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Forums » Introductions » Hey everyone, new guy here


Welcome, welcome to RP Repository! I hope you find all the blue, blue stuff you're lookin' for and the types of RPs that make you happy. I know I would probably check out the Forum Games, because that's the first place a lot of people flock to when they want that quick interaction with their characters. It's also a good start for anyone looking for a writing partner.

If you have any questions or need to know something, feel free to ask any one of us. We're a good community and we like to try and help our new friends get a hold of how things work around here. Nothing too complicated, I promise! Have a good 'un out there! :D
Hello there! Welcome to the RPR family :D
Welcome aboard! we have pizza (uωu人)
Have lots of fun!
Hello, hello! Welcome to RPR! I've been here almost a year, and I sooooo hope you love our amazing family!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hey everyone, new guy here

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