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Forums » General Roleplay » Holiday Fundraiser: Pie Throwing (Closed)

Welcome, welcome one and all to this years Christmas Carnival!
This years adventure is a pie-throwing contest!
The lovely staff of the local hospital are waiting for you, but first, a few simple rules to ensure everyone’s safety!

Rules for participating;
1. One ticket for whip cream pies, two tickets for pudding pies.

2. No malicious throwing of the pie.

3. Pies are provided by the hosts!

4. If the pie is whip cream, you may step onto the stage and put the pie directly in their face. If the pie is pudding, you must remain in the regular throwing area. (About six feet from stage)

5. Heckling is allowed! On both sides!

6. No pets! Under any circumstances! Security will be called and action will be taken.

So come one, come all, and enjoy the festive costumes, lights, and of course, the pie!

Overall Rules for everyone interacting;
1. This is a friendly event, even if your character is normally a baby-soul-eating demon -- please do not join in order to assault or harass other characters.

2. No pets! Under any circumstances.

3. We reserve the right to refuse to interact with characters that do not follow the rules.

4. It is an all ages booth, but children under the age of 12 should be chaperoned by an adult.

5. This is taking place in a human based world at a Christmas Carnival. If you are not human, please disguise yourself as such before interacting as to not scare the common folk!

6. If you post an entrance, PLEASE post a following exit!

7. RESPECT the roleplay. Please do not come in with something so left field that it throws off the vibe and flow of our story. No “funny” business.

8. If you click one of the links in the beginning posts, you will see underwear or lingerie. These are their costumes for the booth.
Brandt Karr (played by Eros_Calls)

The county hospital was having its annual fundraiser. Last year he attended a black tie gala with his then girlfriend, Lydia. So you can imagine his surprise when Lydia called him a few days ago and asked him to build a stage area at the country Christmas carnival for this year's fundraiser. He constructed a basic design and forwarded the plans to be reviewed and signed off on by Lydia.

The morning of the fundraiser arrived and Brandt, a master carpenter, could be found already hard at work on the grounds of the carnival. He was by no means the only one out here, but he was the first. The booth areas had been preassigned so there was no rush to get the perfect spot. As he worked, several other people that were setting up their own booths came by to see what booth this was. Brandt truly had no idea what the theme was, only what he was building. He was constructing a three walled area. The two side walls were ten feet in width and seven feet in height. The back wall that conjoined the two side walls was sixteen feet in width and eight feet in height. The perimeter went up fast enough with the help of a trusty nail gun and pre-cut and labeled boards. He had prepped all the boards the day before and labeled them so it was literally place and nail.

He went to work on the stage next. It stood about six inches off the ground so the ground wouldn't turn to mud beneath the participants' feet. Everything was going together smoothly and quickly. He was about midway done with the stage when he got a text from Lydia asking him if he wanted food. Brandt, a twenty-one year old human male, was always hungry. He texted back quickly. Yeah. Please. Whatever's on your way. You know what I like." He kept building until he was done. He then grabbed a fifty foot hose from the back of his truck and screwed it into a water source and ran it to the booth. He screwed on an attachment that had three different settings for the water to be sprayed out of it: Mist, Shower, Jet. Not knowing what it was for, he would let the participants choose the setting. As a final touch he brought in three propane space heaters that were evenly placed along one of the ten foot walls. As he placed the last heater and turned it on to test it, Lydia turned up. "Heya, Lydia. How'd I do?"
Lydia de Bonvouloir (played by TheCaffeineQueen) Topic Starter

It was that time of year again! The time that, as long as there was no snow around, was Lydia’s favourite time. Last year had been a black-tie gala that she had attended with her then-boyfriend, Brandt. They had since broken up, but they remained the best of friends, so when this years idea came across the table, she knew the very person to call. It hadn’t taken much to get him to agree, but she accidentally on purpose left out one key detail of his commitment to the project.

