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Forums » Introductions » Death Approaches (Greetings and hello!)

As evident by my username and the topic title, I am a HUGE fan of Hades the video game and Thanatos in general.

I am 31 years old, my pronouns are she/her, and I have been role-playing since I was a teenager, but haven't gotten serious about it until I was in my early twenties.

In regards to what I hope to find, I would love some people who are willing to actually interact with me and not disappear out of the blue, I have had that happen multiple times, unfortunately.

As for my favorite genres, I love angst/drama, fantasy, action, adventure, romance, AUs, comfort, and emotional scenes.

Thanks to being a writer, I am able to do around 3 paragraphs, sometimes more once I get into the groove of things. I truly hope that I can find people who are willing to work with me and not give up on me because I am disabled and I process things differently.

It is a dream of mine to become a successful published author and I will be writing a book series about Thanatos, the one from Greek Mythology, with my character Eneida and what role he plays in the Reaper society.

As Thanatos would inevitably say:

"Life and death, one and the same. Tsch, still here? I suppose I should applaud your willingness to put up with me. I am risking everything that I believe in, my work station by having this conversation with you. Then again, I wouldn't mind doing more of this in the near future. You know what? Forget I said anything. I must be going. There are several souls that I need to collect."
Hey hi! Welcome to RPR!
Check out my favorite resources!

*.• :star: BB-Code Text Tools :star: •.*

:star: Emoji! :star:
Hi! Welcome to RPR!
Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax)

Oh, Hi, yes...

To be honest, Death can stay where it is, don't approach me...


A warm Welcome to Hades, Anubis, Freiya, Thanatos, Hel, Mors, Yama... or else divinity of death

Lizbeth (who definitely wants to live) O:)
Hello! Welcome to RPR! :)
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or are unsure about something, feel free to ask someone(me included) or use the Help forum!
Welcome welcome! \(★ω★)/

From what you said, I'm sure there will be a lot of people happy to have you as a RP partner here! (Myself included)

Have lots of fun! (*¯ ³¯*)♡
Oo! It sounds like you've got it all planned out with your preferences, with your characters, your ambitions to become published (I also share that hope and dream to one day be an author myself), and what you're looking for in your fellow writers. That kind of preparedness makes me jelly -- I am always so eager to get the ball rolling but I find myself too busy or too caught up in life at times. I hope it works out well for you and you're able to find fellow writers that exceed expectations! RPR has a lot of wonderful talent, in my humble opinion!

If you find yourself needin' any help or questions answered, feel free to reach out to any one of us. We'd be glad to help and see you through! Best wishes to you and I hope you find what you're looking for! Take care and have fun out there! :D
Welcome to RPR 🙂

Hello there! Welcome to the RPR family :D
Death-Archon Topic Starter

LotusFlower wrote:

Adorable sticker! Thank you so much!
Death-Archon Topic Starter

.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
Hey hi! Welcome to RPR!
Check out my favorite resources!

*.• :star: BB-Code Text Tools :star: •.*

:star: Emoji! :star:

Thank you! I'll be sure to keep these in mind!
Death-Archon Topic Starter

Stormiedayz wrote:
Hi! Welcome to RPR!

Thank you truly!
Death-Archon Topic Starter

Lizbeth Redwood wrote:
Oh, Hi, yes...

To be honest, Death can stay where it is, don't approach me...


A warm Welcome to Hades, Anubis, Freiya, Thanatos, Hel, Mors, Yama... or else divinity of death

Lizbeth (who definitely wants to live) O:)

Thank you for the welcome! No worries! You still get to live! 🙂
Death-Archon Topic Starter

AlwaysAnxious32 wrote:
Hello! Welcome to RPR! :)

Thank you so much for the welcome!
Death-Archon Topic Starter

Echo wrote:
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or are unsure about something, feel free to ask someone(me included) or use the Help forum!

Thank you! I am grateful for your advice! I'll try to keep it in mind!
Death-Archon Topic Starter

CandyShootingStar wrote:
Welcome welcome! \(★ω★)/

From what you said, I'm sure there will be a lot of people happy to have you as a RP partner here! (Myself included)

Have lots of fun! (*¯ ³¯*)♡

Thank you so much! It made me smile! It's not every day someone wishes to role-play with me! If you would ever like to start one, my messages are open! 🙂
Death-Archon Topic Starter

Atheist wrote:
Oo! It sounds like you've got it all planned out with your preferences, with your characters, your ambitions to become published (I also share that hope and dream to one day be an author myself), and what you're looking for in your fellow writers. That kind of preparedness makes me jelly -- I am always so eager to get the ball rolling but I find myself too busy or too caught up in life at times. I hope it works out well for you and you're able to find fellow writers that exceed expectations! RPR has a lot of wonderful talent, in my humble opinion!

If you find yourself needin' any help or questions answered, feel free to reach out to any one of us. We'd be glad to help and see you through! Best wishes to you and I hope you find what you're looking for! Take care and have fun out there! :D

Thank you truly for your kind words! Yeah, I have put a lot of thought into my characters and ideas, I also tend to pour my heart and soul into what I write. It's awesome to meet someone who also wishes to become an author! I have been writing since kindergarten, believe it or not, so I believe that helped! If you would ever like to hear more about my book series, I would be more than happy to tell you! 🙂

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