A boy walked down the streets of a large city, with tall and short buildings alike. One might have to wonder why such a young boy was being sent out THIS late at night? Eleven thirty to be correct, His mom needed him to grab something from her lab half way across town, and since he was in no way near being old enough to drive he had to run. He did not look very happy, He loved his mother but sometimes she could be quite....Demanding and expected him to be perfect alot of the times. To make his mood worse it was raining, sure he loved the reflections the Rain gave off but he hated being in the rain
He was wearing a black trench coat and some black sweat pants with two white stripes along the sides and had red hair with freckles all over his face, he did not look very physically fit and looked pale. With blue eyes with bags under them, He sighed in annoyance from the fact he was tired cold and wet.
"Screw this..." he muttered under his breath and decided to start taking short cuts through ally ways and such until he ended up being... lost in a small old neighborhood that he had no idea excited, It had back allies, a small park and old houses, enough to give anyone the creeps on a dark and stormy night. He shuddered in uneasiness and looked around wanting to quickly find out where he was and leave
He was wearing a black trench coat and some black sweat pants with two white stripes along the sides and had red hair with freckles all over his face, he did not look very physically fit and looked pale. With blue eyes with bags under them, He sighed in annoyance from the fact he was tired cold and wet.
"Screw this..." he muttered under his breath and decided to start taking short cuts through ally ways and such until he ended up being... lost in a small old neighborhood that he had no idea excited, It had back allies, a small park and old houses, enough to give anyone the creeps on a dark and stormy night. He shuddered in uneasiness and looked around wanting to quickly find out where he was and leave
It was a gloomy, rainy night, and a young little girl lay in her bed. Despite the time she was still awake. The young girl had always had trouble with sleeping for some reason, she could just never seem to fall asleep whenever, and even when she did manage to fall asleep, it never lasted long. She sighed quietly, and pulled the covers off herself and got out of bed and walked over to her window and looked outside at the gloomy neighbor hood from the second floor of the orphanage she lived at. After a moment she made a decession and she turned before walking away from the window, and over to her bedroom door and out into the hall before going downstairs. She flicked on the living room light before going and retrieving her raincoat and rain boots. She slipped her raincoat on, and buttoned it up, before slipping her rainboots on. She had decided to go outside. She did that without her guardians knowing. It wasent like they watched every single kids actions there. Heck, the other day one of the three year olds mopped the kitchen floor with strawberry jam..and decorated the walls with peanut butter handprints. If they allowed the other kids to stray as far as to do that, why would they care if she went outside at night? She couldn't see any reason.
The little one looked down at what she was wearing, and it wasent the most girliest stuff. Rather boyish actually. She wore a black pair of pajama pants with a longsleeve blue shirt with some words on the front, and the dark blue raincoat she had on. Probably just hand downs from an older kid at the orphanage, the owners probably figured why throw the clothes away when a other child could wear them? She didn't see anything wrong with it either. She walked over to the door and picked up a purple umbrella before going outside onto the porch, and closing the door behind her. She opened her umbrella and ventured off into the rain of the night.
To her the rain wasent bothering, to her it was actually quite soothing. She walked along the sidewalk of the dark abandoned streets lit only by the occasional streetlight.Every time she saw a puddle she just had to take a second to step in it. This was so much better then laying in bed attempting to sleep, and then likely to fail, as usual. She was quite a odd child.
The little one looked down at what she was wearing, and it wasent the most girliest stuff. Rather boyish actually. She wore a black pair of pajama pants with a longsleeve blue shirt with some words on the front, and the dark blue raincoat she had on. Probably just hand downs from an older kid at the orphanage, the owners probably figured why throw the clothes away when a other child could wear them? She didn't see anything wrong with it either. She walked over to the door and picked up a purple umbrella before going outside onto the porch, and closing the door behind her. She opened her umbrella and ventured off into the rain of the night.
To her the rain wasent bothering, to her it was actually quite soothing. She walked along the sidewalk of the dark abandoned streets lit only by the occasional streetlight.Every time she saw a puddle she just had to take a second to step in it. This was so much better then laying in bed attempting to sleep, and then likely to fail, as usual. She was quite a odd child.
He Continued to walk along the path looking around looking afraid, he was lost, alone, and in the rain! he looked around some more before he heard something, splashing... too big to be rain hitting puddles but not loud enough to be from a car, another person maybe! He started to run but then stopped. "what if that person wants to hurt me?" He asks himself, remembering the stories on the news he had heard about people going out late and not coming back, he though a little more before he closed his eyes and steadied his breathing and heart rate... he figured the sound was too light to be from an adult and walked over to the noise
He walked for a few minutes before he saw the girl, though he though from the attire this girl had that she was actually a he. he walked over and cleared his throat "uuhh...umm H-h-hel...hello?" he calls out, stuttering in fear and because he was cold, gripping a metal canteen tightly in his hands
He walked for a few minutes before he saw the girl, though he though from the attire this girl had that she was actually a he. he walked over and cleared his throat "uuhh...umm H-h-hel...hello?" he calls out, stuttering in fear and because he was cold, gripping a metal canteen tightly in his hands
She stood there in the rain under her purple umbrella, repeatably stepping in the biggest puddle she had found so far overall all of them. She didn't really pay attention to caution like the thought of kidnappers, or killers, she just focused on playing. Though she stopped playing a moment when she heard a voice. More then likely talking to her. Her grip tightened on her umbrella, and she looked up to see a boy. A oy not to much older then herself. It was plain to see now that she was indeed a girl. She had around medium length black hair, and dark green eyes, and pale skin, and it was obvious to see she did not sleep much. "H-hello" she said to the boy. What did he want?