On the day of, Lydia was dressed in an outfit that was revealing, but currently, she had it covered by one of the longer coats she owned. Black boots went up to her thighs, and her hands would be covered in red velvet gloves, while a perfect little Santa hat was pinned into straight white-blonde hair. As she left her office that day, dressed to kill, she texted Brandt first to ask him if he wanted food. It played absolute hell on her senses, but she understood he needed it. She smiled at his reply, because yes, she knew exactly what he wanted. She stopped on her way, and got him a massive burger, with just about everything on it, a side of fries, and a large drink. She kept it in the backseat, away from her and next to Brandt’s “special” present.

She drove to the music, giving what she figured would be just enough time for Brandt to finish the majority of the work. He had been at it for a few hours now, so she figured she wouldn’t be imposing. She parked, got out, grabbed the food and the second, obvious present bag, and walked to where the platform was being constructed. She heard her name in that sweet Irish voice, and turned towards it. “Well, hello, Brandt.” Her own accent was heavily English, but it was a purr off her tongue. “This looks absolutely perfect. Nice touch on the heaters.” Sea-coloured eyes looked across the stage, approving his work as she usually did, before her gaze turned back to him. “Here, you must be starving.” She also wanted the food away from her as quickly as possible.

While he took the food, she took the time to take off her coat, which revealed the very naughty Santa outfit that she wore underneath. Slipping the red gloves on, and adjusting her hat, she turned towards Brandt once again. “Here. I also got you this”. The mischievous grin that played on her lips, one he knew well, would let him know she was definitely up to no-good.
Brandt Karr (played by Eros_Calls)

He took the food from her quickly as he knew the smell bothered her. He dug through the bag checking out what she got him to eat. "Thank ya, Lydia," he said as he shoved a few french fries in his mouth. He sat down and pulled the burger out of the bag and peeled back the wrapper. He was mid bite when the movement of Lydia removing her coat caught his eye. "Yer gonna go tae jail one day with tae way ya dress, girl." Then he got a funny idea and chuckled, sharing his thought. "Did ya decide on a wet holiday lingerie contest?" He took another bite of burger but she had barely let him chew before holding something out to him. He cocked his head and grinned at her,
"W'at's tis fer?" he said as he set the bag of food down and took the gift. He looked in the bag and he stopped chewing.

He pulled out a very small pair of red fuzzy underwear with two small green bows and a silver ribbon. He looked into the bag again and found a matching collar. He eyed the items and then looked at Lydia, "De hell t'is fer?" Brandt and Lydia hadn't dated all that long before they decided they were better friends than lovers, but he knew how her brain worked. "No! Absolutely not." He said as he placed the bag with his present in it on the stage. He then shoved his burger into the paper bag and stood.

A small argument ensued. Arguing was something Brandt and Lydia did extremely well. It was the main reason they couldn't date; they fought and had makeup sex more than they talked. After a heated ten minutes Brandt had had enough. He needed to move his truck anyway. He had his bag of food and the "gift" which he kept threatening to throw in the trash on his way to park his truck.

Fifteen minutes later - after parking his truck, eating his lunch, and going to the bathroom to change. Brandt walked back to the booth in the underwear that barely covered him and were awfully tight around the family jewels. "Ya happy now? I'll be ya deranged Santa's lil helper."
Sadie Reign (played by PAYTON)

As she was waking up at the crack of dawn, Sadie rolled over in her bed trying to get a few more minutes of sleep when her phone went off from a notification. She reached over and grabbed her phone and took a peek to see if it was important, as she did, she noticed the the date and shot right up. "Crap! I forgot today was the day for the fundraiser for the hospital." She mumbled to herself and thinking if she had to pick a festive eye catching outfit for the event. The friend, Geist, that invited her explained what type of event she was going to be participating in and what she should wear. It would be at the Christmas carnival and a pie throwing booth, unlike the previous year when she went to the black-tie gala they had for the hospital. She did not mind helping out for a good cause, because her bar wasn't far from the hospital that kept her business booming and she pretty much knew most of the staff there.

Sadie got up and stretched, as she pondered what she would wear and went to rummage through her wardrobe. Finding the perfect outfit, she gasped and said, "Eureka!" She grabbed the outfit and found the matching accessories, then laid it on her bed. She went to shower and make sure she was groomed, Wouldn't want to be wearing that and... She left that thought behind and proceeded to what was at hand.

