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Forums » RP Discussion » Emotions and feelings

Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax)

Hello everyone,
(I apologize to those already having read this, I edited it purposely to make it less formal and frightening)

I know this doe hasn’t been around for long, but still I could read quite a few things on the forums, from building lores to possible role plays and of course quite a few descriptions of characters. This is not the point of this topic and neither an accusation of any kind. (There’s no ‘but’ here…)

For a better understanding of Lizbeth' role-play :

I only want to provide my point of view of emotions and feelings.
Many people mix up both, that is normal, not a fault.
I rather believe that emotions and feelings are to separate. It avoids me to get confused at some point :

Feelings are perceptions of some ‘state’ you, or even your character is in. One can easily give words to a feeling, like pain, love, satisfaction, feeling of déjà-vu or other disgust. Feelings are more or less strong, but mostly controlled. Except when it's impulsive, manics are a bit like exaggerated impulsive feelings, the urge to wash one's hands continuously having a feeling of disgusting things on your skin (I know, subject to discussion)

Emotions are far more from inside, you can’t feel anger, you are angry. You don’t feel joy, you are happy.
Phobia are exaggerated fears, a rage is an uncontrollable expression of the emotion of anger. It's inside you and talking about emotions can turn them into controllable feelings. Except, for me, the emotion joy, happiness, when your body feels warm inside and when it tickles underneath your skin, you smile and simply feel good. No need to put words on that, joy is positive. That WoooHoooo effect making you dance, jump, I don't know what else...

I have learned only four emotions : fear o.O , sadness :blue: , anger >:( and happiness :D .
Other schools say there are seven as disgust D:, surprise :O and contempt :/ should be emotions too.

It’s all free for discussion of course. Nobody is absolute right and only fools remain at loggerheads without discussion, this includes the most stubborn doe that exists, me. <g>
Oh and that word emoticon or emoji, doesn't help differentiating feelings and emotions... it's getting complicated :s (I feel a little lost here...)

Here I do not want to go into political panel discussion, of course everyone is free to express his/her/its/their meaning.
I only want to point out how I differ emotions and feelings and how it influences my Lizbeth.
I play Lizbeth to be a very emotional being, getting into a rollercoaster of feelings and emotions sometimes. And when it really gets very emotional, this can swap over to IRL, and there’s even a real tear rolling down my face. :blue:
No, that little doe is not 'just' a character amongst other, I'm simply too proud of her. Like I said when I introduced myself, I'm here to feed that doe, make her evolve, build her stronger.
I feel an urge to draw her in different emotions right now.

Maybe some of you have a same experience during an RP, or maybe this view might help some to easier write about emotions and feelings in an RP

Feel free to leave a comment or an experience

Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax) Topic Starter

And if you think animals do not have emotions :
Lizbeth Redwood wrote:
That WoooHoooo effect making you dance, jump, I don't know what else...


That's me first time seeing the ocean

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