his sleek, slicked-back black hair catching the light as he tilts his head slightly, offering a small, respectful nod. He scans the room, his gaze thoughtful and measured, giving off the impression of someone who observes before acting. Though a deadly assassin, there’s an air of quiet confidence about him, as if he’s not here to threaten, but to fulfill a purpose, with a sense of professionalism and calm that puts those around him at ease.
White Fox steps into the room, his wide-brimmed bamboo hat casting a shadow over his face. He lifts his head slightly, revealing a friendly smile that softens his sharp features. With a calm, measured voice, he says,
"Ah, good evening. I hope I’m not interrupting anything important. It’s a pleasure to meet you all."
His tone is warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the deadly reputation that precedes him. He gives a small nod, his presence still commanding respect but now with an unexpected air of friendliness.
White Fox steps into the room, his wide-brimmed bamboo hat casting a shadow over his face. He lifts his head slightly, revealing a friendly smile that softens his sharp features. With a calm, measured voice, he says,
"Ah, good evening. I hope I’m not interrupting anything important. It’s a pleasure to meet you all."
His tone is warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the deadly reputation that precedes him. He gives a small nod, his presence still commanding respect but now with an unexpected air of friendliness.
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