After her shower, she did a loose curls to her light blonde hair and put on waterproof mascara, nothing more. She knew that it would all be washed away anyways if she so happened to get pied. She walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her outfit and put it on, then retrieved a pair of blue jean shorts and a pearl snap shirt with quarter length sleeves, to use as a cover until the event time. She soon slipped on a pair of tennis shoes and grabbed her antler head band and choker ribbon bow. She placed them on her and searched for small duffel bag that she wanted to bring so her and the other participants could relax and get through the day, while hopefully enjoying themselves.

As she packed up the items and grabbed her keys along with her cellphone, Sadie looked around thr apartment one last time to make sure she didn't forget anything. She left her home and drove to the carnival. When she arrived she grabbed her things and headed for the booth, soon seeing some familiar faces, so knew she was in the right area. She had a bright smile on her and with blueish purple eyes sparkling under the sun, as she walked up to the ones that were there. They were both scantily dressed and looked drool-worthy. 'Hey, Brandt. Hey, Dr. Gavlont. You both look hot as hell!!" Giving them both a wolf whistled and continued, " I am happy to help setup or decorate if you need me too. I am at your mercy." She jokingly said, though her offer was sincere and if they asked she would do what was needed to be done to get the booth going. "I also brought us some strong beverages to get through the day for all of the participants if they so need." She finished saying as she patted her bag, sat it down and finally said, "I guess I am over dressed and should match. Dr. G already told me what was appropriate for today, although I thought he was joking at first, but clearly not." She laughed happily and walk off to the side to shrug off her shorts and shirt to reveal her Vixen-the Naughty Reindeer outfit. "So, where do you need me first?" Sadie said as she walked back up to them and placed her folded clothes on her bag nearby.
Dr. Geist de Luca was the head of the Gynecology and Obstetrics department at the county hospital. His joy in life was delivering babies. He did surgeries as well, several a week, but babies were his specialty. He was also on the board and it was his idea to ditch the black-tie gala this year and do something more fun. He wanted to get some of the medical staff out of that stuffy building and out into the community of the people they help everyday. He knew a booth where medical professionals were going to hit with pies wasn't the most professional thing, but it should be a blast.

It was Dr. Lydia de Bonvouloir, Chief of Surgery, who thought making the "costumes" they wore more on the sexy side would be a bigger draw for people. Geist was just happy the pie throwing idea was accepted. He went to the store and found a pair of boxer briefs he thought would work perfectly for the occasion. Inside every
package is a gift. Now he just had to resist sharing his costume with everyone. He wanted it to be a surprise.

The other thing he was tasked with was convincing the bombshell of the bar owner from across the street to participate with them. Sadie was a good friend of the hospital's and most of the staff was on a first name basis with her. It wouldn't be a holiday event without her in attendance. Geist caught her in conversation one day and asked in his infectiously happy way. She agreed, though thought he was pulling her leg when he told her how to dress.

As he approached the booth he smiled when he saw Sadie already there. He was dressed in black board shorts and nothing else. He carried a towel and looked like he should be walking into a beach rather than a Christmas Carnival. He joined the group and threw a friendly arm around Sadie's shoulders. "Lydia got married, he said with a smile. "She's Dr. de Bonvouloir now." He said Lydia's new last name teasingly.

Sadie and Geist disrobed at the same time. They both turned to Brandt and Lydia and each other. Geist whistled when he saw Sadie's choice. Geist went and stood next to Brandt, "We'll be embarrassed together, buddy," he said playfully. "I'm ready to decorate. Put me to work."
Sparrow Baxley (played by TheCaffeineQueen) Topic Starter

The poppiest Christmas songs blasted all through the highly decorated and brightly lit home as Dr. Sparrow Baxley, known around the hospital as Dr Sunshine, and head of the psychology and addiction programs, danced around it. The owner of that loud music was currently wrapped in a towel as she moved through her kitchen with a bowl of soup in her hand. Her long brunette hair was still damp, and Sparrow still had a little while before she was expected to attend the fundraiser, put on by the hospital and run by her absolutely deranged friend and boss, Lydia de Bonvoulior.

