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Forums » Introductions » Greetings from an Ancient Saiyan

Hello, everyone! My name is Shallot and an Ancient Saiyan. I'm here to start some Dragon Ball RPs or crossover RPs that involves Dragon Ball. Hit me up whenever you want to RP or chat with me.

Oo! Dragon Ball is a good 'un! It's one of my gateway animes. I hope you find what you're looking for, of course. I've seen some DB characters runnin' about in the Forum Games! I suggest you start there and give a whirl with one of your characters!

If you have any questions or what have you, feel free to ask any one of us. We're here to help and I'd like to thing we've got ourselves a good ol' community and support system! Have fun, of course!
Hello Shallot! Welcome to RP Repository! :)
Hey hi! Welcome to RPR!
Check out my favorite resources!

*.• :star: BB-Code Text Tools :star: •.*

:star: Emoji! :star:
Whoop welcome!

You'll get a lot of friendly hellos here but if you have plots you can post them under forums in "looking for rp"

To find some takers!

Or see if there's any there already.

Either way so happy you're here 😊
Wow! An old Saiyan! Hi Shallot!
Welcome to RPR 🙂
Welcome, welcome!
Hello! Welcome to RPR! :)
Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax)

Hello and Welcome,

Honorable fighter from outer space…

The doe bows, her hands folded in front of her lower torso, right hand over the left

Greetings and salutations. Welcome to RPR... hope you find what you want here !!
Welcome! ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
I hope you find what you're looking for!
Welcome to RPR! 📝✨

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Greetings from an Ancient Saiyan

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