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Forums » Help » Playing as other people's characters

In light of this month's challenge and a text I received recently, I was wondering if and how I can post/play as other people's characters from their profiles. How do I get there, and what are the rules when doing this?
I think the first thing to do is ask for the creator's permission?

If they allow you to use their character then the next thing to do is to read their background. Also, maybe have a clear picture from its creator on how the character you are going to play's behavior? I mean, how is their personality, how is their image, how the writer want you to behave if you are playing their character. What was the purpose, what was their connection.

I have a friend of mine, Sophia, that using my NPC and build it into their own character. But, when she build it, she keeps asking me about how I want that 'character' to be built and both of us discussed on how to build the character's background. As long as you got the original creator's permission and discuss it with them, I think it will be the fun process on having their character to be played by you.
What Jenna said. I've gotten permission to create and use a couple of a friend's characters they had here before they got banned. We still write some on another site, but my use of them here was to augment the stories they were involved in with my characters.

As far as actually posting using someone else's character; the characters are created by an account, and can only be used by that account.

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