I just made this character~
And I'd really like RP with her!
Anyone up for a 1x1 RP with this wonderful little Moonstar Child?";
And I'd really like RP with her!

Khalina Ashralii wrote:
I just made this character~
And I'd really like RP with her!
Anyone up for a 1x1 RP with this wonderful little Moonstar Child?
And I'd really like RP with her!

Possibly.... lol
Such a clear, concise response!

Do you mean 1x1 as in players, or as in characters?
Uh...what do you mean?
'Cause I have lots and lots of friends, silly!
MLP...I know you love it, but it is not within this Moonstar Child's limit.

But... but...

*tosses a carrot*
I don't want your GOSH DARNED CARROT!!

Lol xD *pats*

.... im tempted to feast on you little pink pony

Dude, pinkie would end you.
Cho'gath's hunger can only be matched by Kog'maw's
itsjustgent wrote:
Cho'gath's hunger can only be matched by Kog'maw's
Never mind me, I didn't see the other posts and only saw Gent's. xD Please, feast away
I'm interested, and I have a few characters that I could use off the top of my head, or I could easily custom-make one if you have an idea of what you'd like to do. I don't really have any character profiles up yet, I'm still learning the site.
JayBird wrote:
I'm interested, and I have a few characters that I could use off the top of my head, or I could easily custom-make one if you have an idea of what you'd like to do. I don't really have any character profiles up yet, I'm still learning the site.
First off, if you need any help learning how to make a character profile, let me know!

As for the characters, whether you want to use one you have or make one, it's up to you!

Thanks for the support-y type words. I finally blundered my way through making a page and I think I can manage it now, but I'll keep you in mind if I freak out and forget, if that's okay.
And I've thought about it for a few days, and I think that I'd honestly rather make a new character instead of use or adapt an older one. I think one of my strongest suits RP-wise in making new characters, even if I'm deficient elsewhere. If maybe you had something in mind as to where you'd like to go and in what setting, that would go a long way towards getting me started on making one.
And I've thought about it for a few days, and I think that I'd honestly rather make a new character instead of use or adapt an older one. I think one of my strongest suits RP-wise in making new characters, even if I'm deficient elsewhere. If maybe you had something in mind as to where you'd like to go and in what setting, that would go a long way towards getting me started on making one.
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