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Forums » General Roleplay » Starry Eyes, and Shocking Secrets (OPEN)

Rayner plugged in yet another hard drive and was downloading the information on to it. He took a step back and walked up behind Corvina, placing his hands on his waist as though to determine what to do. "If these people are alive, what should we do about it?" He thought. He wasn't even sure if the people in the tube were functional.

He noticed another door and decided to walk through it. He found himself stepping out on to a metal platform that looked down upon a large bath containing the same liquid that were in the tubes. He walked around the ledges carefully, while his eyes scanned the area. He was almost to a control panel and he heard a creaking sound coming from the platform. He paused, making sure that it was solid enough for him to take another step. When he thought it was safe, he attempted to take another step and suddenly found himself surrounding by the teal liquid. He pushed his legs up to reach the surface of the liquid but suddenly a large amount of weight came down on him, pushing his entire body down and keeping it there.

He couldn't see what was on top of him, but it certainly wasn't a machine. Rayner reached up with his hands and could feel the claws upon the beast, pushing down on him with all of it's might, it's claw sinking into his chest, causing him pain. He reached down for the knife in his pocket and whiped it out, stabbing the creature in it's forearm.

Blood started to seep from the creature and soon it released Rayner. Rayner leaped up from the bath and looked over at the creature before him. He was panting and grasping for air as his eyes adjusted to the light again. The creature in question looked as though it was human, however a lot hairer and with claws and sharp teeth. It was tending to it's wound by licking it, before looking up at Rayner and growling at him. Rayner stared back down at it, into it's amber-yellow eyes. Whatever it was, it used to be human.

Rayner carefully moved his hand down to his waistband, reaching for the gun he had there but realized it wasn't there. He carefully scanned the area and noticed the gun on the ledge on top of the area. It must have fallen out when the beast tackled him into the liquid below. He then gripped his knife, holding on to it and getting into a boxing stance that his father had taught him.

The beast growled again before lunging at Rayner. Rayner swiped his knife out at it, quickly, manging to slash it across it's chest. The beast came back at Rayner with it's claws, cutting him down from his shoulder and chest. It stung Rayner like crazy! He winced at at the pain but reacted quickly. He flipped behind him on to a metal box and leaped up and over the creature. The creature however, followed him, pinning Rayner's arms down on to the metal floor below them. Rayner struggled to get out of it's grip, but he couldn't. The beast was too strong. He stared down into it's eyes, hoping to scare it off by showing some side of dominance, but it didn't work. It continued to growl at Rayner.

Guess this is how I die... he thought. He was hoping that Corvina was around to help him but by this point, he was glad that she was not there. If she was smart, she would have ran away and saved herself.
Corvina (played by Tolora)

Corvina shook her head. "I don't know..." She wanted to free these people, but there was no telling what would happen if they did. They could be hostile and then she Rayner and Zander would be severely outnumbered by people who wanted to kill them. She looked at the body trapped inside the glass sadly and pressed her palm against the glass. No one deserved to have things like this done to them.

She was pulled out of her sad thoughts by the barking and growling of Zander at an open door. Rayner was no where to be seen. "Rayner?" She called out, hoping he would answer. There was plenty of strange sounds coming from the room. It sounded like a fight between two animals. Corvina picked up Zander in one arm, shushing him. In the other hand, the flicked the safety off and let herself turn invisible. Years of practice had made her footsteps silent, and Zander knew to be quiet too.

Corvina was shocked by what she saw inside the room. It was obviously one of the test patients. Maybe even the one that had escaped. It was vicious and covered in hair. It kind of looked like how movies would depict werewolves. She felt Zander tense in her arm and quickly came back to her senses. She raised the gun and shot the thing twice in the head. It slumped on top of Rayner and for a moment she feared she'd killed him too or come too late. "Rayner!!" She ran over to them, Zander jumping down from her arm. As soon as he left her, he became visible again. She kept the gun trained on the beast and kicked it off of him. Its eyes were glassy now and there was blood seeping from its head.

