Apparently this is my first time doing an AMA.
Hello, I am Rev. You may know me as the guy on Smalltalk forums occasionally spouting nonsense about one of his characters taking over his account or the guy who is obsessed with painting miniatures or assembling Gunpla. If you don't, that's very good because I like talking about that.
I digress however and would like to answer any questions you would ask about me being a Music Production Student. I took music production because mainly because I wanted to do what Gorillaz did (Make a virtual band) except instead of electronic music, which Gorillaz mainly does currently iirc, I would focus on Jazz, Pop Punk, and Blues. Of course, A virtual band needs art, animation and the likes, so I've been practicing animation/drawing on the side.
I have made 3 OC's that are actually members of the virtual band I made:
Azumi Hemmberg (Kitsune Bassist)
Ren Hemmberg (Human Guitarist & Main Vocals)
Finn Skarles (Feline Alien/Felourian Drummer)
You may find their profiles in RPrepository.
You can ask anything about Music Production stuff or about my Virtual Band/Project. I'll try to answer them as best as I can! (Go easy on me, I'm only a second year
Hello, I am Rev. You may know me as the guy on Smalltalk forums occasionally spouting nonsense about one of his characters taking over his account or the guy who is obsessed with painting miniatures or assembling Gunpla. If you don't, that's very good because I like talking about that.
I digress however and would like to answer any questions you would ask about me being a Music Production Student. I took music production because mainly because I wanted to do what Gorillaz did (Make a virtual band) except instead of electronic music, which Gorillaz mainly does currently iirc, I would focus on Jazz, Pop Punk, and Blues. Of course, A virtual band needs art, animation and the likes, so I've been practicing animation/drawing on the side.
I have made 3 OC's that are actually members of the virtual band I made:
Azumi Hemmberg (Kitsune Bassist)
Ren Hemmberg (Human Guitarist & Main Vocals)
Finn Skarles (Feline Alien/Felourian Drummer)
You may find their profiles in RPrepository.
You can ask anything about Music Production stuff or about my Virtual Band/Project. I'll try to answer them as best as I can! (Go easy on me, I'm only a second year

As I'm a chef, I added that as part of Mathius's character lore. I say that as a preface to my question which is this:
Is that part of the inspiration for Azumi and Ren to being in a band
Is that part of the inspiration for Azumi and Ren to being in a band
What are your classes like? What have your favorite assignments been so far?

VoliminalVerse wrote:
As I'm a chef, I added that as part of Mathius's character lore. I say that as a preface to my question which is this:
Is that part of the inspiration for Azumi and Ren to being in a band
Is that part of the inspiration for Azumi and Ren to being in a band
Actually, the concept of Ren and Azumi being in a band came shortly after I decided music and arts were my passion! So I guess you could say that lol.
Auberon wrote:
What are your classes like? What have your favorite assignments been so far? 

Oh, for my first year, we had to do mostly music theory stuff of course. It was boring mostly, but incredibly useful. I was also required to learn the piano as a means to apply said music theory. While I'm mainly a guitarist, I learned to enjoy Piano. Throughout the first year, I had to learn music history. The first term had western, the second was about my country's music, the third is for the rest of the world (My favorite as my final project allowed punk rock!)
My favorite assignments were mostly the ones in the finals of my third term. Nothing else compares

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