he smiles and nods taking her hand "Friends until the end!" he says laughing and poked her "you are it!" he says and jumps up and starts running around the large room giggling wanting to play with his new friend right away
Amery smiled at her friend, and was lost a moment when he poked and ran off, but it took her only a second to catch on, and she laughed cheerfully, and ran after him. ( sorry if my replys aren't the best, on iPod)
thats ok
He ran off laughing, however she was slowly but surely gaining on him and he giggled like a mad man, he had someone to play with finally! She was now within grabbing range so she could tag him now

He ran off laughing, however she was slowly but surely gaining on him and he giggled like a mad man, he had someone to play with finally! She was now within grabbing range so she could tag him now
For the first time in a long time she had a friend who would play with her and she was glad about that.
She ran after her fiend as fat as she could until she could tag him, and she reached her hand out and poked him, before turning and running he other way, squealing like something was after her.
She ran after her fiend as fat as she could until she could tag him, and she reached her hand out and poked him, before turning and running he other way, squealing like something was after her.
he laughed "Darnit!" he says and laughs more before running after her giggling "I am going to get you!" he yelled and then stopped running, he decided to put the tactics his mom had taught him to good use and when she was not looking he hid in a box waiting for her to come by, slowing his breathing rate and heart rate to a near stand still and being very silent
The girl ran off, determined not to get poked by her new friend. She ran and ran. And ran, thinking she wasn't going to get tagged, and that she was ahead, blissfully unaware of her friends devious plan.. She was about to run past the box he was hiding in.
he waited for her to run, his heart rate kicking up again and his blood pumping and his Adrenalin running. he then jumped out and tackled her, but spun around so he would be on the bottom so she would not get hurt "GOT YOU!" he yelled laughing and hugged her tightly giggling,
(now I'm not on iPod)
When he jumped out of the box and tackeled her it had startled her seeing she hadn't expected it, but she quickly got over it. She laughed cheerfully and looked at her friend "aw...you got me!" she said with a smile. She didn't seem to mind that she was it. She poked him in the side, "I got you back"
When he jumped out of the box and tackeled her it had startled her seeing she hadn't expected it, but she quickly got over it. She laughed cheerfully and looked at her friend "aw...you got me!" she said with a smile. She didn't seem to mind that she was it. She poked him in the side, "I got you back"
he smirked at her "oh is that how it is going to be?" he asks and then starts to rapidly poke her sides "I GOT YOU I GOT YOU I GOT YOU!" he said over and over and over again as he tagged her multiple times and laughed loudly and then started to tickle her giggling
She squealed when she began to repeatably poke her sides, but her squealing turned to laughter. "IT TICKLES!" She squealed, plain to see she was very ticklish, and she tried to squrim away from getting tickled, but they was having fun, and that's what mattered.
he tickled her for a few more seconds before hugging her tightly "I love being your friend!" he says laughing and then looks at the clock "oh right! Do you want some breakfast?" he asks getting off of her and holds out his hand to help her up
She was kinda glad when he stopped tickling her, she was laying so hard it was starting to hurt. "I love being your friend to!" She said to her friend. Who didn't love having friends? Slowly her laughter came to its end, giving her a break. She looked at her friend "sure" she said and her green eyes went to his hand. She slowly reached out her small hand and took his hand and got up.
he smiles at her and walks down the hall way to the dinning room and sat her down on a chair and sat across from her and handed her a menu "the droids feed me every day so its more like I eat out every day" he says laughing "pick anything you want" he says and looks through the rather large menu for something to eat for breakfast browsing over everything
She laughed a little a that. Things were never that way for her, so this would be new. She had never been served by a droid. She looked over the menu he had given her, so many options. She looked over every option she had, trying to decide..
he looked at the menu and thought "hmmm..." he then threw his menu up in the air and it crashed down in front of him and he looked at the page "ok...hmm Oh this sounds good" he says and looks at it "Ok! I know what I want to drink and eat! How about you?" he asks tilting his head patiently waiting for her to choose not wanting to be rude, besides he was a patient boy, he had to be with the training he was doing every day
One had to consider her age, she wasent at the age where you could read perfectly, so she was taking a little longer then him. She turned her menu to face him, and was pointing to two different things. Stuff that sounded good to her. (I'm braindead on breakfast stuff

thats quite ok
he smiles and nods and the droids come out "What is it that you want?" it asks in a voice that sounds like a kid on sugar, like a gummy bear tub filled full of sugar level of hyperness which made REQUIEM Burst into laughter "I HAHAA I will I WILL AHAHAH Have THIS!" he says laughing and nearly fell out of his chair and the droid nods looking at the items she had picked "ok! I will be right back!" the voice yelled and went into the kitchen and REQUIEM started to stop laughing wiping away a tear "S-sorry his voice chip is bro-HAHAHA!" he laughs again thinking about his voice

he smiles and nods and the droids come out "What is it that you want?" it asks in a voice that sounds like a kid on sugar, like a gummy bear tub filled full of sugar level of hyperness which made REQUIEM Burst into laughter "I HAHAA I will I WILL AHAHAH Have THIS!" he says laughing and nearly fell out of his chair and the droid nods looking at the items she had picked "ok! I will be right back!" the voice yelled and went into the kitchen and REQUIEM started to stop laughing wiping away a tear "S-sorry his voice chip is bro-HAHAHA!" he laughs again thinking about his voice
Amery looked at the droid. She never had seen a droid before. She giggled a little at its voice, but when she heard Requiem laugh, she laughed to. It was funny. Especially to the five year old. She laughed until the droid left, but once he was gone she called down a little, but she still giggled a little st the thout of rememberence.
he giggled and stretches his arms then yelps in pain remembering he was not suppose to flex his muscles for a few days and he winces "right..." he says and moves his arms down carefully "So tell me, what kind of things do you like to do?" he asks tilting his head to the side rubbing his neck, the sides of his neck also seemed to have needle scars, and the sides of his head
She finally calmed down completely and she looked st him hearing him wince. He probably just moved the wrong way, or something. Nothing to drastic. She looked down at the table, and lightly kicked her feet back and forth, "draw, play, go in the woods,-" she started and named about 8 more things.
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