Worst of all was Rayner laying on the ground. He had several claw wounds on his body and they looked terrible. She knealt beside him and pulled his head into her lap, the gun forgotten on the floor beside her. She still hadn't turned herself back to visibility and so it looked like his head was resting on an invisible pillow. "Rayner? Rayner, please don't be dead. Please don't die and leave me here." She laid her head on his chest to try and listen for a heartbeat. She didn't know how to check for a pulse.
As the beast came down on to Rayner, it's skull came into contact with his - causing him to become slightly dazed. His vision became a bit blurry and he wasn't sure where or what was going on for a brief moment. The weight of the creature came off of him and soon he felt his head being lifted and he was laying on what felt like a lap, but he couldn't be too sure. For some odd reason he could not see anyone or anything that could have caused his head to elevate like so. But he knows he felt it - felt someone or something.

He turned to see Zander and reached out to his flurry little friend for a moment. "Z-zander..." he said and then heard Corvina's voice. He slowly sat up and turned around, realizing it was her lap that he was laying on. But when he turned around, he couldn't see anyone or anything. "Corvina, where are you?" he asked, his voice sounding slightly weak. He rubbed his head and winced when he lifted his arm. He continued to stare at her but could not see anything. He could hear her though, her breathing, her clothes, but not her.

"Alright, have I gone Corvina-Blinded or are you just invisible? Man, my head is killing me..." He said rubbing his forehead once again.
Corvina (played by Tolora)

"Rayner!" She cried out when she heard his voice. She hugged him fiercely and let go as soon as she remembered his wounds. "Oh, yeah, I forgot about that." She was visible again with tears running down her face. Zander licked Rayner's face. He seemed relieved that Rayner was alright too.

Corvina wiped her face. "You're lucky you're not dead you stupid idiot. Why'd you have to go off on your own like that? What would I have done if you died?" She said angrily. Now that she was sure he was going to live, she could be mad at him. Even though she was utterly relieved too. She moved his shirt gently to look at the whole wound. "That looks bad."

She looked around for something to use as a bandage. She could use the parts of his shirt that weren't torn or bloodsoaked, but it wasn't quite enough. She looked down at herself and whipped out the pocket knife that Rayner had given her. Corvina tore the bottom half off. There, that would be enough. She looked back at his wound and tore the strips of cloth appropriately. "There. That should work." She put it on his chest and shoulder. It would keep him from bleeding to death or getting infected now.
Rayner almost jumped when she became visible again, but the cuts on his body prevented him from doing so. Instead he remained calm as she worked around him. She continued to talk but he wasn't really hearing what she was saying. He was analyzing her - everything about her and everything that had just happened. His head was coming out of the daze and when he finally came to, he found her cutting his t-shirt into a crop top and fixing him up. He looked down at her handy job and back up at her.

He wasn't sure what to say, he looked over at the now dead creature and back over at Corvina. "First off, thank you," He started to say, his voice becoming normal. "Second off, let me take that..." he took the knife from Corvina and cut open the rest of his shirt. There was no way he was going to wear some sort of corp top or the bloody shirt. He'd rather be shirtless. "Better, third off..." he then looked at her, his face completely serious. "Go invisible so I know I'm not seeing weird things or suffering from a concussion." He said to her, staring deep into her eyes with his to show how serious he really was. He wasn't angry, not at all. He just wanted to understand.
Corvina (played by Tolora)

Corvina looked up and was surprised to see him watching her intently. It didn't even look like he'd listened to a word she'd said. She laughed a little when he took the knife to cut away the rest of his shirt, glad that he was ok. "What, you didn't want to match me? I think I manage to make the crop top look pretty great." Zander walked over to the dead beast curiously. Probably checking to make sure it was dead.

