Asa hesitated for a moment before speaking. “You… you could stay at my place,” she offered, glancing at Sooyoung and Vextra. “It’s not huge, but there’s space, and it’s safe.”
Yoru raised an eyebrow. “You sure about that? You barely tolerate people.”
Asa sighed but nodded. “Yeah, well… you guys need somewhere better, right?” She looked at Sooyoung. “It’s not forever, just until you figure something out.”
Yoru raised an eyebrow. “You sure about that? You barely tolerate people.”
Asa sighed but nodded. “Yeah, well… you guys need somewhere better, right?” She looked at Sooyoung. “It’s not forever, just until you figure something out.”
Vextra and Sooyoung looked at eachother for a moment
Vextra sighed and shrugged " I suppose we can " She said to Sooyoung
Sooyoung smiled and nodded " Okay! Thank-you guys! " She said
Vextra sighed and shrugged " I suppose we can " She said to Sooyoung
Sooyoung smiled and nodded " Okay! Thank-you guys! " She said
Asa gave a small, shy smile and nodded. “Yeah… don’t mention it,” she said, looking out the window. She wasn’t used to having people around so much, but it felt… nice, in a way.
Yoru huffed, crossing her arms. “Just don’t make a mess. And if you snore, I’m throwing you out.”
Asa sighed. “Ignore her.” Asa chuckled softly. "Just a heads-up, though… I have a cat,” she said.
Yoru huffed, crossing her arms. “Just don’t make a mess. And if you snore, I’m throwing you out.”
Asa sighed. “Ignore her.” Asa chuckled softly. "Just a heads-up, though… I have a cat,” she said.
Sooyoung chuckled " Got it Yoru " She said, laughing
Vextra loved cats " Really?! I love cats! " She said " I can't wait!! " She said to them
Sooyiung smiled " That makes 2 of us "
Vextra loved cats " Really?! I love cats! " She said " I can't wait!! " She said to them
Sooyiung smiled " That makes 2 of us "
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