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Asa Mitaka (played by Mellow) Topic Starter

Yoru smirked at Sooyoung's comment. "Oh, absolutely. Watching chaos unfold, especially something so powerful and unpredictable, is my kind of entertainment." She leaned back, her eyes gleaming. "But I wouldn't want to get involved. The risk of losing control would be... entertaining for a time, but I'd rather watch from a safe distance."
" Yea. Its better to be safe. You could lose control fully and you may not be yourself again " She said. She Keep looking for new books or something " Have you guys found anything else regarding me or you two? " She asked

Vextra thought " No i haven't " She said " It's like they're restricted " She told them

Sooyoung thought for a moment " Does this library have a restricted zone? "
Asa Mitaka (played by Mellow) Topic Starter

Asa paused, thinking for a moment. "I'm not sure, but it's possible. Libraries like this often have restricted areas for rare or dangerous information." She glanced around the library, wondering if such a place was hidden somewhere. "We might have to look harder or ask someone who works here."
She nodded " Your right. But who? " She looked around some more to see if there is anyone

Vextra also looked around " I don't see anyone Asa. Like no one. It's completely dark in here and quiet. So how or who are we gonna ask for help? " She asked, sounding curious, very curious

Sooyoung looked around " and i doubt they'll let us look anyways. Its called restricted for a reason " She said
Asa Mitaka (played by Mellow) Topic Starter

Asa glanced around the library, a little uneasy about the silence and darkness. "Well, if no one's around, we might have to wait for someone to show up." She looked at the shelves thoughtfully. "Or maybe there's another way in. A hidden door or something..."

Yoru's voice interrupted Asa's thoughts, "Or you could just go in and take what you want. After all, what's stopping you?" Yoru sounded mischievous, clearly suggesting a more rebellious approach.
" Again, we could get in trouble Yoru. The principle said no more trouble " She said and headed for the door when she suddenly disappeared into a bookshelf. She fell on the ground and hit her head on the ground " Ow- " She said and rubbed it

She looked around after " Where are we? It's dark " She said

Vextra gulped " I agree- "
Asa Mitaka (played by Mellow) Topic Starter

Asa's eyes widened with concern as she saw Sooyoung on the ground. "Are you okay?" she asked softly, kneeling beside her to check on her head.

Yoru, leaning casually against a nearby shelf in the dim light, observed the scene with a wry smile. "This place has its tricks," she remarked, her tone a mix of amusement and caution. "Let's stick together and figure out where we are before anything else happens."
" Yea " She looked up " I am okay " She got up and dusted herself off " Does anyone have a light or anything? " She asked " It's so dark. I can't see " She looked around to see if there are any light switches or something. She couldn't see though

Vextra looked for a bit " I think we have to go down there " She said as Sooyoung nodded
Asa Mitaka (played by Mellow) Topic Starter

Asa pulled out her phone, quickly turning on the flashlight. The beam of light illuminated the dark area around them, revealing a narrow path leading deeper into the library.

"Here, this should help," she said, holding the phone out in front of her, cautiously walking toward the path Vextra pointed out.
Sooyoung nodded " Thanks Asa " she said

As they both made their way down the path, The air in the room, hallway, whatever, got colder and colder. She stopped and looked around " This place seems to be covered in caution tape " She said. Vextra sighed " I'm pretty sure we are in the restricted zone? " she said " I think.... "
Asa Mitaka (played by Mellow) Topic Starter

Asa looked around, her grip on the phone tightening as she glanced at the caution tape. The air felt heavier, like it was thick with mystery and danger. She frowned slightly.

"This doesn’t feel right," Asa muttered, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "We shouldn’t be here, but... it’s too late to turn back now, right?"

She stepped forward cautiously, keeping the flashlight steady. "Let’s just be careful. The last thing we want is to get caught or... worse."
" I agree " She said " Let's not get caught " Sooyoung said

Vextra gulped " Even if we wanted to leave, How can we get out? " She asked " I dont see a way out " She continued to look around

Sooyoung walked around, unsure of this cold air breathing on her neck " It's very cold " She said
Asa Mitaka (played by Mellow) Topic Starter

Asa shivered from the cold air and wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the unsettling chill. "Yeah, I’m not exactly a fan of this place," she muttered, glancing around nervously. "The cold... it’s like it’s seeping into my bones."

Yoru, growing impatient with the constant complaining, suddenly snapped, her voice sharp and commanding. "Enough with the whining! We’re not going to get anything done if you keep babbling! If you’re cold, move! If you’re scared, toughen up!" Yoru growled, her voice echoing through the dark hallway. "Complaining won’t solve anything!"
She rolled her eyes and walked around, looking for some information. She scanned every shelf to see if she can find anything " Nothing over here so far! What about you guys? " She asked her

Vextra kept searching as well for something too
Asa Mitaka (played by Mellow) Topic Starter

Asa sighed and walked down another aisle, her eyes scanning the bookshelves for anything useful. "Nothing here either," she muttered, shaking her head in frustration. "This place is a maze, and we’re running out of options." She could feel the weight of the eerie atmosphere pressing in on her.

Yoru, still irritated by the constant searching, let out a sharp sigh. "Quit wasting time," she snapped. "If there’s nothing here, then let’s move on. We don't have all day to search every shelf." She kept her gaze fixed on the shadows, feeling like something was watching them in the dark. "We need to find a way out. This place is getting worse by the second."
She nodded " For once, I agree with Yoru " She said

Vextra sighed " Yea me too. I wanna get out " she told them

Sooyoung and Vextra both started looking for a way. There seemed to be nothing " Jeez how do we get out of here man?! I don't want to get in trouble again! " she said
Asa Mitaka (played by Mellow) Topic Starter

Asa glanced at Yoru, then Sooyoung, her expression a mixture of frustration and resignation. “Well, I guess if both of you agree for once, I better start paying attention,” she muttered, rubbing her temples.

Yoru snickered, clearly amused. “I’m starting to like Sooyoung’s style. I don't know how she manages to get in trouble and still find a way out.”

Asa sighed and shook her head. “You’re not helping, Yoru.”

She glanced around the space, eyes narrowing. "I guess we just have to find a way out without getting caught."

She didn’t need to say much more, as the situation already felt a bit tense. As they started looking around, Asa couldn’t help but feel that every move was being watched.

“Let’s just find a way out before they come looking for us,” Asa said quietly, her voice more determined now. She turned to Sooyoung and gave her a quick nod, signaling that she was ready to make their move.
Sooyoung nodded and started looking for ways out. She looked on every corner and started with the book shelves going from high to low. She stopped for moment " If we don't find one fast, we may have to call for help " She said

Vextra scuffed " And that would get us in trouble " She told her

Sooyoung twitched a little " Yea I know. But we wouldn't have no choice to Vextra "
Asa Mitaka (played by Mellow) Topic Starter

Asa let out a small sigh before speaking. “We don’t need to call for help,” she said, glancing at Sooyoung. “I already found a way out.”

Yoru chuckled in amusement. “See? This is why I’m the smart one.”

Asa ignored her and gestured toward a small, barely noticeable door near the back of the room. “It leads outside. If we’re careful, we can slip out without anyone noticing.”

She turned to Sooyoung with a slight smirk. “Unless you’d rather stay and explain everything to the principal?”
" Id rather not. Can't risk it. And don't want hunters to find me and Vextra " She said

Vextra scuffed " Asa where is the way out? " she asked her, Sooyoung walking over to Asa and Yoru

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