She blinked when he stared right into her eyes and told her to turn invisible again. She'd worried for a while how he would react when he eventually found out about her ability. He seemed to be taking it fairly well. For a moment, she considered telling him it had all been his imagination, that it was ridiculous to think that she could turn invisible and that he was just seeing things. It was what she normally told people who had seen her. "You weren't seeing things." She said as she lifted her hand and let it go invisible first, and then the rest of her body. She came back into visibility a moment later. It exhausted her energy to stay invisible too long.
Rayner continued to watch carefully as she showed her ability to him. His expression remained the same when she started with her hand and then the rest of her and back. There was a moment of silence between them before a wide smile appeared upon his face - almost like the one he had when he first found out that Corvina had a fox for a pet. It was obvious that he was excited.

"Holy crap! You're a chameleon!" he said, his voice sounding excited. And he was! "Wait, I'm not saying you're a lizard, you look better than a lizard but you have the same abilities as one! Well, sort go invisible right? I guess they just match their surroundings but that's somewhat like invisibility," Rayner didn't realize how much he was rambling until a shot of pain shot through him from his shoulder. He winced again before looking up at Corvina and smiled at her. He had so many questions but when he realized where they were and what was going on, he came back to his senses.

"Man, that's just really cool...seriously, I'll bet you can pull some pretty cool pranks..." he smirked at her. "Well of course, only if your pranking abilities were as good as mine," he let out a small laugh not wanting to over do it due to how cut up he was. He sighed and looked around again before suddenly an alarm went off throughout the room.

"Warning, detonation will begin in 10 minutes. Please evacuate the facilities. Warning, detonation will begin in 10 minutes. Please evacuate the facilities." a robotic voice said over the intercom. Rayner's eyes widen and he quickly got on to his feet. Though he was in pain, his mind was acting quickly. "We gotta go, I'm not sure if the countdown will start in 10 minutes or if we only have 10 minutes, but I don't want to stay and find out." He said with urgency.

He took Corvina's hand and moving as fast as he can, he rushed back up the stairs. Once he was back in the main room, he pulled out the drives he had attached to the computers and shoved them in his bag. He realized the reason why the alarms were going off and why the detonation process had started. The computer's security system had found his hack and was shutting itself down.

As he squared away the devices in his pack, the test subjects in the tubes were visibly jerking about as a purple syrup entered the tube. When Rayner saw this he realized what was going on. The purple syrup was killing off the test subjects. He saw some of their eyes widen, veins popping up and some looked like they were trying to scream. He looked away.

"Warning, detonation will begin in 7 minutes. Please evacuate the facilities. Warning, detonation will begin in 7 minutes..." he could hear the robotic voice again.

"Come on! We gotta move!" he shouted and took Corvina's hand again, this time moving faster than before. He didn't care about the pain or the blood that was seeping through the open wounds again. He wanted to get out of there and fast!

They rushed through the hallway again, making it out of there as quickly as possible. Before he knew it, they were running up the rusty old staircase and back up to the main room.

"Warning, detonation will begin in 3 minutes. Please evacuate the facilities. Warning, detonation will begin in 3 minutes..."

When the reached the main floor again he quickly ran passed the bodies and corpses and into the room where he left his other hard drive to download the information. He shoved it in his backpack, not caring if it was secure or not and soon ran over to the door where they could escape. "Come on! Come on!" He yelled towards Corvina and Zander.

Suddenly he could feel the facilities shaking and it slowly got more violent. He grabbed Corvina's hand once again and ran down the hallway. He could see the light at the end of it that lead out to the trail in which they entered from. He ran as the hallway behind them started to cave in, slowly at first but then quicker and quicker. In front of them he could see the rocks falling and slowly blocking the entrance.

They were so close! When they were only mere feet away from it, he shoved Corvina and Zander before him and out of the cave's entrance to ensure their safety. However when he did that, a sharp pain shot through his entire body causing him to trip. "SHOOT!" he cursed. The entrance to the cave was closing in quicker now, with rocks caving in from behind him and in front of him. Rayner forced himself to get up and before the entrance could be completely sealed off, he took a leap.

