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Forums » Looking for RP » sarcastic, obssesive murderer wanted.. m (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


Well I pretty much like what the title said need someone like that, but you could not have at least one of those two traits.... so you up for it? Well just for more info here's the starting part.

Well you follow a girl in new york, you want to kill her and start stalking her, she goes to a dark side of tbe street and pushes you into a hole that wasn't there earlier.
I have this character who might fit in with what you are looking for?

He can appear to be an easy going male teen that has nothing to hide, but is actually quite psychotic due to he thinks all humans are actually in secret demons that want to kill him so he has a plan to wipe them all out.

I could probably do some tweaking of him if need for your RP though since I haven't really even gotten to play him yet. :3
Rayona the illusion (played by Raskreia_Vandelf) Topic Starter

*claps hands and pushes you into the hole* ACCEPTED! ^_^
I've got some one too his name is Jack a slowly turns through out the years of his life from a scared and angry little boy that lost his mother to a crime fighting vigilante that cuts criminal down killing them in cold blood and slowly goes criminally insane believing that every one is deserving of death and others are deserving of slow tormenting pain not just of the body But of the soul


a younger him 168907.jpg
Tan and Mae (played by Raskreia_Vandelf) Topic Starter

just go.... *pushes him into the same hole*
go where?
Victoria (played by Raskreia_Vandelf) Topic Starter

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » sarcastic, obssesive murderer wanted.. m (closed)

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