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Forums » Smalltalk » DJ Faces Mournful radio station

Gooood evening Ladies and Germs, its your favorite RP talkshow host taking a brief shot at literary radio.

All of us who’ve been in the cooperative writing scene know exactly how much it can sting after losing a particularly good writing partner, and after a loss like that sometimes you just need to mourn and say goodbye. Whether it by ghosting, conflicts or they were whisked away in the stream that is reality and time this station is dedicated to you.

So feel free to pop in a good music request drop your link in the replies and maybe some nice memories of partners long past. Please just refer to your former partner as “Buddy” for privacy purposes!

Our line-up starts Here

(if you want a song added to the playlist shoot me a DM and I’ll add it or just leave it in the comments below. Please avoid overly romantic or NSFW songs cuz thaaats weird. This is not a page to vent, be angry at or about a partner, sad is okay negative is not. Any inappropriate songs and/or comments will be removed)
Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax)

Lizbeth calls in, having one of her preferred songs in mind. It's not a love song as many think, but a yell from a son wanting his father that has been taken away through some stupid war. Lizbeth always thinks about her own father that was shot by a hunter.

Pink Floyd's Masterpiece "Wish you were here" she'd propose with a trembling voice, if the presenter would pick up the phone
Manofmanyfaces Topic Starter

Good choice! We’ll add it to the list! I’m sure theres plenty of ways to interpret a song like that so your more them fine!

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