A blast came from behind him that launched himself and debris forward. He literally blasted out of the cave and rolled a few feet away from where Corvina and Zander was - his body tumbling like a ragdoll. He manged to stop himself. He yelled out out of pain and also out of the fact that he lived once again. There were blood oozing from his wounds but he had never felt more alive.
Corvina (played by Tolora)

Corvina was a little nervous and watched his reaction carefully. He was the only person other than her dad to know. It turned out she didn't even have to worry though. He was just as excited as when he'd found out about Zander. Corvina laughed when he called her a chameleon. "I prefer the Cheshire Cat." Her grin stayed visible as the rest of her disappeared. She'd practiced that one for months, even though the only person she could show at the time was her dad. "And it did help me win that little race the other day." She said as she became visible again.

Corvina and Zander both jumped when the alarm went off. She looked at Rayner when he stood up. "Are you alright to move on your own?" She barely got the question out before he grabbed her hand and dragged her upstairs. Well, apparently he was alright enough. She looked in horror as the test subjects died. Corvina picked up Zander and ran along with Rayner. She doubted that all this running around was good for his wounds, but they didn't have time to worry about that or take it easier.

Rayner kept yelling at them to hurry and she would have yelled some retort back but she was too busy running as hard as she could. Debris was falling all around them but she could see the light at the end of the tunnel. She screamed as she ran down the hall and then was suddenly pushed from behind. She and Zander cleared the mouth of the cave and she curled around him, the ground taking some skin off her shoulder.

She sat up quickly just in time to see Rayner thrown from the cave like a doll. She ran over to him to make sure he was alright, which he was. She laid down on the ground beside him and looked up at the sky. Suddenly, she started giggling uncontrollably. "We made it!"
Rayner panted as he laid there. He stared up at the sky with a smile upon his face. "We need to stop having dates with death, they've awful." he smirked turning his head to look at her. There was pain throughout his body but for some odd reason, he was already feeling better. He continued to lay there, not really wanting to move. The sun was still out in the sky and shining down on them. He figured with his injuries, it'll take them longer than the other day for him to get back home but at least there was still sun.

He continued to lay there, breathing and turned his head to look over at Corvina. He offered her a smile, but did not say anything. What was there really to say? They just survived yet again. Though there was still much work to do in solving the mysteries of the BML facilities, he felt like he could relax a bit - more so than he had in the past few days.
Corvina (played by Tolora)

Corvina grinned up at the sky and tsked. "And Death doesn't even pay on any of the dates! You have to admit they're exciting though." She turned to Rayner and laid on her side with her head propped up on her elbow. "You really need to break it off. I'm just the unicycle after all. I get caught up in the collateral damage." She grinned.

She saw all his injuries and sat up, her mood gone serious. "We should probably get back to town. A cave in isn't exactly quiet and people will be all over this place soon." She frowned. "There's got to be someone who knows about this place too, and will get suspicious. After all, someone had to go in and shoot all those cameras and people..."
Rayner sat up, agreeing with what Corvina said. If the blast caused any commotion, law enforcers should be heading that way soon. He got up slowly, feeling the pain shooting through the wounds but now simply ignored it. He needed to get back home as quickly as possible, clean out the wounds properly, and possibly even get some rest. "Alright, lets go you unicycle," he laughed and soon they were on their way.

Once they made it back behind the movie theater in town, Rayner turned towards Corvina. "Hey, I hope you don't mind but I'd rather not not have people see these I'm going to take the back way home." he said and looked down at her shoulder where some skin has been taken out from their cave exploration. "Are you okay to walk home yourself?" He asked. Though he was the one that was in worse shape than her, he'd rather make sure that she was okay first. He can take care of himself.
Corvina (played by Tolora)

Corvina stood up with him and before he could protest slipped her head under his arm to help him. She wasn't going to take any chances; Rayner could be hurt worse than he let on. And besides, his body was nice and warm, and she found herself wishing they would do this when he wasn't hurt too. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. "I think I'm more of a training wheel now." She laughed. Zander followed behind them, and he seemed tired too. He didn't even go running off into the woods to go and hunt for prey.