The day this had been presented to her, a couple weeks back, Sparrow had looked at her friend through eyes that asked if she was insane, but Lydia had a way of making people do what she needed them to do, which was why, after her soup was finished, the dancing girl spun herself into the bathroom to finish drying her hair, brush her teeth, and throw on a little bit of waterproof makeup. Her hair would be wet again before the day was over, but for now. Once she was finished that, and the song changed again, Sparrow dropped the towel and stared at the outfit…correction, lingerie set that Lydia insisted upon. “You better know what you’re doing.” The Australian mused to herself as she started figuring out how to put it on.

Once she managed it, and made sure all the straps were in proper placement, she went through her closet. She thought it would be amusing if she showed up in her normal work attire, but….with a borrowed pair of Lydia’s thigh-highs. After discovering how to walk in these things, she buttoned up the jacket of her suit, and grabbing keys and a phone, headed out of the door. The music continued in the car, and so did the dance. Her body was still in motion as she arrived at the booth, but she gasped lightly when she saw everybody, dressed in their costumes. “Hi guys! You guys look fantastic.” Her eyes could not resist when she saw Brandt standing there. They’d been on a date recently, and she hoped for more, so in spirit of keeping conversation going, she looked at him and said; “I see you got roped into this too.” She bit the inside of her cheek, a little nervous to reveal what was under the suit. Honey brown eyes looked to each of them, and she couldn’t resist. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d have to say your theme is naughty?”

This received a grin from Lydia, but that was followed immediately by a scolding. “That is not your costume. Come on, we agreed.”

Grinning, Sparrow slowly unbuttoned the suit jacket to reveal what was underneath it. “Nope. But this is.” It was mostly Brandt that Sparrow watched as she pulled off the jacket, and then the skirt. When she was stripped, she looked around, and was tempted to close the jaw of Lydia’s that had dropped. “So, what’s left to do?”
Officer Gabriel de Avilés, Gabe for short, had been employed by the hospital for a little over a year. He had been a beat cop for a while and enjoyed it. But when a spot at the county hospital opened up, he applied and got the position. He knew this was the kind of career change that most officers took towards the end of their careers, but he was optimistic and less likely to be shot. He wasn't a coward, but not a fan of bullets. He had been on shift a few weeks ago when the Chief of Surgery stopped him in the hall. The way she looked at him made him feel a bit...judged. She didn't say anything to him but at the end of his shift she caught him by the doors of the hospital and asked if he would participate in the hospital's fundraiser. It wasn't until she explained what they would be doing that he understood why she looked at him the way she had. Gabe was the youngest officers working in the hospital and probably the only one without a gut hanging over his belt. He agreed to participate in the fundraiser but, maybe it was his imagination or maybe he was better paying attention, it seemed like Dr. de Bonvouloir was staring at his butt whenever they walked by each other.

Gabe wasn't the biggest fan of Christmas. He was never good at gift giving and when he was a kid his parents never really had enough number to do a large celebration. Gabe celebrated Christmas in his heart more than outwardly. He was able to find a suitable pair of boxer shorts for the event. He tried to find something that wouldn't give away all his secrets.

In a t-shirt and leans, Gabe spotted the scantily clad doctors, Sadie, and an unknown guy standing in the space. Dr. Baxley, Dr. de Luca, and Sadie were busy decorating the booth while Dr. de Bonvouloir was being bossy like always. The guy he didn't know was off to the side looking very uncomfortable. Gabe went to stand by him and introduced himself. "Officer Gabriel de Avilés. They shook hands and he learned the guy's name was Brandt. Gabe's eyes kept wandering over to Dr. Baxley and Sadie.
"It's going to be hard to see Dr. Baxley in the hospital and not picture her in that, huh? That was when Gabe learned that Brandt and Dr. Baxley were dating. Awkwardly, Gabe took off his jeans and shirt to reveal his choice of boxers, and went over to Dr. de Bonvouloir and let her boss him around too.
Callie Coleman (played by TheCaffeineQueen) Topic Starter

Crystal blue eyes opened with the alarm, and the ever tired doctor slid her way out of bed. Dr Callie Coleman, a top surgeon in the hospital, hit coffee on the way to climbing into the shower to wake herself up under the hot waters, and gear herself up for the fundraiser. Initially, she didn’t agree to this. She thought it was a little degrading, but after an over two hour argument with her boss, whom she liked but thought excessively eccentric, she was finally badgered into saying yes, and she somehow also wound up with the task of getting the pie materials.

