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Forums » Smalltalk » AMA: 3D Animator

Darth_Angelus Moderator

I've been working with 3D animation for a scary amount of years.

Many of you will have seen my work during Epic Week (if not, I've included one below) but I have many other projects to my name.

I also cosplay, steal cats from my neighbours (not on purpose!) and battle local politicians over public transport. AMA!
Kim Site Admin

Will the bus routes EVER be safe?
Darth_Angelus Topic Starter Moderator

Kim wrote:
Will the bus routes EVER be safe?

At the moment.

The Mayor I've been doing battle with will be stepping down next spring, so I'm hoping for someone better and more politically aligned with the local councils so they can get things done instead of just blaming each other for bus cuts.
Ben Moderator

What's the most unexpected thing about becoming a kinda famous fan animator?

What's the hardest thing to animate?
Darth_Angelus Topic Starter Moderator

Ben wrote:
What's the most unexpected thing about becoming a kinda famous fan animator?

What's the hardest thing to animate?

For your first question, a few months back I was buying some groceries at my local supermarket when the guy at the counter said "Nice hat, wait, are you the one working on that Star Wars fan series?"

Not what I expected when all I went in to do was buy some bread and a few other things!

As for your second, complex action sequences are the hardest (but also the most fun!). Especially if there are lots of things that need to be animated manually, like weapons effects.
Ben Moderator

Darth_Angelus wrote:
Ben wrote:
What's the most unexpected thing about becoming a kinda famous fan animator?

What's the hardest thing to animate?

For your first question, a few months back I was buying some groceries at my local supermarket when the guy at the counter said "Nice hat, wait, are you the one working on that Star Wars fan series?"

Not what I expected when all I went in to do was buy some bread and a few other things!

As for your second, complex action sequences are the hardest (but also the most fun!). Especially if there are lots of things that need to be animated manually, like weapons effects.

You got recognized in public?! That is so wild! I love it. Congrats to you, you seriously deserve it.

And that makes a lot of sense. The most challenging things about what we do can often also be the most fun!

Why did you start doing this, and what's kept you at it?
What softwares would you recommend for someone just starting 3d modeling?
What do you do as practice to improve animating? I really wanna get into animation and already have experience in drawing (not expert levels, but I'm getting better even as a beginner) it feels so intimidating. I guess I don't know where to start XD. I know this isn't probably related to 3D animation, but hey, it's related to animation lol!

Btw for now, I use Krita as my software and might move to Opentoonz once I figure out how it works.

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