Corvina nodded. People probably would freak out if they saw all the blood on him, and she was looking a little worse for wear herself. "Am I ok?? Are you kidding?" She rolled her eyes. "I'm walking you home mister. I don't want you collapsing on the way or anything. And we live close enough to each other. It won't be a long walk home." Zander looked back at them and barked, curious to see why they'd stopped. "And I've got Zander to protect me." She grinned.
"Ughhhh!" Rayner groaned out but soon smiled at her to show that he was joking. But a side of him was uncomfortable - he has never had visitors at his place. He had lived alone for the past 3 years now and was a very private person. Not even Danielle, who was probably his closest friend in town has visited - but then again she's a much older woman and that'd just be strange. "Fineeeeee, lets go..." He said and they made their way back to his place. He noticed that Corvina was helping him but didn't say anything about it. He was grateful for the help, actually. But with her body so close to his, he couldn't help but feel a slight knot in his stomach. He figured he was simply feeling sick from the day they've had and let his mind wander on to other things - such as making sure he doesn't trip and fall on the way home.

After a few blocks they arrived in front of an apartment complex that stood 4 floors high. The complex it self looked average, nothing too out of the ordinary for their town. "This is it...home sweet home..." He said calmly as they approached the apartment complex. He let go of her arm for a second and pulled out the key from his pocket, putting it into the gate door and opening it. At this time, there seemed to be no one around the building. Rayner slowly walked towards the steps leading up to his apartment and sighed. It was going to take him a while to get to the third floor.

He turned towards Corvina. "Hey, this is going to be a painfully slow walk up the stairs. I should be fine though, seriously..." he said trying to offer her a reassuring smile. "So if you want to take off now, it's totally cool, seriously." He said. He had a feeling though that she would not want to leave him, not just yet. Some part of him didn't want her to. She was fun to be around and kept his mind off of other things. He took a step up the stair by himself, holding on to the railing. His legs were already shaking, probably due to the lack of blood he had in his body from his injuries. He continued to walk up though, step-by-step before stopping. "See, I got this. Besides, wheels can't go upstairs anyways right?" He smirked towards her.
Corvina (played by Tolora)

Corvina smiled at his melodramatic acceptance of her walking him home. Zander followed them again when they started walking again, his ears perking up in interest when he realized they weren't heading home yet. She wondered a little how Rayner felt about her helping him. He hadn't refused it in manly macho-ism. He even seemed a little grateful for it. She wondered if he felt the same strange feeling she got though.

Soon enough, they were in front of a rather ordinary looking apartment building. Rayner said the same thing she had when he'd walked her home and she blushed a little at the memory of the kiss she'd given him before going inside. Would he expect one here too?? She shushed her rampant thoughts but her heartbeat was still a bit faster than normal. "Well, I see you haven't brought Death back to your place. Otherwise, this place would be razed to the ground." She grinned at him before following him into the building

She put her hands on her hips when he said it was ok for her to leave. "I'm a pro at unicycling, going up some stairs will be no problem at all." She smiled. "Besides, I said I'd walk you home, and you aren't quite there yet." Corvina didn't want to leave him just yet either. She walked up to him, not saying anything about the way his legs were shaking slightly. Zander followed, quickly passing them by on the stairs. It was a little funny to watch him go up stairs. Every time he went up one, his tail flicked up into the air.
Rayner rolled his eyes but was once again, grateful. He is normally an independent person but things didn't seem too good with him today. He would rather have someone watch out for him than to go to the hospital and get bandaged up. That would involve his father and at this time he was pretty sure his father was on some important business trip for work. He didn't want to disrupt them.