How she wound up here, she wasn’t entirely sure, but she shook her jet black hair as she worked on the candy-cane swimsuit. She pulled on a matching short jacket, and then a sweater. She pulled on slacks over that, and leather boots that will be easy to clean. She brushed out her hair, and put on a little eyeliner. It was waterproof, so she wasn’t worried about that. Callie sighed then as she ran her fingers through her hair and, turned to grab her keys, coffee and bag. She then grabbed the box of stuff, pudding mixes, pie crusts, whipped cream and the milk, she left, locked her doors, climbed into her car, and drive over to the carnival.

She saw the familiar cars of her colleagues and parked next to them. She hopped out, and turned to grab the box she had, and walked over to them. Her eyebrows raised high at the outfits, and she nearly put forth the question again, but instead shook her head with a smile, and realized she should try to have fun with it. “Hey, everybody.” She knew most everybody here, except the tall handsome man in a collar, and red fuzzy shorts, who she gave a friendly smile too, and quickly introduced herself to him. “Hi, I’m Callie.” After she greeted those she knew, she quickly stripped, and moved to help.
Lydia de Bonvouloir (played by TheCaffeineQueen) Topic Starter

“You’re very welcome, love.” Lydia smiled at him as she removed her coat. His comment made her laugh as she playfully kicked one of her boots out to mimic a “pop” of the foot. “And on that day, they still won’t arrest me because there will be no blood in their heads.” She winked at him, before handing him the bag with a wicked glint to her eye at his question. This made a small argument break out between them, in which she used every cute tactic, including two solid minutes of “No”, “Yes”, “No”, she had to badger and frustrate him into saying yes. When he finally broke, she squealed in triumph as she watched him walk away. She giggled madly when, 15 minutes later, he returned, in the impossibly tight shorts and even the bow. “You look just like I thought you would!”

Sadie was the next to arrive, and Lydia watched in delight as the woman undressed, to reveal her reindeer outfit. She let out a low whistle as she approached her, but held up a hand with an orchid coloured rock on it. “Slight name change, but girl you look smokin! Excellent choice.” Lydia’s eyes scanned her once then twice, and gave an approval, and wistful sigh. “If you wanna get started on setting up the bar area, that would be fantastic.”

Giest arrived soon afterwards, and even before the greeting, he was informing Sadie of her adventures over the summer. She still felt a small pang over the way things had ended, but didn’t focus on it as she smiled as the corner of her eye caught Brandt and Sparrow flirting. “I did, and for those who can say it, please do, but for those who can’t, I still have a name.” She laughed lightly, before looking at the two of them. “Giest, when Dr Coleman gets here, can you two make up some of the pies to start? I’ll take over when you start, but…I hate food. Until then, we need decorators.” Everyone around her knew that, so she had no qualms in saying it.

While she waited for more to arrive, once everyone was doing their tasks, Lydia started to hang up lights, but stopped when she heard the unmistakable sound of Sparrow’s car, the River Vixen. She grinned as she turned towards the woman, but had to scold her. The show Lydia got made her jaw drop, and Sparrow looked satisfied with the reaction before she turned to Brandt. “Whatever you guys see that isn’t decorated, get decorating.” She told all of them,….once her jaw was picked up again.

It wasn’t much longer before Gabriel arrived to the party, and watched him undress as well. “Woo! Work it! You guys have really nailed it with these costumes, I have to say. Well done, doctors and friends.” She complimented them before she turned back to her light situation, hearing the final member show up only a short time later. Callie, the most resistant of the group, but one she knew would look hot, walked up with the box of ingredients. Lydia almost opened her mouth, but instead kept it shut as Callie set down the box and undressed while greeting the others. Soon, everyone was working, and less than an hour later, the booth was ready to go. Lydia stepped back to admire it all, then looked at the others. “This looks incredible, everybody! Good job. Now let’s have some fun!”
Lydia de Bonvouloir (played by TheCaffeineQueen) Topic Starter

The Pie Throwing Booth Is Now Opened!

