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Forums » Smalltalk » Wanna write a book together?

Hey y’all!

I haven’t been very active here, and for this I apologize. 🙇🏾‍♀️

But, I have a bit of an interesting request (at least, it’s interesting to me).

I’ve been roleplaying on and off (largely off for the past couple of years) since I was 12 or 13. I’m 25 now, working full time, and I’m really itching to write again. But I’d like to actually get serious about writing a book. I’ve always wanted to.

The thing is, I have a really hard time fleshing out ideas on my own. It really helps for me to do that with a partner (obviously! I bet you can relate).

I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask here for a potential buddy in the book writing process. I’d like to write a series inspired by Christianity — think Chronicles of Narnia, but hopefully a bit more updated and catered to young adults. I’d love for it to be set in a medieval, fantasy world, with drama and action and even romance. I have some basic ideas for characters. But I’m seeking help for a well-developed stories, and even more characters to round out the cast.

If you’re interested, feel free to respond here or send me a message directly (if that’s possible on this site).

Serious inquiries only. And I’m only looking to work with someone who’s at least 18.

Thanks for considering!

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