When they reached his door, he popped in the key and turned it - unbolting the lock and soon he let himself in. The apartment was dark at first, but with one flick of the light, it came to life. The walls of his kitchen and living room were painted a dark charcoal grey color. There were two leather couches in the living room before a glass table, with a flat screen TV mounted on the wall. Beneath the TV was an entertainment system that contained a video game counsel and a sound system. Overall it was a very high-tech and modern looking apartment and for just a teenage boy to be living there, it was very well kept and clean.

Rayner dropped the bag he had been carrying on to the kitchen table. "You want anything?" He asked, walking into the kitchen. Before she can answer, pulled out two water bottles and tossed one at her. "Heads up." he said and soon pulled out a bowl. He poured some water into it and placed it on the floor. "Here you are Zander, didn't forget about you..." he said calmly before downing the rest of the water. Some of it seeped on to the side of his face and on to his wounds, causing a minor sting.

It reminded Rayner that he needed to clean his wounds. "Hey, make yourself at home - okay Corvina?" He said and slowly made his way into the bathroom. He kept the door open and began to turn on the water to his bathtub/shower. The water came out and he reached out to touch it. "Well, this is going to be painful..." He said to himself before stepping into it with his shorts on and all. From where Corvina was standing in the hallway, she could clearly see him in the bathtub.

Rayner groaned a bit when the semi-hot water hit his skin and the holes in his body. He sat down in the tub and turned to look down the hallway at Corvina. "Sorry, hope this isn't awkward, I just really wanted to get this cleaned out..." He said calmly and soon reached for a cloth he had hanging above him. He grunted as he did this. The claw of the beast earlier penetrated his shoulder pretty deeply. It was hard for him to move.
Corvina (played by Tolora)

Corvina helped him up the steps and waited while he unlocked the door. When they got inside and he turned on the lights, her eyes widened a little. It was so neat. Not that she really thought that Rayner was a messy pig or anything, but weren't teenage boys supposed to make a complete mess of any room they lived in? Maybe that was a little stereotypical. She could see more of his fascination with electronics around the room.

She caught the water bottle when Rayner threw it at her. "Thanks." She said and took a long drink. She smiled when he poured some for Zander too. He went over to the bowl and rubbed against Rayner affectionately before lapping up the water. After that, he certainly made himself at home. He leaped up onto one of the couches and curled up. She was about to shoo him off when Rayner decided to take a shower. And left the door open. She winced in sympathy when the water hit his body.

She blushed when she realized she was watching him in the shower. (Creeper status achieved!) "Oh, uh, not at all!" Corvina frowned whenever he seemed to have some trouble moving. She moved a little hesitantly into the bathroom. This was the second time she'd been in one with Rayner, though this one was much nicer than the one that had been at the lab. "Here." She grabbed the cloth. "Turn around, I can get the parts closer to your back and then work my way to the front. She still hadn't stopped blushing, but she wanted to help him.
"Ah...thanks?" he said, unsure if whether this was some form of harassment or helpfulness from her. Though of course, he knew she was being helpful, he couldn't help it but feel awkward. His stomach was in knots as she helped him clean himself up. But the odd part was, the more water he felt on him, the better he felt. Rayner have always known that he felt more at home in the water, but this was taking it almost literally. He felt completely fine in the water. The pain that was originally shooting through his body started to disappear and he felt at home.

Even the wounds started to look a lot better. Rayner sat there and tilted his head back. "Oh that feels so much you have healing powers too?" He asked her, calmly and not in much pain any more. He then took another towel and soon reached up and handed it to her. "Would you like me to return the favor?" He asked, pointing at her shoulder.
Corvina (played by Tolora)

Corvina couldn't quite bring herself to look in Rayner's eyes as she did this. Instead she focused on cleaning his wound out as best as possible without hurting him to much. He seemed to be relaxing under the water though. She ended up leaning forward a little bit too much and had to put her other hand on his chest to steady herself. She finished cleaning his wound and looked up at him. She was a little closer to him than she expected. "All done." Her voice broke slightly and she cleared her throat.

