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Forums » Introductions » I have arrived, and I like this so far

Hello, you all may call me carnifez ooc, It was my first xbox username and now I use it for virtually everything. But never mind that, here's some info about me.

Im an 18 year old male, I've been into rp for a solid 4 years at this point and I would like to think it shows. My interests include entomology, photography, reading, tabletop games such as warhammer and mtg, and ofc roleplaying. I haven't had a good rp in a hot minute so I hope yall are able to help with that! I will be adding more characters to this account as time goes on, but for now please enjoy Vishgraz, my insectoid druid who just wants to protect his little guys and girls.

I look forward to talking to you all soon, and if anyone does wish to rp discord would be best, so feel free to add me here:
Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax)

Welcome !

I think you’re gonna like it more, once you found what you are looking for.

Welcome to RPR 🙂
Welcome to RPR! We hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for! If you're looking for RP's, I suggest looking for them in the "Looking For Roleplay" forum or making a post yourself!
Welcome to RPR! We are all very friendly, so I hope you find what you are looking for!

Hello! Welcome to RP Repository! 🙂
I do love your ant-in-a-suit icon!
Welcome aboard the RPR train.. it moves fast, so hang on, enjoy, and dive right in !!!

Welcome to RPR ! You will find many Rp's both 1-1 and groups advertised in the Forums, make sure to ask people if you find characters you are interested in as many players are often seeking RP with those characters or others.
Hiya! Welcome to RPR! :)
Welcome to RPR! We have an awesome and kind community here!
Hello and welcome to the site, hope you like it here!
Hey hi! Welcome to RPR!
Check out my favorite resources!

*.• :star: BB-Code Text Tools :star: •.*

:star: Emoji! :star:
Welcome to RPR! Glad to see you like it so far, good folks around here.
Welcome to RPR!

Okay, I love the idea of an insectoid druid for some reason. That's just something I've not heard of before, so kudos to you for being my first with that! Also a fine welcome to you to RP Repository! I hope you find what you're looking for here -- there's certainly a lot of diversity! I know the best places to start out is either do a search, add an advert, or pop in over to the forums and get that quick character interaction with other folks. Who knows, you may even hit it off with someone and take to world-building!

If you have any questions or what have you, feel free to ask any one of us. We'll try our best to help see you through! Enjoy that character buildin' and I hope you have a good 'un! :)

You are on: Forums » Introductions » I have arrived, and I like this so far

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