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Forums » Smalltalk » AMA: I created games as teen and got web popular.

I created and published to the web episodic adventures surrounding my OCs in a game-making engine when I was a teenager and gardened a small internet following that, while since fizzled, still somewhat lingers to this day. It was one of the best periods of my life. Ask me anything!
What sparked your interest in creating this? Are you still using a game-making engine to create episodic adventures about your OC's? If not, why not?
What kind of game engine did you use or do you currently enjoy using? Do you have one you'd recommend for anyone looking to try their hand at dabbling?
CrystalDisc Topic Starter

-Knight- wrote:
What sparked your interest in creating this? Are you still using a game-making engine to create episodic adventures about your OC's? If not, why not?

I was browsing YouTube back in... 2009-ish, I think, when I saw someone showing off the models they made of their OCs in the game, and I thought, "I wanna do this!" So, I did. :D

Sadly, I'm no longer creating these episode adventure games. The community not quite died out, but rather transitioned, and I wasn't able to keep up at the time. I often think about going back.
CrystalDisc Topic Starter

DarkonDreams wrote:
What kind of game engine did you use or do you currently enjoy using? Do you have one you'd recommend for anyone looking to try their hand at dabbling?

This is going to sound silly, but I used the SPORE: Galactic Adventures game creator! :D

As for current engines, I don't really dabble in that much anymore, and my recommendations are at a blank. Sorry, folks.
Sanne Moderator

What's the thing you liked the most about it when you were still actively creating?
Kim Site Admin

CrystalDisc wrote:
This is going to sound silly, but I used the SPORE: Galactic Adventures game creator! :D

This is the coolest thing I've heard in awhile. That rules.
CrystalDisc Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:
What's the thing you liked the most about it when you were still actively creating?

When it came to actually creating these games, it was the character or "model" creator and designing the level or "adventure" layout itself. At the time, it felt like I was able to tweak something to whatever perfection was to me, and there would be many nights where I'd play and replay and test the levels I'd made, and got to feel proud of myself at the end of the day.

My biggest joy, however, was the community that spawned because of it. I kept (and still keep, to an extent) close ties to the player base, who made fan fiction, fan art, references, cameos, videos, and more related to these silly little characters that somehow, unironically spiraled into popularity among the platform. What a time!
CrystalDisc Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
This is the coolest thing I've heard in awhile. That rules.

I'm so glad someone gets the reference! Thanks a lot! :D

You are on: Forums » Smalltalk » AMA: I created games as teen and got web popular.

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