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Forums » General Roleplay » Beggining of Reality

Zaire M'lill (played by DL909)

You walk through this jungle alone, the darkness ever growing. Some have told you to stop, for you were straying too close to Fora camp. But yet you strode on, and now, in this Dark splotch of shadows, you sence a presence. Yet, nothing is visible but Shadows. How shall you reply?
Alma (played by Amadeu5_M0zar1)

((specific biography in Alma's Biographies page))

Alma looked around, searching for the source of her edginess, her twin tails moved separately each going in different directions.

Is this another illusion of my madness?

She shivered, both of the sudden cool of the the wind through her fur and the memory of the illusion of a pale white girl and a scientist with a gas mask that she had a few miles back. Alma continued forward, her paws making almost no sound.
Zaire M'lill (played by DL909) Topic Starter

Brave girl.

The shadows shifted soundlessly as this intruder continued on.

She must not know about Fora.

Each step took the young girl closer and closer to a grassy clearing in the jungle, sunlight shining down upon the setting warmly.

Well....she will soon.
Alma (played by Amadeu5_M0zar1)

((just in case: right now she is in fox form))

Alma saw a light ahead of her .
A clearing? Good maybe I can find a place to stay for the night
She continued slowly, suddenly a low, unearthly growl heard only by her emitted from the Forrest behind her. Turning she saw what only she could see, her own personal demon, it's glowing red eyes stood out in the darkness. Alma began to run, bursting into the clearing...
Zaire M'lill (played by DL909) Topic Starter

((ah, alright! ^^))

Now she's done it.

As the creature stepped foot into the clearing, footsteps only a trained pair of ears could hear came running her way. These steps were solid, yet quick.

Dang. I'm not going to make it...!

The fox had only dashed afew feet before a quiet Snap sounded. A thin-almost invisible net lashed down upon her, pinning the fox to the grassy ground.
Alma (played by Amadeu5_M0zar1)

Alma struggled her only thought was to get away, away from the demon she knew far to well. She smell it before she heard it. She let loose a low growl but in her mind she screamed. Get me away from it HELP!
Zaire M'lill (played by DL909) Topic Starter

Still unseen, the being belonging to the footsteps felt a second presence.

Hmph. An enemy?

There was a pause, and a quiet beep. The the area filled with a white smoke, designed to burn only demon's eyes.

Enough of this madness.
Alma (played by Amadeu5_M0zar1)

The demon was almost upon Alma, but when the smoke arose it did not hide it's eyes. A light whirring came from it and it's movements slowed. It eventually stopped the light dying out of it's eyes and it fell to the ground with a metallic thud. Not the demon, a robot, created by the scientists from Alma's past. It was designed to use Alma's worst fear to allow the easiest possible retrieval, but it wasn't perfect. Alma froze, partially from shock. Her struggling made her even more tangled then before, even if she wanted to move she couldn't. She could do nothing but stare at her worst enemy, herself, or at least what she can become.
Zaire M'lill (played by DL909) Topic Starter

"invisibility: zero percent."

The air shifted as the keeper of these footsteps finally showed himself. He walked up to the robot, picking it up by the edge of it's neck.


He knelt before the fox and pricked one of the net's wires, the taught string snapping at the movement. Then the whole trap snapped back into a small black box, flying off of her without scratching the white fox's fur.

"care to tell me what this is all about?"

Even though the boy could not see her, he could sence her outline through his mind map.
Alma (played by Amadeu5_M0zar1)

Alma faced the newcomer, a growl escaped her lips as she backed away. Stopping a few feet from him her growl softened, she sniffed th air searching for any sign of harmful intent. Finding none she stopped growling. She took a few steps forward to take a closer.

He's blind!

She took a few steps back again and maintained a sitting position. Closing her eyes her body began to exand, her fur grew longer, more wild, her snout grew, and her two tails split again and again till the number counted seven. But most importantly her lips grew becoming thinner more flexible, this made this form capable to create (if rough) speech without returning to her more human form. She was now roughly the size of a horse.

