Charles rolled his eyes, he really needed to work on his bed sides manners. "Whoa,please stop crying, please."He said when he sat on his knees in front of her. "Just because you're a tomboy doesn't make you awful. So what,you prefer getting out there and doing things that got you a little dirty. Things that were dangerous. What dose it matter, it's who you are, and that's pretty am zing. I mean, I'd have to assume you're a million times braver than I am. And tougher. Trust me, I can barely handle a splinter that's about three centimeters."He told her.
she looks at him and shakes her head "Thats you though... you cant speak for the others" she sobs "I cant stop hurts so much" she says and sobs, she had been hiding behind a mask since she was five years old, she did not like to be open anymore. she wanted no one to know about her true ways, at least if she was silent she could not be teased for her personality
Charles swallowed, what was he suppose to do. Pat her on the shoulder and say 'there there'? He shook his head, that was the most typical thing a teenage boy would do. "..crap.."He sighed before standing up giving her a hug. "..blame it on my over bearing mother.."He told her well he was hugging her.
she was crying and sobbing more until he hugged her, Her eyes went wide and she looked at him and stopped crying, she was in shock! she had never been hugged once in her life that she could remember and just stood there, then hugged him back sobbing again
'Double crap!'He thought, she was really crying. There was a short blissful moment of silence which meant she was fine..until now."'s alright.."He paused,looking for something to call her. Something other than five. It would have to be a unisex name,"'s alright Alex."
she looks at him and gives a faint smile "Alex? I like that name....I want that name" she says smiling and hugs her knees and looks at him and then at the ground, and then back at him and tears up again, only she looked happy. she hugged him close and sobs "Thank you..." she says rubbing his back, she had never had someone talk to her the way he has, others were rude or said that she needed mental help but he... he talked to her like she was human
"Uh, you can have that name."Charles said with a slightly puzzled expression. Did she really no have a name, or did she forget it? He bit his lip when she looked at the floor and then at him with teary eyes, but something was different this time. She seemed..happy? Now it was time for Charles to be shocked when she hugged him,after a second he hugged her back,"'re welcome."He said.
she sighed happily and hugged him for a few more seconds and then broke the hug "I dont think I am....comfortable showing anyone else yet but...I promise you I will work towards getting over this" she says and smiles at him and wraps her pinkie around his to promise him that
He wrapped his pinky around hers,"I'm keeping you to that."Charles said with a faint smile. Then something occurred to him. She had just told him a huge secret, and he had his own. No, he wasn't actually a woman..but he was different. Charles frowned at that thought...what if his parents sent him here?
she smiles brightly and then sees him frown and she tilts her head "...whats wrong?" she asks crossing her legs, in a more normal voice than a soft and unsure one and places a hand on his shoulder "is something bothering you?"
Charles shook his head,"Nothing, just silly theories."He lied. He looked at her,"...and I think my own demons."He said again. Charles had the ability of telekinesis, and although his parents that he was it was amazing..he didn't think that's what they really thought. Not since he got sent to this place.
she nods "Well... I want to help you as well like you helped me so... if you ever want to talk about it..." she says with a little smile and places a hand on his shoulder
Charles looked at her, and then her hand. Only if she knew what he could do, but did he want anyone to know. "..Even if it really is something..odd..dangerous?"He asked, and silently added to himself 'I mean my parents could have send me here because of it'. Then he shook his head,not to her, but to what he was thinking, he knew that wasn't true. It couldn't be true.Charles looked down at his hands,"'s just so confusing.."He said, and then looked at her helmet. Then his hands once more before huffing a sigh. Just like that he had decided, with a small flick of his hand, her helmet was levitating. A minute later he stopped, Charles felt his control slipping, he really control his telekinesis..
"..that..that's why I might be here."He told Alex.
"..that..that's why I might be here."He told Alex.
[why did you type derp?]
