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Forums » RP Discussion » Emotions and feelings

Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax)

Hello everyone,

I know this doe hasn’t been around for long, but still I could read quite a few things on the forums, from building lores to possible role plays and of course quite a few descriptions of characters. But this is not the point of this topic and neither an accusation of any kind. (There’s no ‘but’ here…)

With this topic I’d like to provide my point of view of emotions and feelings.
Much people mix up both, but I believe that emotions and feelings are to separate. It avoids me to get confused at some point :

Feelings are perceptions of some ‘state’ you, or even your character is in. One can easily give words to a feeling, like pain, love, satisfaction, feeling of déjà-vu or other disgust.
Emotions are far more from inside, you can’t feel anger, you are angry. You don’t feel joy, you are happy.
I am from that school that teaches only four emotions, fear, sadness, anger and happiness. Other schools say there are seven as disgust, surprise and contempt should be emotions too. It’s all free for discussion of course. Nobody is absolute right and only fools remain at loggerheads without discussion.
Here I do not want to go into political panel discussion, of course everyone is free to express his/her/its/their meaning.
I only want to point out how I differ emotions and feelings and how it influences my Lizbeth.
I play Lizbeth to be a very emotional being, getting into a rollercoaster of feelings and emotions sometimes. And when it really gets very emotional, this can swap over to IRL, and there’s even a real tear rolling down one’s face.

Maybe some of you have a same experience during an RP, or maybe this view might help some to easier write about emotions and feelings in an RP

Feel free to leave a comment or an experience during an RP.


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