This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
I really love the Phantom of the Opera, and I've been listening the music from the play/movie and I keep thinking it'd be fun to do an RP based on it. So, if anyone, who's read the book, watched the movie or the play and likes it a lot, is interested. We could do something based off it but with new characters and possibly a different ending.
Dude I love the Phantom of the Opera!
Got any characters in mind?

It depends on whether you want to be the Phantom or his/her student.
Because I can go either way. We could get creative and make the Phantom a girl instead of a boy. We could mess with the setting. We could do anything really.
I tend to prefer to play females. And I don't know if I'd play a very dark Phantom.
But I'm totally open to have you give your input since we'd be RPing together!

I tend to prefer to play females. And I don't know if I'd play a very dark Phantom.
But I'm totally open to have you give your input since we'd be RPing together!

I ADORE the phantom of the opera. I have seen the film and read the book. However I don't think I would be a good choice for this since I only play females as a rule.
Well, I love to play both guys and girls, and I happen to love to play darker characters.

Katia - I really want to read the book. I've seen the movie and one of the musicals and I'm planning on reading the book as soon as possible. Is the book good?
Limeface - Okay! Awesome. I will PM you so we can plan out the setting and characters and so forth.
Limeface - Okay! Awesome. I will PM you so we can plan out the setting and characters and so forth.

Unfortunately it's been several years since I read the book. However if I remember correctly, the book was good, but it took a bit of time to get there.
Many classics tend to start slow. But they often build up to a good ending.
Read the original novel, seen multiple versions of the (non musical) movie, seen the Llyodd Webber movie, and have the original cast recording from Broadway memorized. Also I love playing dark characters. I might be able to help out with this, I think.
I have already started a 1x1 with Limeface. Would you be interested in a 1x1 as well?
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