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Forums » Looking for RP » RP with a Pirate Captain? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Cora (played by Reminisce)

Hey guys C: So I've just recently brought back an old character of mine from another rp site, Cora! She's a female pirate captain (dun worry, I've got proper reasons for her being a woman~) who is fairly sassy and I think would be a fun character to have conflict with another. Whether it be taking someone prisoner, her being arrested, or getting stuck on a desert island, I'm up for anything! As a pirate, there'll be some gore and a bit of slightly perverted jokes, but nothing above pg-13 C: Also, if you're looking for romance, we could see how our characters mesh, but I use fade to black for any and all sex scenes.

I'm online a lot, but exams are next week so I may poof on and off for about two weeks (until June) then I'll be all yours! I generally work from three sentences to two paragraphs per post, depending on how much reaction is needed for the moment. I ask that you have a highschool level knowledge of grammar and spelling, as well as an imagination! I like to throw in lots of plot twists, and I ask you to help me make the RP as fun as possible~!

So just throw a reply below or shoot me a pm, and we can get to talking about plot. C:
Jerry Jay (played by ConnanBell)

I got this guy! Could he work?
Pirates, you say? I might be interested as well; I've been looking for more things to play him in.
Cora (played by Reminisce) Topic Starter

Jerry Jay wrote:
I got this guy! Could he work?

He looks cute! Except he may be a bit too light-hearted for Cora. But if you had a plot idea, I can see what we can do for the two of them C:
Cora (played by Reminisce) Topic Starter

The Notorious Pyrate Forest wrote:
Pirates, you say? I might be interested as well; I've been looking for more things to play him in.

Oooh, fancy! I do like this guy. Just a note: I have Cora in a sort of Alternate Earth, so magic is a part of it. Would Murdoch's fantasy points (his race, etc) be a large part of the RP? (obviously it's a huge part of him, but I'm asking if he will act and try to play himself off as just human)
Eh, Jerry Jay is basically there to play the role of comic foil, village idiot, or living McGuffin. He's more like an ornament to any existing plot rather than having one of his own.
Cora wrote:
The Notorious Pyrate Forest wrote:
Pirates, you say? I might be interested as well; I've been looking for more things to play him in.

Oooh, fancy! I do like this guy. Just a note: I have Cora in a sort of Alternate Earth, so magic is a part of it. Would Murdoch's fantasy points (his race, etc) be a large part of the RP? (obviously it's a huge part of him, but I'm asking if he will act and try to play himself off as just human)

Murdoch is human, genetically speaking (along with w/e fantasy BS someone wants to use to explain away his capacity for magic), and he tends to play himself off as nothing but a mostly-ordinary man. Is there anything in particular that might cause a red flag?
Aria Camena (played anonymously)

Had I not already started something with someone else, I'd volunteer.
Cora (played by Reminisce) Topic Starter

The Notorious Pyrate Forest wrote:
Cora wrote:
The Notorious Pyrate Forest wrote:
Pirates, you say? I might be interested as well; I've been looking for more things to play him in.

Oooh, fancy! I do like this guy. Just a note: I have Cora in a sort of Alternate Earth, so magic is a part of it. Would Murdoch's fantasy points (his race, etc) be a large part of the RP? (obviously it's a huge part of him, but I'm asking if he will act and try to play himself off as just human)

Murdoch is human, genetically speaking (along with w/e fantasy BS someone wants to use to explain away his capacity for magic), and he tends to play himself off as nothing but a mostly-ordinary man. Is there anything in particular that might cause a red flag?

Ah, well as long as it isn't blatant "I'm able to do a certain amount of magic muahaha" then it's perfectly fine to do whatever you want with him. It will make things interesting!
Cora (played by Reminisce) Topic Starter

Aria Camena wrote:
Had I not already started something with someone else, I'd volunteer.

A shame! Aria looks very interesting! Perhaps if you grow bored with your other RP you could keep me in your arsenal of opetuins. C:
Cora wrote:
Ah, well as long as it isn't blatant "I'm able to do a certain amount of magic muahaha" then it's perfectly fine to do whatever you want with him. It will make things interesting!

Oh heavens, no. XD He's very quiet and subtle about his magic--especially since even small things tend to spark to life with greater intensity than he intends. As another note, given that this would take place on an alternate of Earth, I can tone down the messy, monsterous mess that is his crew--elves, orcs, dwarves, barbarians, furres, &c. Like any good fantasy-land pirate, he tends to recruit indiscriminately from various races, but this can be changed up easily for the setting. :3
Cora (played by Reminisce) Topic Starter

Sounds good! Just humans is good, since magic is mostly hidden in this Earth-AU. So shall we move this conversation to PMs so we can discuss plot?
Sweetness. Sure thing, throw me a PM! I'm still around for another couple of hours before work, so I've got plenty of time to discuss things!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » RP with a Pirate Captain? (closed)

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