Come in and enjoy the festivities!!
Neriah Blossom (played anonymously)

A Christmas Carnival! Neriah looked forward to it every year. Christmas was her favorite time of year! As much as she would adore playing the role of the sexy snow bunny this was the south and snow gear would cause her to be the wrong kind of smokin’ hot. The only wintery attire she donned was a pair of light grey Uggs with cream colored fur that came to her mid-calve. She also had on a pair of cherry red shorts that were designed to look like cut-offs with a few frayed edges and a forest green halter top. The tattoos that spread across her upper chest (just below her collarbones) and the circles that adorned her upper arms were visible. But tattoos were no longer taboo like they were even thirty years ago, so she didn’t fear the judgmental looks.

When she arrived at the carnival, she started at the ‘Snow Zone’! Where there were two snow machines set up for the kids to run through and play in to have a snow experience. Neriah stepped into the middle of the Snow Zone and allowed herself to get covered in the small, instantly melting flakes. She started to get looks from the parents of whose children were playing in the area. The looks consisted of both looks of annoyance and yearning. With a seductive smile, she sauntered out of the Snow Zone to see what else the carnival had to offer.

After picking up a cup of hot coco she wandered around through the booths to see what was being sold. She loved Christmas decorations and could never say no to a stunning angel or a to die for nutcracker. As she hopped from shop to shop, she came across a different kind of booth. Her eyes were first drawn to the brunette with the green plaid strappy lingerie. She bit her lower lip and moved towards the booth as she took another sip from her coco. So much sexy to look at it was almost overwhelming. With an alluring smile she said to no one in particular, ”My my. What do we have here?” Her eyes trailed over all the bare skin as she couldn’t suppress the look of hunger in her dark eyes.
Asher Stephens (played by TheCaffeineQueen) Topic Starter

Asher needed a break! Her boss and captain was going mad about something, as he often was, and Asher was ready to send him to places he wouldn’t enjoy, so after a ten minute argument with the brutish, British man, she stormed off his ship after telling him to….Well, she’d ask forgiveness for that later. She blew out a breath as she walked into town, intending on shopping, but upon walking into a Christmas carnival, raised perfect dark eyebrows. This could be interesting, and a good distraction for a few hours, she thought as she stepped inside, after checking her outfit. She had to match after all, but ironically, the red, nearly sparkly, but elegant slanted shoulder dress with its golden buckles and black corset belt, paired perfect with black heeled boots, already did.

As expected, it was magnificent, magical and beautiful, with lights and fake snow, decorated trees, cocoa, coffee and cookie stands everywhere, and of course, all the different booths. For a while, Asher watched the different booths, always amused with the way entertainment kept changing. She bought herself a coffee, and then subtly used her magic to make it so much better than burnt as she walked further into the grounds.

Her attention was caught by something that normally would’ve offended her religious senses. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a bunch of people literally half-dressed in very skimpy, and dare she admit it, sexy outfits. Curious, she stepped forward to check it out and discovered it was a pie-throwing booth. She eyed the contestants, liking to look of the one in the fuzzy red shorts and little bow tie, and the reindeer, then her eyes moved the words “Hospital Fundraiser”. As Asher amusedly chuckled to herself, she looked around to see where she was supposed to maybe buy a ticket, but instead her eyes landed on another woman. Not one part of the booth, but Asher couldn’t help the step she took towards this woman in the cherry red shorts when she heard her speak, to nobody in particular.

Before she even realized it, Asher’s brown eyes swept the woman’s form again. She blinked herself out of it, unsure what that was, and instead smiled at her, if she noticed her. “This is quite an idea, isn’t it?” She commented, hopefully to the woman in an amused tone, but still unsure if she was offended which amused her on many levels. “I think I’m gonna try it. Are you gonna try it?” Asher eventually asked as she found she couldn’t help stealing glances at the woman in the cherry shorts, which was so…strange for her. Either way, she would ultimately move towards the white-blonde Santa to get the show started.
Lydia de Bonvouloir (played by TheCaffeineQueen) Topic Starter

Lydia was having a great time. Her friends were all lined up on one side of the stage like the sexy people she knew they were, conversing and drinking as they wished, and Lydia stood on the other with several made pies infront of her, the ingredients for more, the cash register and the tickets, and the hose on a hook to wash them off afterwards. Music was playing, and drinks had begun to flow. Lydia’s “special” drink was hidden in a closed cup, and she sipped it while she bounced her body to the music.

