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Forums » Looking for RP » Roleplay With This Messed Up Teen?(closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Aiden Hikari (played by Rhythm)

Anyone want to roleplay with this guy?

Aiden isn't your average teenage boy, he has a few issues. He can see a world far beyond what other people can see, a world where everything's ****ed up, and sometimes, he accidentally drags people into this hell he's lived in his whole life. Never in his life has he managed to make a single friend, and due to that, and the mad world (As he calls it) he became antisocial, and scared of the world. Anything, and anyone.

Anyone want to roleplay with this freak show? (will PM plot idea)
Yes, if he is not otherwise busy. I'll need to either roll up or resurrect a character, if you're interested. Feel free to PM me ^-^

Ah, of course! Now..who to use..
Solaris (played by LordFantastic)

maybe I would play with him but would he like to play with some thing from that world?
Aiden Hikari (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

>.> ....seeking..

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