Opening her eyes again she parted her mouth, not to emit a growl but to speak. Her voice was rough, growl-like, and some of her vowels sounded almost howling. THe words were hard to understand, but they were words.

"H-Hello, me Alma, You?"
Zaire M'lill (played by DL909) Topic Starter

sencing her movement the boy stayed silent until she spoke. Hnn... A Former..?

"Zaire." he leaned back slightly, sensitive fingertips on the ground creating a rough outline of the fox's new form.

"didn't you know that Fora is here?"
Alma (played by Amadeu5_M0zar1)

Alma watched Zaire with interest.

Zaire. Interesting name.

"N-No, Lost, run-n-ing"

Her lips struggled as she spot the words, partially of the memory of the escape.

"Wh-What, Fora?"
Zaire M'lill (played by DL909) Topic Starter

Zaire stood up silently.
He pointed to the center of the clearing.

"Fora. Were a group of people who live out here."

The air in the area shivered. Something was definetly there.
Alma (played by Amadeu5_M0zar1)

((I do know what Fora is but Alma has only heard various rumors))

Alma felt it too, she lifted herself up onto all fours and began to emit a low growl. The air seemed eerie as if it knew something was going to happen and a strange scent that wrinkled her nose came from no place in particular.

What now! First my illusions, then the robot, and now that awful smell in the air.
Zaire M'lill (played by DL909) Topic Starter

He scratched his head. "so is there another reason you came out here..?"

The air went silent again, sunlight ever bright.
Alma (played by Amadeu5_M0zar1)

The smell faded and Alma settled and sat down again.
Strange, what was that?

Turning to Zaire she answered his question.

"run-n-ing from sigh-tist-s, city not safe, home not safe, me think forest safe, me run, three days, think heard rumors of place in forest, mixed, some say good, many say bad, only place me know to go"

She was implying that she was running from the scientists but couldn't find a safe place where they wouldn't find her. After partially hearing rumors about a place (never a name) in the forest where a group of people lived. Some people said a few good things about it but most people saw it as bad. After being discovered again she ran into the forest and traveled for three days before deciding to find the group in hopes of it being safe.

"me think place fora"
Zaire M'lill (played by DL909) Topic Starter

Hearing this, the tension between them lessened.

"yeah. That's Fora."

He walked toward the clearing slowly. Then it hit him. Scientists..?

"what....did these scientists do...?"
Alma (played by Amadeu5_M0zar1)

Alma stopped following Zaire and stood motionless exept for a violent shaking threwout her body. Her eyes were closed and her head was lowered as she recalled in her garbled speech what happened to her. How her only memories consisted of terrible pain, scientists in gas masks with large needles that held a terrible syrum that corsed like liquid fire through her vains. And worst of all she recalled waking up inthe midle of a procedure, her chest cut open, a scientist holding a small silver chest, and another removing something from it as her vision blurred back into sleep. She recalled waking up to find her chest bound tightly with bandages, a tatoo with the words property of... just showing above it.

Alma nearly calapsed, her body ached and her mind filled with images of scientists, a strange girl she didn't remember, and voices, so many voices. She lay there between wake and sleep for a good 10 minutes before she could get up again a asure her new friend that she was fine.
Zaire M'lill (played by DL909) Topic Starter

Zaire was beside her as she regained consciousness.

"hey, are you okay..?"

By her reaction he knew. This fox....she was a new Zerola..
Alma (played by Amadeu5_M0zar1)

"Me, b-b-better"

Her voice was even more garbled then usual as she struggled to regain her balence. Her viosion was still blurred with illusions of her madness but she could make out Zaire next to her. Her body ached as is tried to become human again, a transformation only stopped with her mind alone. Now on her feet, her body reflecting nothing of the real struggle with her mind she turned towards Zaire.

"Need transform, be human"

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