he blushes deeply seeing "he" was actually a she...he then smiles amusingly, 'good thing I did not say "hi there man!'" huh?' he asks himself in his head and then shakes his own head "Umm... I am so...so umm sorry to uhh bother you...uhh but I wanted to umm know if you... you knew where this place is? I am lost and... getting wetter by the minute so I want...err would like to know where I am" he says folding his arms behind his back swaying back and forth with a worried look
The little girl thought a moment. She knew the name of the street, but what was it? She took a moment to think, but she was just braindead on the name, but luckily a sign helped her, and she pointed to it. Pleasant Avenue it read. Ironic on the fact this place wasent very 'pleasant' right now. She looked up at the boy, before pulling her raincoat hood up, before holding her umbrella out for the boy to take, offering it to him so he wouldn't get wetter.
he sighs "Son of freaking Budder Nudder I dont know where that is!" he says and slouches down sighing deeply, but seeing her hold out her umbrella to him he smiles "oh...oh why thank you" he says and holds the canister in one hand and the umbrella in the other, he moves closer to her so the Umbrella was covering them both "So whats your name?" he asks tilting his head with a smile smile, but still looked a little worried. a little shy and a little uneasy
She didn't either. She just knew it was called that. After all, she wasnt GPS or a map, or all knowing of addresses. The little girl smiled a teeny, tiny, tad when he took the umbrella, accepting it.
She looked up at him with those green eyes, "Amery" she introduced herself to him. Not really thinking about the fact he was a stranger. He didn't seem threatening.
She looked up at him with those green eyes, "Amery" she introduced herself to him. Not really thinking about the fact he was a stranger. He didn't seem threatening.
he smiles brightly "thats a nice name!" he says looking back at her with his blue eyes, their eyes seemed to be very much alike, with the bags and the areas around it, each part of the eye being roughly the same size, only difference being the color. "My name is...Bugger!" he says and hits his head on the canister "I need to remind myself to ask mom for a name!" he says and sighs setting the Canister on the ground and looks at his watch "Great... its past midnight..." he says sighing and picks the Canister back up again and looks around sighing "wonderful..."
"Thanks" she said to him quietly. She was once again quiet, until a giggle escaped her very quietly when he introduced himself as Bugger. It was a silly sounding name. Though his reprise to that made her tilt her head slightly to the side, confused. "No name?" She asked him. After a moment her near returned to its original position, and she asked another question, one that sounded a little hypocritical under the circumstances. "How come your out so late?
he giggles "ya no name... I need to remind mom to give me one" he says and looks around "I was out getting this" he says and throws the canister up and down "She wanted to grab this augmentation crap from her lab" he says and he then hears something beeping, he pulls up his sleeve, he seemed to have multiple scars on his arm, looking like needle scars. He opens up a wrist communicator "HEEEELLLOOOO?" he asks loudly and drawn out "Hi son, its your mom I just got called away on an important meeting so I wont be home for a month or two, until then the house is free? ok love you buy!" and just as fast as she had called she was gone, it looked like he tried to talk to her a few times but she kept cutting him off, he sighs and rolls his sleeve back up "...love you..." he says sighing to the wrist communicator and looks around "well thats just super..." he says sounding upset
Amery sadly had no idea augmentation crap was. So that did leave her a little lost, but she didn't question that time, unsurprisingly. She looked at him upon hearing repeadiant beeping noises. She had no idea what it was coming from, but she had the feeling it was coming from the boy, no name. She looked at the thing on his wrist. It was like the cellphones she had seen people use, except on a wrist! Though one thing did catch her attention. Mom. "You have a mom?" She asked him the plan obvious. The lady didn't seem like the bestest mom rushing away so quick and all, and not even taking the boy with her, but still.
he looks at her "yes... but most days I cant tell" he says and looks at the Canister again "now I need to figure something out, she lives like on the other side of town and for all I know I could be a days walk from her house" he says and puts the Canister on his back and stretches looking at her "Well... in that case I better get going..." he says and hands her the umbrella "Maybe if I have time I will come over." he says and starts to walk away from her
She looked down a moment, then looked up after around a moment had passed. She took her umbrella back, holding it over her head once more like she had been doing. She turned and watched as the boy began to walk away, then she blurted out another question, "can I come!?" She asked. Just seek in adventure, something to do, anything really.
he stops in his tracks hearing this question, he spins around to face her and tilts his head "wont your parents get worried? Or upset?" he asks walking over to her tilting his head "I mean, it would take almost a full day to get there if we walked... and its on the other side of town" he says stretching and yawning fiddling with the canister on his back
She shook her head slightly. She doubted her parents would worry. The dead ones, or the fake ones. Besides, she had nothing to do anyway. She kinda creeped the other kids out sometimes, so they wouldn't really have anything to do with her..
he thinks for a minute, then smiles and nods "OK!" he says and takes her hand excitedly and starts walking back to his house, after wandering in circles for a bit he finally found the right path go on and started walking again "how old are you?" he asks tilting his head to this side
The little girl followed, still holding her umbrella again, holding it in the air to try and keep them both dry. It was an attempt, though it wasent quite working. He followed in silence through the rain of the night up until he asked how old she was. She took a moment but answer with "5."
he smiles and nods, he does not speak for a few more minutes. then he smiles and looks at her "I am seven" he says and looks back forward to see where they were going, they get onto the streets where there were quite a lot of people since they were in the busy part of town, he took her hand to comfort himself and he looks around "I hate this place..." he says under his breath as he hurries his pace up looking uneasy
After a moment she gave up on the umbrella. She hated being shorter then him. She lookd up at him when he told her his age. He was two years older then her. No wonder he was so much taller then her. Two years was a long time in her book. She looked around when they stummbled upon the busy part of town. So much going on, and so much traffic. When No Name what she was temporarily calling him picked up the pace she tried to keep up. She could only go so fast.
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