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Forums » General Roleplay » Experiments {1X1 with Chris_Pike}(closed)

Male Characters (played anonymously)

'I never thought this would happen..I never thought that I would be forced to leave everything and everyone I know....' ~ Charles C. Merrywheather

Large steel doors, they are silver, yet the seem like a dull gray. Just like the people, their eyes seem dull. Like a devoid of life, This seemed like a hell on Earth to Charles and any other kids with him. At least no one was threatening their lives, or being taunting in any ways. But, tat was the only good thing about the place so far. Other then the cuff like bracelet one Charles left wrist, and being taken from home in the middle of the night, he was sure he could mange this place for a few days. But he wasn't staying here for more than four days, that was the maximum amount of time he was sticking around this place.

The gates,behind Charles, seemed to disagree with his plan. The grates slide shut with a deafening, eerie screeching as it shut. Then there was a loud pop. It almost sounded like electricity popping in the air, Charles looked back, these gates had an ominous buzzing. They were electrified , so the chance of escape seemed a lot harder than earlier. He then looked around at the other people around him, everyone else were kids around his age. Nine, ten, eleven years - old. Why would any of them be taken to a place like this? A place that seemed like a nightmare. Did any of their parent's know where their kids had been taken?

"No! No! I won't stay!" Charles heard a kid scream, he sounded so scared.

The same boy ran past him a few minutes later only to end up crumbling to his knees seconds later. He thrashed around, letting out cry's of defiance. He even asked one of them to help him, and then looked at Charles. His eyes were pleading him to help, but Charles couldn't move. He felt frozen to the spot of ground he stood on.

"Now,"Spoke a young woman. Two men had already walked over to the boy and picked him up, hardly affected by his attempts of fleeing.

"All of you have been chosen by the government to be apart of our little test. No need to worry, though. WE will treat you well, as long as you do as we say. Got it. Now,follow me through theses doors and I'll show you around."She said to them.

Test?The word echoed in Charles head, what did she mean by that. What could she mean?
Male Characters (played anonymously) Topic Starter

{So far no one....It's quiet.}
REQUIEM (played by Chris_Pike)

{REQUIEM is also an Experiment, they could become friends or something along those lines?}
Male Characters (played anonymously) Topic Starter

{Hey that works! So,my dear friend, post away.}
REQUIEM (played by Chris_Pike)

REQUIEM stood in his cell tapping his foot, he was bored. as he always was in this place. He remembered when he was taken from home when he was six years old, he had been here for eight years now being experimented on. He was being tested on to try and make a seemingly invincible solder, he had scars that ran up his arms legs and on his chest, and one the ran on the left side of his head from the injections he had taken through his years of life, he had an old coin in his hand and he was flipping it through his fingers. Sure he could leave his cell and roam around but what would he do? Nothing...he sighs and runs his hand through his short red hair and shakes his head. he then heard something... voices? He gets curious and stands up and tugs his uniform down and opens his door shakily and looks out of the room and started to walk along the halls

As he continued trough the halls and saw a boy, being dragged by security guards, he began to get curious again and he began to sneak around them to the desk, he heard their conversation. New experiments? more government affairs? he decided he would sneak through the doors with them to listen in on what they were doing, He was often caught sneaking around places he was not suppose to be but oddly... he was more than skilled enough to escape here, he had shown that a few times but never left the gates of the building. Because he really did not care... What would he do if he escaped? Be hunted down his whole life? He could never live a normal life... not after what he had been through and seen
Male Characters (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Charles felt an uneasiness seep into the pit of his stomach. Nausea and paranoia. Charles wondered how every one could be so calm, so willing to listen to these people. Of course he couldn't question another persons reasoning when he was listening to the people that had kidnapped him too. Still, this place had an ominous feeling, the feeling of fear, death and being watched. Charles softly cleared his throat as he rubbed his sweaty palms against his pants. He wasn't quite sure if he was ready to look around again, but the urge to look was strong. So he quickly looked down, maybe if he give it some time he wouldn't want to look around any more. That was a blatant lie.

