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Forums » Introductions » Rusty but returning.


Hello everyone, it's certainly been a while since I've been on this site.

Since it's been several years now since my last introduction, and I haven't been active for pretty much that entire time, I thought I would reintroduce myself to the community! I'm 28, married, and about to start a new job as a 911 dispatcher. I haven't roleplayed in probably... 5 years or so, I think? Not entirely sure. That said, I read regularly, love a good story, and would enjoy perhaps making a few new friends.

I'm open to most things, but I won't do any NSFW roleplaying. Romance is okay, so long as the story leads to it and the characters mesh well. I have a few characters posted, but that doesn't mean I can't modify one or create a new character if it's requested. It makes for a good excuse to create a new character and persona!

I'm a gamer, currently absorbed in Guild Wars 2, and my whole career as a gamer I've been a total alt-aholic. I've played a lot of MMOs in my years, but aside from Guild Wars 2 I'm starting to take a step away from them, as the grind can be bad for my mental health at times. I've struggled with anxiety for several years, most of my adult life I think, and can get overwhelmed or overstimulated, so please be patient with me if I take a while to get back to people. (I promise I'll try not to disappear for long periods, but life gets hectic sometimes.)

To sum it all up, I'm looking forward to potential roleplays and stories, and hope some people might give a rusty roleplayer a chance to shake off the dust and be a bit creative!
Welcome back 😊
Volmaan Topic Starter


Welcome back Volmaan! Looking forward for your plots.
Welcome back to RPR, we hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for! If you're looking for RP's, I suggest looking for them in the "Looking For Roleplay" forum or making a post yourself!
Hello! Welcome back to RP Repository! :)
Welcome Back!
Welcome back! You have such an interesting characters there!^^ Hope you enjoy your stay at RPR this time!
Welcome back home!
<3 Welcome back to RPR! <3
I hope you'll enjoy your return and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or are unsure about something, feel free to ask someone(me included) or use the Help forum!

Welcome back to RP Repository! It know it's a big step (in the right direction, I might add) to be a returning player after life has taken it's toll. I also imagine it'll probably be a back-and-forth scenario while you adjust to your new career, but be patient! You'll find time to unwind and decompress with a little writing. I suggest you check out the forums first and foremost! It's a good way to get that interaction in for when you're too busy to sit and plot one-on-one and then when you get your feet wet and you're ready to jump back in, who knows -- you might even find a writer in the forums that you click with!

I hope you're able to reconnect with RPR and maybe even find some ol' chums from before while making new ones! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! We're all glad to help, I promise you! Take care and have a good 'un out there! :D

Welcome to RPR! 🩷
Welcome back!
Hey, welcome back.

👻🩷 Welcome back to RPR!! 🩷👻
Hello there! Welcome back to the RPR family :D
"Welcome back to the RPR family!
Remember, here, every character has a voice, and every adventure awaits. Dive right in!"

Hello! Welcome! If you want to role-play, I suggest going to Forums ➡️ Looking for RP. Comment on a post or dm. You can even make your own post! Good luck!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Rusty but returning.

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