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Forums » Smalltalk » AMA: Autistic First-Year Uni Student

Hi all! Like the title states, I’m an autistic person in my first year of university. I’m also living about 900 miles from my hometown. Feel free to ask me anything about what it’s like or what’s difficult, what’s easy, etc. Or, maybe you’ve experienced something similar and want to connect over it!
Is it scary being so far away from home?

Were you nervous taking the plunge to attend a university?

What is it like attending university since its your first year?
What your favorite part of the experience, and your least favorite part of the experience?
Sanne Moderator

Which tools have you implemented to help manage the changes in routine?
Kim Site Admin

Does your school provide any accomodations?

You are on: Forums » Smalltalk » AMA: Autistic First-Year Uni Student

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