When they had all stepped into the building Charles did what he didn't want to. He looked. Two people stood near the entrance, handing out a uniform of some kind. Now these people were asking him to give up something from home, to Charles that wasn't alright. He stopped mid-step, and looked back. Maybe if he He knew better then literally trying to run away. The guards were fast, and if they didn't shoot him the fence would fry him. He didn't have much of a, he would have to try and make the best of things until he say his chance of escape. He was taking his own uniform when he saw someone else, a boy with red hair watching everything. Charles looked away, quickly focusing on adjusting his glasses and looking at the uniform. After he left the crowd of kids,though. Every now and then he would glance at the other boy. He was wearing a uniform and had a few visible scars. What did they do to kids here?
REQUIEM (played by Chris_Pike)

REQUIEM kept following them, not really trying to be very sneaky, since they guards would be busy with the children it did not matter to him really, he followed the group now, acting like one of the other kids and looked at his left hand, than his right hand and then dropped them to his side and looked around, his uniform had a tag on it, one letter and three numbers. A-001. The A standing for Alpha, he looked around the room and grew even more curious, would they be training them to be solders like him? run more attempts at reviving the dead? Test new long term effects for various illnesses and chemicals? who knew... but it sparked his interest none the less

He looked at his bare hands and sighed, he longed to be back in his armor but unless he was going to be used as an example or sent on another training mission he would not get to go back into it, his skin was quite pale from the lack of sunlight because even when he was outside he was always in his armor at all times. He saw the boy with glasses eye him earlier... he seemed to act differently from the other kids which also sparked his interest
Male Characters (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Charles wasn't quite following the crowd, if anything he standing off of the side. His blue green eyes studying the uniform the man had handed him. A few questions ran through his head. Was someone else wearing this before? Had they died in this? Did these people even bother cleaning it before handing ti to him? His skin crawled at all these questions without an answer. But there was a much more important question in his head. Was he really willing to let go of his own clothing, the little piece of home he had left at the moment. Could he really let go? Charles looked down at himself, at his clothes..he didn't think he could really do any of this.

"Come on boy, get moving." A man said, ushering him back into the crowd of kids.
At the mans touch Charles had tensed and snapped,"Don't tough me!"He flinched at how his voice had cracked when he shouted at the guard. And then he slid in the crowd when he saw the mans icy look, apparently guards didn't like being snapped at here. Charles looked around again, seeing that boy again. He stood out with his red hair, a lot of the kids seemed to have black hair, brown or dirty blond hair. Charles was one of the dirty blonds in the mess of kids. Again, he messed with his glasses and let out shaky breathe. Completely unaware that he was now walking beside the boy with red hair.
Male Characters (played anonymously) Topic Starter

{Hello, are you still around Chris?}
REQUIEM (played by Chris_Pike)

{ya I was eating,}
Male Characters (played anonymously) Topic Starter

{Oooooh, so sorry. Sorry! I was just curious.}
REQUIEM (played by Chris_Pike)

REQUIEM shook his head at the snappiness of the guard and rolled his eyes at him, He honestly thought the guards were always edgy, as if bored so they always tried to cause fights. he stretched as they walked thinking about today when he saw the boy from before walk up beside him and he looked at him for a few seconds before looking away and back at the group ahead of them and he did not speak for awhile and just kept walking, thinking about what would happen to these children, he ran his fingers through his hair again and tugged on his shirt and walked more forward and straight and then coughs

"Dont mind the guards... they are just a little... bored... so they want something to do" he says to the boy next to him and he keeps walking and then looks at the boy again "...REQUIEM..." he says and holds out his hand to the boy, as if that was his name and not just some random word he had muttered out from the top of his head, and it was his name. as odd and strange of a name it was
Male Characters (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Charles crossed his arms, almost as if he was hugging the uniform in his arms. A frown tugged at his lips, and he looked down. What was there to give him a feeling of security? Nothing, there was nothing that was comforting about this place. All there really was guards, other kids and concrete walls. He had barely been there for a few minutes, and he was already hating the place. Was it really so much to ask to be left alone and be home with his parents?

