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Forums » Looking for RP » One x One Role Play (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I am looking for a role play over pms and pms only, as pms are easiest for me.
Some ground rules:
1) I'm not huge on rping sex. This isn't saying I don't allow romance. Romance is fine. But plots driven only by lust is a no.
2) IC does not equal OOC. Just because my character hates your character doesn't mean I hate you.
3)I role play all manner of things, from feral to anthro to humans. But more often than not, I do prefer to have some kind of fantasy in my role play. Feel free to suggest any ideas or plots that you may have.
4) I have more characters than just what's shown on my page. So feel free to suggest something, even if you don't see any characters on my page that would fit the genre you want to play.

I can rp with you if you would like :D
*raises hand* I could too. I'm looking for more rps to do.
Ukichi (played by Katia)

Hmm while Maelgwyn certainly looks brutish, however I very much doubt that he could catch or defeat me...tho he is welcome to try.
ghost_coyote Topic Starter

Mae likely wouldn't be interested in hunting a kitsune xD too small and canine-ish.
Jerry Jay (played by ConnanBell)

I have this guy! He's a silly-pants, but you have so many characters, I don't know which one would be the best match for him.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » One x One Role Play (closed)

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