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Forums » Smalltalk » The Growth of a Landorian Child - Worldbuilding

On the continent of Landor, something miraculous is happening! A new child is being born!
Out comes the kitten of an anthro feline. Look how adorable he looks in his mother's arms. However, we cannot dwell on this for long, as we're here for education, and not for looking at babies.
When an anthro child in the world of Eclipse Treaty is born, they are very closely resembling the appearance of a normal, feral animal baby- albeit a lot larger. Their skeletal structure is more closely appearing to that of a feral than an anthro, and so is their minds. Anthro babies start off with a lot of feral animal instincts and don't really resemble the humans they evolved from whatsoever. Early on, instead of learning to babble, they typically start out making their respective animal's sound. In this example, the newborn anthro will both meow and cry in it's first days of living, and it isn't until a few months in that they begin to shed some of their initial feral feline instincts and begin to make human infant esque sounds.
With the digitigrade legs of an anthro and a tail for balance, the infant will begin to crawl much faster and steadily than that of a human's, although that is not saying much with how wobbly they still are. By this point, they should have grown in all their fluffy fur. If the child has Magician blood, their fur would be a lot thicker and a bit rougher than that of others, as they will always possess a winter coat. If the baby has blood from the lands of the empire, their fur will be shorter and more fine to reflect the warm climate. Malimorian and Great Woods babies both have a natural passage of winter and normal coats.
Within the first few years of an anthro's life, they will maintain their animalistic instincts. This anthro kitten we've been examining for example possesses the want to look at birds and would probably reach his tiny arms out as if he wants to grab onto one. At about a year in, a child should have began to both babble and make animalistic sounds at an around equal manner, perhaps mixing the two.
At around age 4, almost all animalistic instincts should be gone, having slowly grown out of them during their third year. An anthro will never fully lose these instincts, but at this point one should be more human than animal. Expect them to be running around on both legs and talking your ears off.

And that is about how an anthro grows up from baby to child in my setting! I'm really tired right now so it might not be the best, but I have an ad for an rp using a baby from my setting up and I thought I should clarify this just in case.

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