"Hmm."Charles looked forward, and then at the boy. It was that kid he saw watching them earlier. "..bored, hah, I'll give them a something to do."Charles said, he clearly didn't like the guard. Why would he, the man did seem like he wanted to start of fight or something. Charles looked at REQUIEM with an arched brow. That was an odd thing to name someone. "Charles Merrywheather."He said, hesitantly shakeing REQUIEM's hand. "You wouldn't happen to know why we're here, would you?"Charles asked.
REQUIEM (played by Chris_Pike)

he giggles at the boys remarks and looks around as they walked some more, he was not part of this group but the guards were probably too stupid to know that since he never really did leave his cell. He ran his fingers along the wall, feeling the rough terrain brush up on his skin. he then pulls his hand back and smirks looking at Charles "I give them enough to do" he giggles "I always show them how much I could escape if I wanted to, I have gotten outside the walls and gate of this place many times and just sat outside waiting, no matter how much they tighten their security, I show them how flawed it is when I am going up on it" he laughs and thinks back to the time he had stolen an invincibility mod for his armor and cloaked inside his own cell and watch them run and panic trying to find him when in reality he was sitting in his cell the whole time giggling to himself.
Male Characters (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Charles manged a strained smile that came out a lot more awkward then he intended. "Ahah, that sounds like fun.."He said after a bit. Oh, only if REQUIEM realized that at times Charles was all talk. And when he was talking about the guard and keeping him busy was nothing but talk. The boy was to cautious to start anything with someone with the power of shocking or putting a bullet in his head.
The longer he looked at REQUIEM the more he wondered how much it hurt when he got the wounds that later scared. The pain he had to endure. Charles shuddered, how was he going to make it around here? He could barely mange the pain from a small splinter in his finger.
REQUIEM (played by Chris_Pike)

he runs his hands over the wounds on his arms and then rubs the tiredness from his eyes and stretches again, clenching his fist he looked around some more and he was starting to get bored "I swear if we dont get there soon I am going to pull the fallout alarm again..." he says sounding annoyed and rolled the coin in his fingers again. Oh he remembers the last time he did that when he was not fed for not doing what he was told, when he broke out of his room he did not go and grab food, he pulled the nuclear detonation alarm and made every one and everything evacuate the building... he chuckles to himself, they never did figure out who pulled that alarm
Male Characters (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Fallout alarm?"Charles asked REQUIEM. Besides being alarm, what was it for? Evacuation? Lock down? Emergencies? There were quite a few possibilities, especially when it came to a government facility like this one. Charles attestation was drown back to the woman and guards. He held his breathe, they were putting them in groups of two to four. Instinctively, he took stepped back until his back was against the wall and he stood next to REQUIEM. "More importantly, how would they react if you were to pull this alarm?"Charles asked again.
REQUIEM (played by Chris_Pike)

he laughs as he looked at him and shrugged "they never figured out it was me" he giggles deciding to stay near this kid, he hoped he would get paired with him seeing as they had already broken the ice in terms of conversation and he stretches "Ya... they blame me for the power outages every second Monday of the month but not a nuclear alarm, thats all sorts of messed up" he laughs stretches and sighs feeling his back crack back into position
Male Characters (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Charles arched an eyebrow again,"..something tells me you get away with a lot of things."He commented. So this boy, this guy named REQUIEM did so much that probably got on their nerves and the guards did nothing? How long had he been here? Considering all that he had done before it suggested he had been here for a long time and was trying to kill time. Or so Charles thought, he could be wrong. Once again, another thought of his, he couldn't he right about ever theory he had. He shook his head.
"REQUIEM,what's the fallout alarm?"He asked him again.
REQUIEM (played by Chris_Pike)

he smirks "Oh its an alarm to warn someone of a nuclear detonation" he says and stretches "so they were not happy when we spent three weeks in a fallout bunker, only to figure out there was no actual threat" he giggles scratching the back of his neck thinking back to that day and then yawns "was no so bad I guess...I got to speak and hang around A-005 for once, since he never comes out of his room, more so than me" he says laughing and stretches waiting for the lady to come by and assemble someone "so if you guys are going to become more solders... you will be Beta company... unless you get paired with me than you will be the last Alpha company" he says smiling and stretches yet again

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