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Forums » General Roleplay » The Demon And His Lover (1x1 with Shadows)

Vix (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She stood infront of he mirror looking at herself, finding herself smiling at Aphiel's comment "What would have happened if it did happened?" She asked as she started to change her clothes.
Aphiel (played by Shadows)

He leaned back and smiled softly, whispering to her almost as he stretched upwards slightly, "Well...neither of us would be here anymore, so Id say I did the right thing lovely..", blushes at the word he used to describe her
Vix (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She went back to the living room looking at him "why are you blushing" she said as she walked togards the kitchen she figure noticible under that long shirt she was wearing.
Aphiel (played by Shadows)

Aphiel bite his lip, the blush even worse now that she pointed it out as he stood slowly, watching her eyes, "Well...many reasons..none important.."
Vix (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

"Tell me.." she said as she grabbed a glass of water "so youre a demon..yet youre connected to a simple human girl why is that?"
Aphiel (played by Shadows)

HE nodded slowly, grinning as he lifted his hand, a glass raised from the kitchen and moved towards him, filling with water on the way as he took a sip, "Mhmm....though you are not a simple human girl in my eyes.."
Vix (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She watched the glass chuckling softly "you could have asked i would have givenot to you" she turned looking at him "what do you mean?"
Aphiel (played by Shadows)

He grinned softly before looking away, his pale flesh only made the blushes that much worse, "Well..To are quite special...but Im not that sure why.."
Vix (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She leaned on the counter looking at him blushing as well "so tell me what happened to your master?" She asked trying to change the subject.
Aphiel (played by Shadows)

He tilted his head side to side as he nibbled his lip, "Well...there was a war, and he was....removed from his seat of power by a Marquess.."
Vix (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She nodded walking towards him sitting down next to him listening carefully "and what did this war started?"
Aphiel (played by Shadows)

He leaned back, breathing in quietly as he stretched upwards, "All over who you would call...a simple girl.."
Vix (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

"A girl?" She asked tilting her head putting it on top of her palm stil looking at him.
Aphiel (played by Shadows)

Aphiel nodded and watched her eyes, "Well... she was the Marchioness..pretty cute girl if I say so myself.."
Vix (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She blushed looking down "what happened to her.. well you during the war?""
Aphiel (played by Shadows)

Aphiel shrugged softly, "I cant really remember...Its all a blur after they came back.."
Vix (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She leaned back putting her legs on his lap "tell me what you remember"
Aphiel (played by Shadows)

His hands instinctively lowered, rubbing her lower legs softly as he peered up, "When the war was over, my friend took the throne of a land far away, he and his wife had just had a child..the child is what really won the war though, the kid had powers.."
Vix (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

"So you been alone since then ..?" She asked looking down at her arms and legs all marked with scars she looked up at him when for some strange reason she felt like they were being watch she whisper to herself "thats weird"
Aphiel (played by Shadows)

He tilted his head, his fingers running over the scars softly, "Whats weird?"

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