She was in the middle of flirting with Sadie, telling her just how much better that outfit would look somewhere else, like her floor, when she picked up someone entering their booth. Turning, she saw a beautiful woman in cherry shorts, and a forest green top. “Welcome! I hope you’re ready for something fun and sexy.” She purred in her sweet English tone. Lydia, in a very Lydia-like movement, shimmied her hips to the music, and finished just as another beautiful woman in a red dress entered.

“And welcome to you as well!” She gave the women a moment before one of them, whoever got to her first, approached, and Lydia grinned sexily at her. “Hey, thank you for coming and showing support. Just so you know, It’s two tickets for a pudding pie, one ticket for a whipped cream, and your choice of gorgeous contestant. Which one would you like, love?”
Neriah Blossom (played anonymously)

What was this booth? Sexy and skimpy outfits was just something she was incapable of ignoring. She was having trouble pulling her eyes off the brunette with the green plaid strappy number. But her staring was broken when the madam of the booth addressed her. A sexified lady addressed her and she smiled. "How sexy are we talking, Mrs. Clause?" She giggled softly.

She was waiting for her answer when someone else decided to visit the booth and stood close to her. She turned her head to see the most stunningly gorgeous beauty who was directing a statement to her. Neriah immediately turned her body to face the lady in red and bit her lower lip again, letting her interest show. "Quite the idea," she repeated. She set her cup of cocoa down by Mrs. Clause but kept her eyes on the woman who was asking her if she were going to 'try it'. Neriah nodded and shrugged her shoulder a little. "I'll do it if you do it."

The rules were explained to the pair as they stood together. Neriah didn't hesitate to point to the brunette, "I want that one in green." The flirtatious hunger showed on Neriah's face as she winked at the woman she had just selected. "She's not the only one I want. She's just the one I want to start with." The money was handed to the Mrs. Sexy Clause as she waited for her pie. "Whipped cream, please."
Sparrow Baxley (played by TheCaffeineQueen) Topic Starter

Sparrow was standing on the one side of the stage, with a drink in her hand and most of her attention on Brandt. She was flirting with him hardcore, and he was flirting back with her. There was small casual touches, and she couldn’t help but notice that their eyes kept sweeping one another. However, if anyone else did speak to her, Sparrow would brightly respond every time.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a woman in Cherry shorts enter, and start to look around. Sparrow noticed that this woman’s attention was on her specifically, and she gave her a friendly, flirty little smile. Another moment passed and another woman in a sparkly red dress entered as well. The woman in the dress looked at all of them, but mostly seemed to focus on their lovely bartender, Sadie, at least until the two women began to focus on each other. Once they approached her, from the other side of the stage, Sparrow watched as Lydia explained the rules to the two women, and as Cherry shorts looked directly at her.

Her deranged friend then looked at her too, as Lydia could be heard explaining that she was to stand in the small area right infront of the stage to throw her pie, and looking at her, signalled Sparrow to move. Handing her drink to Brandt, she asked brightly; “Guard this for me?” Once it was secure, Sparrow moved to the stage, and even set herself into little pose before dramatically, but somehow still brightly saying; “I’m ready for my close-up, Mrs. DeMille.” And adding a small wink to let the woman know she was ready.
Emily Williams (played anonymously)

Holiday season! It was that time of year again, and Emily had volunteered to help a local charity with their booth at the Holiday Festival. But her shift for the day was over, and now she could have some fun! So she started wandering through the festival to see what else it had to offer. Some of the booths were selling various snacks and treats, many of which had a holiday theme, and she was feeling a little hungry after a few hours of volunteer work. But she didn’t buy anything right away; she wanted to see what all the festival had to offer before making her choice.

