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Forums » General Roleplay » Joot's Metal Trading

Jooters Blaccat (played by Jooters)

The pitter-patter of young paws could be heard on the floor as Jooters Blaccat excitedly set up what seems to be a small store. He could be seen with many things, such as clothing, weapons, food and drinks, and the largest amount of all being the metals. Piles and piles of scrap metal could be seen on the floor around him, from rusty scraps of metal to lightly weathered to top tier steel. He scribbled on a sign that read 'Jooters' Metal Trading Emporium! Only metal accepted as currency both to and from."
He sat in his stool eagerly, picturing in his mind all the cool hats he could buy with this metal and the money he could make off this.

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