Alex looked very confused seeing him shake his head and hear him talk to himself and such. but she backed up a little bit when she saw him pick up the helmet with his mind and then saw him lift it in the air for a bit and then drop it, she looked down at the floor where the helmet dropped and went wide eyed "W-wow..." she says quietly and looks at him "T-thats...quite an impressive...talent" she says getting caught on her own words a little because she was completely awestruck, When she was a girl she heard of levitating magic in stories but, she never thought they were real
Alex looked very confused seeing him shake his head and hear him talk to himself and such. but she backed up a little bit when she saw him pick up the helmet with his mind and then saw him lift it in the air for a bit and then drop it, she looked down at the floor where the helmet dropped and went wide eyed "W-wow..." she says quietly and looks at him "T-thats...quite an impressive...talent" she says getting caught on her own words a little because she was completely awestruck, When she was a girl she heard of levitating magic in stories but, she never thought they were real
{Honestly..I don't know.Sorry.}
Charles didn't smiled, he didn't really react to her complement. "..Thanks..I think."He said, although his voice was flat. "..I'm glad to see someone thinks it's amazing, considering the fact that I can barely control my telekinesis."He said to Alex. Over five years he had endured margarine's, and hardly holding food down only for all of that pain to his new ability.
Charles didn't smiled, he didn't really react to her complement. "..Thanks..I think."He said, although his voice was flat. "..I'm glad to see someone thinks it's amazing, considering the fact that I can barely control my telekinesis."He said to Alex. Over five years he had endured margarine's, and hardly holding food down only for all of that pain to his new ability.
Dont be sorry, I just was confused)
Alex nods and thinks for a moment "I dont know...why someone would not think you amazing talent" she yawns and stretches and yawns laying down on her bed and snuggling into the blanket yawning, she had not asked him to leave for some reason, and just started trying to fall asleep right then and there
Alex nods and thinks for a moment "I dont know...why someone would not think you amazing talent" she yawns and stretches and yawns laying down on her bed and snuggling into the blanket yawning, she had not asked him to leave for some reason, and just started trying to fall asleep right then and there
{Oh, okay.}
He looked at Alex, he was a little stunned when she had fallen asleep. What she said had started echoing in his head. Perhaps he was looking at everything way to negatively. Charles bit his lip, "..good night,Alex. And thank you."He said softly, gently laying a comforting hand on her head before he got up. Then, he silently went to her door, while wondering why she didn't say anything to him. ".where do I go now?"He thought aloud to himself, and then looked over at her,"Or do I stay."
He looked at Alex, he was a little stunned when she had fallen asleep. What she said had started echoing in his head. Perhaps he was looking at everything way to negatively. Charles bit his lip, "..good night,Alex. And thank you."He said softly, gently laying a comforting hand on her head before he got up. Then, he silently went to her door, while wondering why she didn't say anything to him. ".where do I go now?"He thought aloud to himself, and then looked over at her,"Or do I stay."
Alex had a small smile in her sleep and moved around in the bed, there was room if he wanted to stay, but then there was some talking down the hall "hay! just because you are too fat to get in the vent and got yourself stuck DOES NOT mean you can be mad at me!" REQUIEM said to a guard who groaned
"YOU are the one who hid in the vent in the first place!" he said annoyed, Chris giggles
"If you gave me a ball or something maybe I could find something better to do than hid and run all the time, Because I am not staring at a wall all day" he says stretching
"YOU are the one who hid in the vent in the first place!" he said annoyed, Chris giggles
"If you gave me a ball or something maybe I could find something better to do than hid and run all the time, Because I am not staring at a wall all day" he says stretching
"What the.."Charles whispered, looking at the door when he heard REQUIEM and a guard. With little choice due to his curiosity spiking, Charles silently slipped out of her room. With a huff he walked over to them,"What the hell is going on?!You're going to wake Alex up."Charles he said a bit snappishly, he looked at the guard and then at REQUIEM. "What did you do?"He asked him, he sounded a lot calmer when he asked REQUIEM. Even if he was slightly irritated with the current situation.
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