Corvina smiled when he asked her if she had healing powers too. "No, I don't think so anyways. I just like to play nurse." Zander walked in and looked at them curiously before jumping up on top of the toilet seat. She looked down at her shoulder. She'd completely forgotten about it. Corvina looked back at Rayner. "I'll be alright. 'Tis but a scratch!'"
Rayner shook his head and soon stood up from the tub. His shorts were dripping a bit from the water, but he simply grabbed the towel and wrapped it around him. He then looked over at Zander and picked him up and placed him on the sink counter next to the toilet seat. He really did feel much better, feeling as though he had gained all his movements back that were all in pain just moments ago. Rayner didn't notice it at all, but his body had started to heal already - the wounds closing themselves up every so slightly that it was hard to notice how fast they were working. Only those who were watching carefully would have noticed.

"Here, sit." He told Corvina and had her sit on the toilet seat. He looked at the shoulder carefully and soon opened up the bathroom medicine cabinet and took out the antibacterial cream. "Trust me, I'm aiming to be a doctor in the future...well, maybe." He said with a light playful tone. "It might be a scratch m'lady, but it won't heal too pretty if you don't take care of it." he said as he carefully wiped the wound, cleaning it out. He soon took the cream and gently placed it on her shoulder, dabbing lightly to get it to fill in the area. "Does it sting?" He asked, the question being a bit rhetorical.

After he was done applying the medicine, he pulled out a large bandage and apply it around the area. "There." He said and turned on the sink to wash his hands. "Hopefully that heals up soon." He smiled at her before wiping his hands off on the towel around his waist. He looked out at the window in his kitchen and noticed that the sun was still out. The day was still pretty young.

"Oh, let me go upload the info from the drive on to my computer. Are you hungry? We can order a pizza if you want." Rayner suggested, already moving out of the bathroom and into his room to change. He quickly did so, throwing on a t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts. He walked out again before Corvina could even notice he was gone.

"Did you want to change into something clean?" He asked her. "My clothes might be a bit baggy, but they're clean, at least. Promise. No coodies here." He said. He was moving so freely now that he almost believed that Corvina was lying to him about not having healing powers.
Corvina (played by Tolora)

Corvina backed up a step so he could get out of the tub and smiled when he took Zander off the toilet seat. She obediently sat and glanced at his shoulder. It was looking a lot better now, but she just figured that it was a result of having been cleaned it up. She smiled. "I'm sure you'll make a great doctor if you manage to keep avoiding death long enough." Zander slipped down into the bowl of the sink and decided it was a nice place to stay. He rested his chin on the rim and watched Rayner deliver his ministrations.

She shook her head when he asked if it stung. "Well, I guess it does a little, but it's not bad." She looked down at her shoulder just before he placed the bandage on it. "Thank you Dr. Rayner. I'm sure I'll be better in no time with your treatments." She grinned. Zander stepped out of the sink and jumped down to the floor when they were done fixing up Corvina's shoulder.

Zander was the first out the bathroom, Corvina behind him. He jumped back up onto the sofa and she laughed. Zander was already walking around like he owned the place. She plopped down next to him but perked up at the sound of pizza. "Ohhh, can we get ham and pineapple??" It was her favorite, though she ended up giving most of the ham pieces to Zander.

Corvina was a little surprised to see Rayner in completely different clothes, but she realized that it did make sense for him to change. She was feeling a little grungy herself in a torn shirt and shorts. "A change of clothes would be nice, I won't mind if they're baggy." She noticed that he was moving around a lot better than before and smiled. "Are you sure you're not the one with healing powers? You seem to be feeling a lot better." She joked.

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