Emily shivered a little as a cool breeze blew through the festival. It was a little uncomfortable considering how much of her skin was left exposed by her costume, but it wasn’t too bad. Fortunately this festival was in the South, and winters here were nowhere near as cold as the ones in her hometown up north. For her volunteer work here at the festival, she was dressed in a “Santa’s Helper” costume, which was basically a mini-dress designed to look like a Santa suit, but in green instead of red. It had white furry trim, a white belt, and a matching green Santa hat, and it left her arms, legs, shoulders, and upper back bare. Her high-heeled pumps were white, a color she wouldn’t normally wear at this time of year, but she had chosen them because they matched the costume’s belt, and besides, she figured normal fashion rules didn’t really apply when one was dressing in a seasonal costume for a festival.

As she approached a three-sided structure she felt a welcome blast of warmth, courtesy of three space heaters that had been set up along one of the walls. She looked around and saw several people dressed in holiday costumes even skimpier than her own. Those space heaters may have been hot, but the people in this booth were even hotter! Emily’s curiosity was piqued. She approached some of the people who appeared to be running the booth and asked, “Wow, what is this booth?
Neriah Blossom (played anonymously)

Whipped cream pie in hand and a sultry look on her face, Neriah made her way over to the sexy brunette. “I hate to do this to you,” Her eyes trailed down Sparrow’s body, taking in the green strappy outfit, “but take it as flattery. You are too hot for your own good.” And with a smirk on her red lips Neriah pushed the whipped cream gently into Sparrow’s face. The pie stuck to Sparrow’s face and Neriah let it stick there. Sparrow could take it off herself. Neriah laughed joyously! “That was so much fun! I want to go again!” She said as she bounced a little and clapped.

She turned back to the lady in red and the naughty Mrs. Clause who was now joined by another woman in a smoking hot green Santa dress. She went to join the small group. “That was so much fun,” she said to all three of them. She then looked directly at Emily and offered her a sweet smile as she checked her and her outfit out. “You are super cute. I love the dress.” She got behind Emily in the line since she wanted to throw another pie but was not about to cut.

Emily was cute and very sexy, but Neriah was still drawn to the lady in red, Asher. “Who are you picking as your target?” Neriah wanted to know who Asher was drawn to. Call it research or just her being nosy.
Lydia de Bonvouloir (played by TheCaffeineQueen) Topic Starter

Lydia happily handed over the pie, and watched Sparrow take centre stage. Lydia chuckled as Sparrow completely posed for it, and then as the sexy brunette, Neriah, went up to her. In the middle of it, while Asher and Lydia watched, another sexy woman entered the booth dressed in a green Santa outfit. Lydia turned her attention to the woman for a moment as she asked a question. “Hello, darlin! Welcome to our booth. This is a pie-throwing fundraiser! We got your choice of whipped cream, or pudding, and whichever of our beautiful participants you would like.” Lydia told her, smiling as she stepped closer.

Lydia’s sea-coloured eyes moved over Emily’s form before her attention moved back to Asher to complete her choice. “So, which one can I get for you, love?” Once Asher gave her choices, Lydia handed over her pie, and then once Neriah had stepped back from Sparrow, Lydia picked up her hose. “And now, ladies, the best part.” Lydia winked at them before turning the hose to “Shower”, and turning it on Sparrow, who, true to form, gave them all a show as she washed herself off.

Once finished, Lydia smiled as she put the hose back down. The naughty Mrs. Clause then turned her attention back to Emily once again, and smiled. “Hello, gorgeous. What can I get for you?”
Sparrow Baxley (played by TheCaffeineQueen) Topic Starter

Sparrow was a little surprised to be the first one chosen, but flattered as well. She held her place in centre stage while the beautiful woman moved up to her. “Well, I’d rather be flattered than insulted.” Sparrow winked at her and grinned brightly, but closed her eyes to protect them as she saw Neriah move the pie closer.

It was an odd sensation, one she had never really felt before, but not the worst as the pie was put in her face. She left it there until she heard the woman drop back down and Lydia start to speak before she pulled it off. She wiped a hand over her face to get it out of her eyes, but kept the smile on her face as she opened her eyes slowly. Unsure what to do with the tray, she laid it on the stage, away from where they would be standing, before Lydia grabbed the hose. Sparrow just let herself vibe with the music, giving them all a little show, as she took her little shower, making sure her face was cleaned.

She ran her fingers through her hair, and shook off the water. “Well, that was refreshing, thank you.” She laughed happily before she went to move off stage, and went to rejoin Brandt.

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