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Forums » General Roleplay » A super- 'natural' meeting (1x1 with lyingsmile15)

Vladimir Zen (played by Rhythm)

Many Years Earlier

It was an average Autumn evening, and leaves littered the ground. The sun was just starting to fall, as the moon was slowly making its way into the sky to take the suns place. A young boy wandered around, lost. His guardian had took him to the playground, but due to a child's curiosity he had wandered off, now look where that got him. The boy who looked no older than 5 wandered around, playing with the sleeves of his longsleeve shirt. A habit of his he did when he was scared, or worried if he had longleeves on. His golden colored, innocent eyes looked around, worried. What if he never found his grandpa? He couldn't even find his brother. Vlad sighed and looked down.This, stunk.
Luisa Naoi (played by lyingsmile15)

Near the edge of the playground, a small girl was staring at something in the grass. Whatever it was must've been interesting, because it had her full attention. The little girl herself was odd, her brown hair had streaks of white in it and her eyes were a bright shade of blue-green. The front of her yellow sundress was stained with dirt, and so was the back.
Vladimir Zen (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Vlad looked around, wandering the outskirts of the playground. His feet stepping on the dead leaves that lay on the ground. He looked ahead, seeing the playground, like he had gone in a gigantic circle. He walked back to the playground, but stopped in his tracks, seeing a young girl. He walked over to her, not seeing anybody else around.
Luisa Naoi (played by lyingsmile15)

The girl looked up when he approached. "Hi." She said passively, before returning her gaze to the ground. In front of her, there was a spider in the process of killing an ant. Why exactly the girl was watching that was a mystery.
Vladimir Zen (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

The boy stopped infront of the girl, "hi" he said quietly, then looked down at the grass as well. He crouched down to see what she was looking at. Seeing she had been watching as a spider killed a poor innocent ant. He was disturbed by this..

(Seeing Vlad didn't get possessed until he was 13, as a child he's innocent, or at least this young he is)
Luisa Naoi (played by lyingsmile15)

"Nature is kinda not nice sometimes." She stated. With that, she stood up and brushed some of the dirt off her dress. "I'm Luisa. What's your name?" The girl smiled a little bit at the boy.
Vladimir Zen (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Vlad looked away from the spider and the ant. "I-I guess not" he agreed, and stood up as well. He looked at the girl who appeared no older then him, with those golden colored eyes of his. "Vladimir" he said.
Luisa Naoi (played by lyingsmile15)

She smiled, her blue-green eyes lighting up. "Want to go on the slide?" She suggested. The girl was a bit smaller than Vlad was, but what she lacked in size, she made up for in personality.
Vladimir Zen (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He smiled slightly at the little girl, "sure" he said, the wind blowing his bangs into his eyes, and he shook his head to get them out. He looked back at her, and backed up a step, "race ya!" He said and ran off towards the direction of the slide.
Luisa Naoi (played by lyingsmile15)

She grinned and ran after him. The girl was fast, but not quite fast enough. "No fair!" She yelled, but she was still smiling, because either way it was fun to run across the playground.
Vladimir Zen (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"Alls fair at love and war!" He claimed smiling at her giving her a thumbs up. He looked ahead, so he wouldn't run into something. His throat hurt since it had been sore lately, but that didn't stop him from running, and trying t have fun.
Luisa Naoi (played by lyingsmile15)

She laughed and ran after him, doing her best to keep up. For her, making a friend was a new thing. Normally, she played alone. So, this was a lot of fun for her. "Weeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa!" She yelled as she ran, spreading her arms out.
Vladimir Zen (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

The boy smiled, and he beat her to the slide. He stood on the bottom of the slide. "I'm king of the slide!" He declared himself victor.
Luisa Naoi (played by lyingsmile15)

She stopped at the bottom and panted for breath. "You win." She grinned and gave him a thumbs-up. Then, she went to the ladder and climbed up. She stopped at the top of the slide and called down to him. "Look out below!"
Vladimir Zen (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

(I keep wanting to put it in italics, and keep forgetting)

He looked over his shoulder at her, and jumped off the slide, and stood aside so she could go down. Then decided to go to the ladder of the slide, and climb it, and wait for her to go down so he could.
Luisa Naoi (played by lyingsmile15)

She grinned and sat down and pushed off and slid down to the bottom. She got up off the slide and grinned up at him, moving out of the way. "It's fun!"
Vladimir Zen (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He smiled down at her, then looked down the slide. He had a different approach of going down the slide. He went down the slide, only to find out the punishment of doing so. He faceplanted into the dirt.
Luisa Naoi (played by lyingsmile15)

The little girl smiled up at him. She gasped when he landed on his face. "Are you okay?" She crouched near him, hoping he was okay. "Did you die?" She cautiously poked his shoulder.
Vladimir Zen (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He lifted his head up, he had a cut on his face, and some dirt, but besides that he seemed physically alright. His clothes had dirt all over the front, but he was okay. He looked up at her, "I'm okay" he said.
Luisa Naoi (played by lyingsmile15)

Carefully, she wiped some of the dirt off his face. "Okay." She smiled a little, relaxing. "That's good. I would be sad if you died." She held out a hand to help him up.

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